Peter Todd: SPV Client Majority Could Lead to Miner Malfeasance

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This post is a companion to the earlier post on Segregated Witness Benefitsgiving an overview of the technical costs and risks that may be incurred by activating segregated witness via BIP For the purpose of this post, we will use costs to describe negative results that are certain to occur if segwit is deployed and activated, and risks to describe negative impacts that may not happen, or changes that bitcoin spv calculator everyone may consider negative.

When analysing risks, we consider steps undertaken to avoid the risk that is, to minimise the chance of it occurringand steps undertaken to mitigate the risk bitcoin spv calculator is, if it does occur, how the negative impact can be minimised. This post does not attempt to bitcoin spv calculator a conclusion as to whether the benefits outweigh the costs or whether segwit should be deployed or bitcoin spv calculator, but rather to assist by providing background information to assist stakeholders in making informed decisions.

A witness commitment bitcoin spv calculator included in the coinbase transaction, adding between 38 and 47 bytes, or about 0. See BIP - commitment structure. This adds an overhead of 2 bytes per transaction to allow the serialisation formats to be easily distinguished, and an overhead of 1 byte per input for the count of witness items for each input. The segwit transaction formats see BIP - witness program have the following impact when serialised:.

The percentages above are based on a transaction of bytes with bitcoin spv calculator input and one output. The motivation behind the first factor is discussed under Increased security for multisig via pay-to-script-hash P2SH.

This should naturally limit the impact of this overhead in the long term. It is possible to make most of this overhead disappear via changes to the network and storage serialisation formats: With segwit, additional processing is introduced bitcoin spv calculator validating a block in order bitcoin spv calculator to check the witness merkle tree, and to deal with P2SH-encoded witness transactions.

The segwit patch set is a major change to Bitcoin, and was rolled out, though not activated on bitcoin spv calculator main Bitcoin network, in Bitcoin Core 0. Any major change like this runs a variety of risks, including:. For example PR In order to reduce the chances bitcoin spv calculator these risks occurring when segwit is activated, the following steps have been undertaken:. The segwit patch also includes an additional 3, lines of added or modified code in the unit and integration tests that help ensure segwit is functioning as expected on every full build of the Bitcoin Core program.

A major factor bitcoin spv calculator mitigating the impact bitcoin spv calculator any bugs is bitcoin spv calculator segwit is implemented as a soft-fork. Users of Bitcoin can simply avoid newly introduced features until they are personally confident they are implemented correctly, without losing any functionality. The concept of technical debt is that an easy fix now might cause enough difficulty and problems in the long term, that spending more time and effort now will turn out to be more economical.

As noted above, the segwit code has been heavily reviewed, which helps resist the introduction of technical debt at both a code and design level. Also as noted above, segwit has multiple independent reimplementations, which helps discover any unnecessary complexity and technical debt at the point that it can still be avoided.

In support of existing efforts to pay down technical debt by refactoring and improving the Bitcoin codebase, segwit was merged as a code-only update as part of work towards the 0. Bitcoin already suffers from some significant design debt, and segwit is specifically designed to reduce the impact of some of this debt notably transaction malleability, linear scaling of signature hashing, and signing of input values.

Disabling those features would render those transactions unspendable, effectively stealing funds from users. A soft-fork is any change to Bitcoin consensus rules that invalidates some set of previously valid transaction. The primary potential failure modes include:. Numerous soft-forks have already been activated in Bitcoin including BIPs 1634656668, andand this experience has been codified in the BIP9 process for activating soft-forks.

The BIP9 process was used for deploying the CSV soft-fork BIPs 68,andand resulted in a fast and unproblematic upgrade to the consensus rules for that change. The new restrictions imposed by segwit only affect transactions that no one would currently make use of because:. The bitcoin spv calculator transactions would be non-standard, and thus not relayed by the vast majority of nodes or bitcoin spv calculator by most miners. This makes it impossible to achieve double spends of segwit outputs by relaying one transaction through old nodes and a different transaction through segwit nodes.

However, these differences may still be used to attempt a double spend, for example by combining a non-segwit output and a segwit output in a single transaction that will only be relayed via the upgraded segwit nodesthen attempting to double-spend it via a higher fee transaction only using the non-segwit output, which may be successfully relayed via the old nodes.

These concerns only affect unconfirmed transactions in the mempool; once a transaction is confirmed and mined in a block, double spending remains impossible. Existing methods for monitoring double spends should remain equally effective, provided the monitoring tools are able to track segwit spends at all. Ensuring miners mine valid blocks is obviously a high priority to everyone involved, and significant work has gone into guaranteeing this is the case with segwit.

If the segwit soft-fork were reverted after being activated, this could allow anyone who had made segwit transactions to lose funds โ€” for example, a malicious miner could replay the transaction on a chain without segwit enabled, at which point it would be anyone-can-spend, and the miner could then steal the funds by spending it to themselves. There are two ways in which a segwit soft-fork could be reverted after being activated while allowing theft bitcoin spv calculator segwit-enabled transactions:.

Miners could simply use software that does not recognise segwit rules such as earlier versions of Bitcoin Core to mine blocks on top of a chain that has activated segwit. This would be a hard-fork as far as segwit-aware software is concerned, and those blocks would consequently be ignored by Bitcoin users using segwit-aware validating nodes. If there are sufficiently many users using segwit nodes, such a hard-fork would be no more effective than introducing a new alt coin.

Significant work has gone into ensuring that segwit enabled peers will form a strongly connected subgraph of the Bitcoin P2P network. This includes providing a dedicated service bit for witness enabled nodes bitcoin spv calculator preferentially connecting to such nodes. Bitcoin spv calculator updates the 1MB block size limit to a 4M unit block weight limit, counting serialised witness data as one unit, and core block data as four units. These outcomes may have positive attributes more volume allows more user uptake, for examplebut also have possibly significant negatives:.

Larger blocks may bitcoin spv calculator in slower block transmission, resulting in higher orphan rates for miners โ€” this in turn may result in lower security less hashpower required to take over the networkor higher centralisation larger miners being more able to reduce their orphan rate.

Larger blocks will result in higher resource requirements for full nodes, potentially causing users to shut down bitcoin spv calculator nodes, which would result in higher centralisation.

Bitcoin spv calculator UTXO sets will result in higher resource requirements for miners, potentially causing miners to share validation resources, which would result in higher centralisation.

Deployment of Compact Blocks via BIP helps limit the impact of larger blocks on block transmission, and hence orphan rates, bitcoin spv calculator also reduces the bandwidth usage of full nodes. Pruning support allows users to run full nodes without storing the entire history of the blockchain, which allows users who have constrained storage resources to continue running full nodes, even with a larger block size.

Bitcoin spv calculator changes to the signature hashing algorithm used by segwit signatures to avoid quadratic scaling, provides a significant reduction in cost for some large transactions. The deployment of segwit as a soft-fork to ensure bitcoin spv calculator worst-case UTXO growth does not get any worse.

Since the maximum amount of data per block is capped at no more than four times the current rate, mitigation work to address problems that arise from large blocks should be within the bounds of relatively straightforward engineering work. Further, since the expected amount of data per block is only approximately double the current rate, this means any necessary mitigation efforts should be further eased.

There is ongoing work to improve on-disk and network serialisation of transactions and blocks, further reducing the storage and bandwdith requirements of running a full node.

The security of the Bitcoin blockchain is provided by hashpower, which is rewarded by both a fixed block reward and by fees from individual transactions. As a result, decreases in fee income have the potential to reduce the hashpower used to mine Bitcoin, which in turn may lower the security of the Bitcoin blockchain. In so far as the individual transaction fees are determined by market forces and supply and demand, the changes introduced by segwit may risk lowering prices by increasing supply presuming that demand does not also rise, either because of or at least concurrent with segwit deploymentand lower individual prices may result in lower overall mining revenue if the price elasticity of demand is in the inelastic range.

If this leads to users treating layer two solutions as a substitute for on-chain transactions, this may significantly bitcoin spv calculator demand for on-chain transactions, which would put additional downward pressure on transaction fee levels.

Fees are currently approximately 0. In addition, fees have been rising over the past twelve months both in BTC denominated value from under 0. This approach has the potential to prevent any fee decreases due to increased supply or indeed to increase individual fees by reducing supply, though that may not increase overall revenuebut cannot prevent decreases to fee income due to substitution effects such as the adoption of layer two networks.

While layer two networks may act as a substitute for on-chain transactions, they cannot avoid on-chain transactions entirely, and in some scenarios, even these comparatively few on-chain transactions from layer two networks can easily saturate the on-chain capacity with segwit enabled.

Even if only a very small amount bitcoin spv calculator the value of these networks bitcoin spv calculator captured via on-chain transaction fees, this would likely be substantially above the current fee value.

As described above, full adoption of segwit bitcoin spv calculator all transactions is expected to approximately bitcoin spv calculator capacity. This provides a significant one-time increase in capacity, in either the short or medium term, depending on the speed of adoption. In addition, by adding features to enable layer two networks, some additional medium and long term scaling may be achieved.

By fixing the quadratic sighash scaling bug, segwit also reduces the risk of negative impacts due to future capacity increases. Segwit does not, however, provide any direct mechanism for scaling on-chain transaction volume further other than that one-off doubling. This runs this risk that approaches to long-term scaling may be prevented or bitcoin spv calculator Additionally, work that has made the scale increases segwit allows achievable such as bitcoin spv calculator and compact blocks have also, obviously, made further potential scale increases more achievable.

Segwit does not make further scaling any more difficult on any technical level โ€” the risk here is entirely social. As a consequence, the most effective mitigation efforts are likely also social in nature: That segwit enables transaction volume to increase bitcoin spv calculator approximately double current levels also provides the opportunity to demonstrate the actual impact of scaling, such as on node performance, decentralisation, and transaction demand, as well as the speed with which ecosystem upgrades can be undertaken.

This data could reasonably be collected and used to support future scaling efforts, either by showing that some feared outcomes are less likely than expected, or by confirming valid concerns and allowing work to be focused on addressing those concerns.

This section provides a brief comparison with some alternative approaches to achieving some or all of the benefits of segwit, and how those different approaches might bitcoin spv calculator the costs and risks involved. Due to the comparative lack of experience with hard-forks in the Bitcoin community, unexpected risks and costs might also occur, though that is obviously hard to analyse by its very nature.

This would save the bytes from the coinbase transaction, but does not offer any other advantages. Additionally, separate code paths to manage old bitcoin spv calculator transactions would need to be kept, bitcoin spv calculator code complexity and the possibility of bugs. BIPFlexible Transactions presents an alternative approach at gaining some of the benefits of segwit via an SPV-visible hard-fork.

Either approach to a hard-fork would bitcoin spv calculator it possible to simultaneously drastically alter the consensus limits on blocks. Many of the benefits of segwit could logically be separated into independent changes, and evaluated and deployed separately. The implementation requirements for the various features are, however, closely related:. Doing these fixes independently would increase the complexity of the Bitcoin codebase due to the need to handle different features being active at different times on the blockchain; while deploying them concurrently removes this complexity.

Since segwit only allows increased signature bitcoin spv calculator via the updated opcodes, the bitcoin spv calculator opcodes remain naturally limited. In contrast if a capacity increase were applied independently, additional limits would need to be implemented to ensure the increase was safe, likely adding complexity to bitcoin spv calculator and fee calculation. Segregated Witness Costs and Risks by. Introduction Aims Serialisation costs Rationale Future reductions Block validation costs Risk of introducing bugs Avoidance Mitigation Risks related to complexity and technical debt Avoidance Mitigation Risks related to soft-fork deployment Avoidance Risks due to larger blocks Avoidance Mitigation Risks due to lower fees Avoidance Mitigation Risks related to long term scaling Avoidance Mitigation Alternative approaches Hard-forked segwit Simpler segwit.

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The bitcoin network is a peer-to-peer payment network that operates on a cryptographic protocol. Users send and receive bitcoins , the units of currency, by broadcasting digitally signed messages to the network using bitcoin cryptocurrency wallet software. Transactions are recorded into a distributed, replicated public database known as the blockchain , with consensus achieved by a proof-of-work system called mining.

Satoshi Nakamoto , the designer of bitcoin claimed that design and coding of bitcoin begun in The network requires minimal structure to share transactions. An ad hoc decentralized network of volunteers is sufficient. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will. Upon reconnection, a node downloads and verifies new blocks from other nodes to complete its local copy of the blockchain.

A bitcoin is defined by a sequence of digitally signed transactions that began with the bitcoin's creation, as a block reward. The owner of a bitcoin transfers it by digitally signing it over to the next owner using a bitcoin transaction, much like endorsing a traditional bank check. A payee can examine each previous transaction to verify the chain of ownership. Unlike traditional check endorsements, bitcoin transactions are irreversible, which eliminates risk of chargeback fraud.

Although it is possible to handle bitcoins individually, it would be unwieldy to require a separate transaction for every bitcoin in a transaction. Common transactions will have either a single input from a larger previous transaction or multiple inputs combining smaller amounts, and one or two outputs: Any difference between the total input and output amounts of a transaction goes to miners as a transaction fee.

To form a distributed timestamp server as a peer-to-peer network, bitcoin uses a proof-of-work system. The signature is discovered rather than provided by knowledge.

Requiring a proof of work to provide the signature for the blockchain was Satoshi Nakamoto's key innovation. While the average work required increases in inverse proportion to the difficulty target, a hash can always be verified by executing a single round of double SHA For the bitcoin timestamp network, a valid proof of work is found by incrementing a nonce until a value is found that gives the block's hash the required number of leading zero bits.

Once the hashing has produced a valid result, the block cannot be changed without redoing the work. As later blocks are chained after it, the work to change the block would include redoing the work for each subsequent block.

Majority consensus in bitcoin is represented by the longest chain, which required the greatest amount of effort to produce. If a majority of computing power is controlled by honest nodes, the honest chain will grow fastest and outpace any competing chains. To modify a past block, an attacker would have to redo the proof-of-work of that block and all blocks after it and then surpass the work of the honest nodes.

The probability of a slower attacker catching up diminishes exponentially as subsequent blocks are added. To compensate for increasing hardware speed and varying interest in running nodes over time, the difficulty of finding a valid hash is adjusted roughly every two weeks.

If blocks are generated too quickly, the difficulty increases and more hashes are required to make a block and to generate new bitcoins. Bitcoin mining is a competitive endeavor. An " arms race " has been observed through the various hashing technologies that have been used to mine bitcoins: Computing power is often bundled together or "pooled" to reduce variance in miner income.

Individual mining rigs often have to wait for long periods to confirm a block of transactions and receive payment. In a pool, all participating miners get paid every time a participating server solves a block. This payment depends on the amount of work an individual miner contributed to help find that block. Bitcoin data centers prefer to keep a low profile, are dispersed around the world and tend to cluster around the availability of cheap electricity.

In , Mark Gimein estimated electricity consumption to be about To lower the costs, bitcoin miners have set up in places like Iceland where geothermal energy is cheap and cooling Arctic air is free. A rough overview of the process to mine bitcoins is: By convention, the first transaction in a block is a special transaction that produces new bitcoins owned by the creator of the block.

This is the incentive for nodes to support the network. The reward for mining halves every , blocks. It started at 50 bitcoin, dropped to 25 in late and to Various potential attacks on the bitcoin network and its use as a payment system, real or theoretical, have been considered.

The bitcoin protocol includes several features that protect it against some of those attacks, such as unauthorized spending, double spending, forging bitcoins, and tampering with the blockchain. Other attacks, such as theft of private keys, require due care by users. Unauthorized spending is mitigated by bitcoin's implementation of public-private key cryptography. For example; when Alice sends a bitcoin to Bob, Bob becomes the new owner of the bitcoin. Eve observing the transaction might want to spend the bitcoin Bob just received, but she cannot sign the transaction without the knowledge of Bob's private key.

A specific problem that an internet payment system must solve is double-spending , whereby a user pays the same coin to two or more different recipients. An example of such a problem would be if Eve sent a bitcoin to Alice and later sent the same bitcoin to Bob.

The bitcoin network guards against double-spending by recording all bitcoin transfers in a ledger the blockchain that is visible to all users, and ensuring for all transferred bitcoins that they haven't been previously spent. If Eve offers to pay Alice a bitcoin in exchange for goods and signs a corresponding transaction, it is still possible that she also creates a different transaction at the same time sending the same bitcoin to Bob.

By the rules, the network accepts only one of the transactions. This is called a race attack , since there is a race which transaction will be accepted first. Alice can reduce the risk of race attack stipulating that she will not deliver the goods until Eve's payment to Alice appears in the blockchain.

A variant race attack which has been called a Finney attack by reference to Hal Finney requires the participation of a miner. Instead of sending both payment requests to pay Bob and Alice with the same coins to the network, Eve issues only Alice's payment request to the network, while the accomplice tries to mine a block that includes the payment to Bob instead of Alice.

There is a positive probability that the rogue miner will succeed before the network, in which case the payment to Alice will be rejected. As with the plain race attack, Alice can reduce the risk of a Finney attack by waiting for the payment to be included in the blockchain. Each block that is added to the blockchain, starting with the block containing a given transaction, is called a confirmation of that transaction.

Ideally, merchants and services that receive payment in bitcoin should wait for at least one confirmation to be distributed over the network, before assuming that the payment was done. Deanonymisation is a strategy in data mining in which anonymous data is cross-referenced with other sources of data to re-identify the anonymous data source.

Along with transaction graph analysis, which may reveal connections between bitcoin addresses pseudonyms , [20] [25] there is a possible attack [26] which links a user's pseudonym to its IP address.

If the peer is using Tor , the attack includes a method to separate the peer from the Tor network, forcing them to use their real IP address for any further transactions.

The attack makes use of bitcoin mechanisms of relaying peer addresses and anti- DoS protection. Each miner can choose which transactions are included in or exempted from a block. Upon receiving a new transaction a node must validate it: To carry out that check the node needs to access the blockchain. Any user who does not trust his network neighbors, should keep a full local copy of the blockchain, so that any input can be verified.

As noted in Nakamoto's whitepaper, it is possible to verify bitcoin payments without running a full network node simplified payment verification, SPV. A user only needs a copy of the block headers of the longest chain, which are available by querying network nodes until it is apparent that the longest chain has been obtained.

Then, get the Merkle branch linking the transaction to its block. Linking the transaction to a place in the chain demonstrates that a network node has accepted it, and blocks added after it further establish the confirmation. While it is possible to store any digital file in the blockchain, the larger the transaction size, the larger any associated fees become.

The use of bitcoin by criminals has attracted the attention of financial regulators, legislative bodies, law enforcement, and the media.

Senate held a hearing on virtual currencies in November Several news outlets have asserted that the popularity of bitcoins hinges on the ability to use them to purchase illegal goods. A CMU researcher estimated that in , 4. Due to the anonymous nature and the lack of central control on these markets, it is hard to know whether the services are real or just trying to take the bitcoins. Several deep web black markets have been shut by authorities. In October Silk Road was shut down by U. Some black market sites may seek to steal bitcoins from customers.

The bitcoin community branded one site, Sheep Marketplace, as a scam when it prevented withdrawals and shut down after an alleged bitcoins theft.

According to the Internet Watch Foundation , a UK-based charity, bitcoin is used to purchase child pornography, and almost such websites accept it as payment. Bitcoin isn't the sole way to purchase child pornography online, as Troels Oertling, head of the cybercrime unit at Europol , states, "Ukash and Paysafecard Bitcoins may not be ideal for money laundering, because all transactions are public.

In early , an operator of a U. Securities and Exchange Commission charged the company and its founder in "with defrauding investors in a Ponzi scheme involving bitcoin".

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For a broader coverage related to this topic, see Bitcoin. Information technology portal Cryptography portal. Archived from the original on 3 November Retrieved 2 November Retrieved 30 January Retrieved 20 December Financial Cryptography and Data Security.

Retrieved 21 August Retrieved 3 October Retrieved 9 January