William McKinley statue (Patigian)
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New experimental research programs in the field of neutrino physics are calling for new detectors with large masses, high energy resolution and good background rejection capabilities. This scintillator consists of microscopic grains of inorganic crystals suspended in an organic scintillating carrier medium.
Due to multiple scattering off the crystals, this scintillator appears opaque over longer distances and is intended for use in specialized detectors. Thanks to the crystal phase it can natively incorporate a large variety of elements in large quantities, so that a sufficiently large detector can reach elemental loadings on the ton- or multiton scale.
At the same time, liquid robotics hawaii mckinley composition can produce very high light outputs and provides additional particle identification capabilities. This scintillator concept is expected to provide significant advantages for future neutrino experiments, like searches of neutrinoless double beta experiments and reactor antineutrino physics.
Submitted 2 July, ; originally announced July Da SilvaF. Rakotozafindrabeet liquid robotics hawaii mckinley. We review the context, the motivations and the expected performances of a comprehensive and ambitious fixed-target program using the multi-TeV proton and ion LHC beams.
We also provide a detailed account of the different possible technical implementations ranging from an liquid robotics hawaii mckinley wire target to a full dedicated beam line extracted with a bent crystal. Review of pages.
Comments and suggestions welcome. Hildenbrandet al. The acceptance of the current experiment is substantially wider compared to the previous measurement of the same colliding system. A seminal quantum computing algorithm by Farhi, Goldstone and Gutmann has demonstrated its realization by means of quantum scattering yielding a quantum algorithm that evaluates the output faster than any classical algorithm.
Further, we extend our molecular platform to show other classical gates that can be realized for quantum computing by scattering on graphs. Submitted 27 June, ; originally announced June Classification of red blood cell shapes in liquid robotics hawaii mckinley using outlier tolerant machine learning. The manual evaluation, classification and counting of biological objects demands for an enormous expenditure of time and subjective human input may be a source of error.
Investigating the shape of red blood cells RBCs in microcapillary Poiseuille flow, we overcome this drawback by introducing a convolutional neural regression network for an automatic, outlier tolerant shape classification. From our experiments we expect two stable geometries: Whereas croissants mostly occur at low shear rates, slippers evolve at higher flow velocities. Using statistically based thresholds, from our data, we obtain so-called phase diagrams which are compared to manual evaluations.
Prospectively, our concept allows us to perform objective analyses of measurements for a variety of flow conditions and to receive comparable results. Moreover, the proposed procedure enables unbiased studies on the influence of drugs on flow properties of single RBCs and the resulting macroscopic change of the flow behavior of whole blood.
Submitted 21 June, ; originally announced June Automatic counting of fission tracks in apatite and muscovite using image processing. One of the major difficulties of automatic track counting using photomicrographs is separating liquid robotics hawaii mckinley tracks.
We address this issue combining image processing algorithms such as skeletonization, and we test our algorithm with several binarization techniques. Submitted 13 June, ; originally announced June Combined feedback and sympathetic cooling of a mechanical oscillator coupled to ultracold atoms. A promising route to novel quantum technologies are hybrid quantum systems, which combine the advantages of several individual quantum systems. We have realized a hybrid atomic-mechanical experiment consisting of a SiN membrane oscillator cryogenically precooled to mK and optically coupled to a cloud of laser cooled Rb atoms.
Furthermore, we characterize in detail the coupling of the membrane to the atoms by means of sympathetic cooling. By simultaneously applying both cooling methods we liquid robotics hawaii mckinley the possibility of preparing the oscillator near the motional ground state while it is coupled to the atoms.
Realistic modifications of our setup will enable the creation of a ground state hybrid quantum system, which opens the door for coherent quantum state transfer, teleportation and entanglement as well as quantum enhanced sensing applications. Liquid robotics hawaii mckinley KumarSven Koenig. The objective is to maximize the number of agents that can reach their given goal vertices from their given start vertices within the deadline, without colliding with each other. We then present two classes of optimal algorithms, one based on a reduction of MAPF-DL to a flow problem and a subsequent compact integer linear programming formulation of the resulting reduced abstracted multi-commodity flow network and the other one based on novel combinatorial search algorithms.
Our empirical results demonstrate liquid robotics hawaii mckinley these MAPF-DL solvers scale well and each one dominates the other ones in different scenarios. Submitted 11 June, ; originally announced June IJCAIto appear. Excitation of whispering gallery magnons in a magnetic vortex. One of the most fascinating topics in current quantum physics are hybridised systems, in which different quantum resonators are strongly coupled. Prominent examples are circular resonators with high quality factors that allow the coupling of optical whispering gallery modes to microwave cavities or magnon resonances in optomagnonics.
Whispering gallery modes play a special role in this endeavour because of their high quality factor and strong localisation, which ultimately increases the overlap of the wavefunctions of quantum particles in hybridised systems. The hybridisation with magnons, the collective quantum excitations of the electron spins in a magnetically ordered material, is of particular interest because magnons can take over two functionalities: However, the observation of whispering gallery magnons has not yet been achieved due to the lack of efficient excitation schemes for magnons with large wave vectors in liquid robotics hawaii mckinley circular geometry.
To tackle this problem, we studied nonlinear 3-magnon scattering as a means liquid robotics hawaii mckinley generate whispering gallery magnons. This Letter discusses the basics of this nonlinear mechanism in a confined, circular geometry from experimental and theoretical point of view.
The starburst galaxy NGC revisited by H. Ait BenkhaliE. Becker TjusD. Brunet al. The data of H. Two scenarios for the starburst nucleus are tested, in which the gas in the starburst nucleus acts as a target for hadronic cosmic rays.
Surgical data science is a scientific discipline with the liquid robotics hawaii mckinley of improving the quality of interventional healthcare and its value through capturing, organization, analysis, and modeling of data. The goal of the 1st workshop on Surgical Data Science was to bring together researchers working on diverse topics in surgical data science in order to discuss existing challenges, potential standards and new research directions in the field. Inspired by current open space and think tank formats, it was organized in June in Heidelberg.
While the first day of the workshop, which was dominated by interactive sessions, was open to the public, liquid robotics hawaii mckinley second day was reserved for a board meeting on which the information gathered on the public day was processed by 1 discussing remaining open issues, 2 deriving a joint definition for surgical data science and 3 proposing potential strategies for advancing the field.
This document summarizes the key findings. Submitted 8 June, ; originally announced June Bykadorova TellesJ. Febbraroet al. Submitted 15 June, ; v1 submitted 7 June, ; originally announced June Geometric scaling of elastic instabilities in the Taylor-Couette geometry: A theoretical, liquid robotics hawaii mckinley and numerical study. We investigate the curvature-dependence of the visco-elastic Taylor-Couette instability. The radius of curvature is changed over liquid robotics hawaii mckinley a decade and the critical Weissenberg numbers of the first linear instability are determined.
Experiments are performed with a variety of polymer solutions and the scaling of the critical Weissenberg number with the curvature against the prediction of the Pakdel-McKinley criterion is assessed.
We revisit the linear stability analysis based on the Oldroyd-B model and find, surprisingly, that the experimentally observed scaling is not as clearly recovered. We extend the constitutive equation to a two-mode model by incorporating the PTT model into our analysis to reproduce the rheological behaviour of our fluid, but still find no agreement between the linear stability analysis and experiments.
We also demonstrate that that conclusion is not altered by the presence of inertia or viscous heating. The Pakdel-McKinley criterion, on the other hand, shows a very good agreement with the data.
Submitted 1 June, ; originally announced June Submitted 30 June, ; v1 submitted 29 May, ; originally announced May Benefits of Heavy-tailed Mutation Operators. A core feature of evolutionary algorithms is their mutation operator. Recently, much attention has been devoted liquid robotics hawaii mckinley the study of mutation operators with dynamic and non-uniform mutation rates. This performance matches that of combinatorial local search algorithms specifically designed to solve this problem.
In comparison with uniform mutation and a recently proposed dynamic scheme our operator comes out on top on these instances. Submitted 28 May, ; originally announced May Aguar BartolomeZ. Glazieret al.
Photoproduction of mesons off quasi-free nucleons bound in the deuteron allows to study the electromagnetic excitation spectrum of the neutron and the isospin structure of the excitation of nucleon resonances. The database for such reactions is much more sparse than for free proton targets. Nuclear effects were investigated by a comparison of the results for free protons and quasi-free protons and used as a correction for the quasi-free neutron data.
The experiment was performed at the tagged photon beam of the Mainz MAMI accelerator for photon energies between 0. A complete liquid robotics hawaii mckinley reconstruction of the final state removed the effects of Fermi motion. The results demonstrate clearly the importance of a measurement of the fully neutral final state for the isospin decomposition of the cross section.
Model refits, for example from the Bonn-Gatchina analysis, show that the new and the previous data for the other three isospin channels can be liquid robotics hawaii mckinley described when the contributions of several partial waves are modified. The results are also relevant for the suppression of the higher resonance bumps in total photoabsorption on nuclei, which are not well understood. Submitted 26 May, ; originally announced May Junhan KimDaniel P. MarroneLiquid robotics hawaii mckinley L.
CrawfordGeoffrey B. CrewSheperd S. DoelemanVincent L.