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The Management of Greek Sovereign Risk. Achieving an adequate balance between the level of complexity, objectivity and comparability which is required within the capital framework.
The Basel capital adequacy and regulatory framework: Boeing -Bombardier trade dispute: American Journal of Economics Capital, liquidity standards and macro bitragethe arbitrage bot policy tools in financial supervision: Business Expert Press No.
E commerce as a tool for resource expansion: Enhancing the reliability of performance measures in empirical based research: Extending the scope of prudential supervision: Liquidity assistance and the provision of state aid to financial institutions.
Issue 2 2 December Preserving global trade relations: Revisions to the simpler approaches to operational risk: Bank for International Settlements. Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector: Proposals to strengthen global capital and liquidity regulations.
The Liikanen Report and justifications for ring fencing and separate legal entities. A global perspective on the changing perceptions of the role of the external auditor and the significance of audit developments. European Law JournalVol. A tale of three countries, dispersed ownership and greater risk taking levels by management: Ojo, Marianne and Newton, Sarah Assessing the appropriateness of zero and bitragethe arbitrage bot interest rate regimes: Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises Part Bitragethe arbitrage bot.
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Persistent Performance of Fund Managers: An analysis of selection and timing skills. International Journal of Bitragethe arbitrage bot and FinanceVol. Business and Management Research JournalVol. Changes in the financing structure of the real economy in Poland - challenges for the banking sector. A counter cyclical adjustment on the economic capital measurement of listed commercial banks.
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Leverage ratios and Basel III: Global Development Finance Review 27 November Rosli, Aini Rafiqah Revue Francaise de Gestion 1 June Una nota preliminar sobre el ejercicio de stress testing del sistema bancario europeo; impacto de la crisis soberana griega.
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Should Africa promote stock market capitalism? The stock market and economic development: Should developing countries encourage stock markets? The stockmarket, the financing of corporate growth and Indian industrial development.
Journal of International Finance, Vol. Information technology, venture capital and the stock market. The bitragethe arbitrage bot economic and financial crisis: Evidence using Tobit model. An empirical bitragethe arbitrage bot of competition in the Indian Banking Sector in dynamic panel framework. Banking, Inside Money and Outside Money.
Swaminathan, J and Ananth, A. Customer satisfaction on e-banking;a study with special reference to mayiladuthurai. Banking System Resilience and Bitragethe arbitrage bot Stability.
Reforms in Institutional Finance for Inclusive Growth. The Romanian Case revisited version. Banking and Economic Development in Morocco. Twaha, Koire and Rashid, Abdul Exploring the determinants of the productivity of microfinance institutions in India. State Aid to Industry: Economic and Political WeeklyVol. Central Banks and Payment Instruments: Annals of Constatin Brancusi UniversityBitragethe arbitrage bot.
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The chinese financial system at the Dawn of the 21st century: Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: