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I'm trying to get in to cryptocurrency's, I tired to create a CoinSpot account but I can't complete the verification as I don't have a drivers license. What alternatives to CoinSpot would you recommend, that don't require a drivers license or passport? Otherwise, I think you can also try Coinbase, but I'm having one hell of a time passing their bank verification. Thanks for the reply, Buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water look in to it.

I don't have a passport: I don't have a driver's license and have had to submit documents online a handful of times. They've always accepted my proof of age ID with no hassles or questions. Give it a go. Could you help me out?

The online system Green ID insists on getting either an Australian driving license or a Medicare card, neither of which I have as an international student.

I have e-mailed support asking about it, and offering the usual passport buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water utility bill verification, but they refused to help me, and insisted that I can just get a medicare card. Anyone considering ethereum too? Basically I'll send you the money via direct deposit and then you can purchase the bitcoins and ethereum for me. Make an account on Poloneix and localbitcoins, buy some BTC…send to poloneix and buy some coins. But anyways ethereum what I am after.

Wow, look at the price now! Talk about high cost of entry! I'm looking into the other cryptos at the moment how I ended up here. If you ever find a way to do let me know I'd like to put a little bit in with you if that's ok of course otherwise good luck my man.

Yeah I've been looking in to it, I'm a student on youth allowance, I don't know how tax would work out and everything and having to notify Centerlink. I'm leaning towards the two brokers belldirect and mcm markets. I don't know what stocks to buy though, well I was thinking acxiom, thinking that they would be a pretty good long term investment.

Still, you have to start somewhere. Not sure if you're into eSports, but there buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water a company with good prospects called ESH. Obviously the whole point would be buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water do your own research and determine if the share price will rise. You can join the HotCopper forums and start reading. I sold all my Bitcoin yesterday. You've missed the boat, it's in a bubble. Once everyone starts talking about it you know it's close to buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water top.

Nope still early days imho. The simple fact is that nobody knows. Certainly feels like a bubble is forming but we've no idea how big it will get before it pops or possibly even slowly deflates. But just because you know the music will stop sometime, buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water mean that you shouldn't enjoy a quick dance.

Something that does scare me though is people leveraging crypto through margin trading. It's already volatile enough. No need to ramp things up. I have signed up for at CoinJar. I also have been using www. They don't have an app, and you have to use the desktop site to do most of the work, so its feels inconvenient. The plus side is that they have a pretty good rate compared to other places.

I have used them to transfer money in, and then send that to my other accounts. I recently just got into this after losing having used BitCoin inand then continually hearing how I could have been a millionaire. I was bitter, but now I'm curious. After looking at the crazy spike and the spikes of other BitCoins, it seems that everyone's getting in and there is a bubble on the way.

The fact that I saw this post, makes me think that I got hyped in too. I'm thinking to just test the waters, spend some money trying to understand things and after the incoming crash, to buy up some BitCoin and some other popular altcoins. I'm sure there's a future in this, but its probably not a good time to start at the buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water.

Yeah I too am suspecting the bubble is going to pop very soon, it's why I reeeally wanted to get in then sell out about a week or 2 later. I mainly use btcmarkets. Once youve used them a bit, you can ask for a higher Poli limit or bank deposit details no fee. I've had more problems passing the ID requirements for BTC exchanges than I have for any bank or any government agency or anybody, period. It is ridiculous- buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water much for being anonymous.

I'm verified now at a couple of exchanges but if I had my time over again I would only use localbitcoin- no POI bulldust. I get your point even upvoted but without leverage he would have made a tidy profit. With leverage he would have been wiped out at the first dip. It's irresponsible for OP to blindly trade x leverage without doing further research.

Hi guys - I'm using coinspot. Tried to open an account with BTC markets but their verification is a joke! They send you an actual letter as part of their verification process! Two weeks went by and didn't receive anything. I opened the account with Coinspot and had a verified account within 3 hrs.

They also offer different verification options. All trademarks are owned by their respective owners. OzBargain is an independent community buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water which has no association with nor endorsement by the respective trademark owners. Help getting in to cryptocurrency's. Hey all, thanks for reading my post. Why would anyone do that for you with basically no brokerage fees?

Don't worry bitcoin will buy bitcoin australia whirlpool water again. Just trawling through this old post. Take the money you have set aside to invest in cryptocurrencies. Put it in a basket. Cover in petrol and set on fire. Get a real skill and invest in stocks, more to learn and you sound young.

IMHO there's still a bit of room in there but then again it could all fall apart tomorrow. Definitely a risk and the more it rises, the nearer we get to that point. Shame I sold all my Bitcoin yesterday.

Coinbase are having issues right now with their sign up and verification process. I have had the similar issues with coinspot. To be verified you will need to: Thank you everyone for all you help, and for the great extra info, cheers all: Make sure you use high leverage to maximize your profits, i suggest bitmex, x leverage. Or learn about technical analysis and practise before putting real money in.

Pretty sure this advice could've let you retire by now? Haha, true, good point!

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Bitcoin is a distributed peer-to-peer digital currency that can be transferred instantly and securely between any two people in the world. It's like electronic cash that you can use to pay friends or merchants. How bitcoin works under the hood http: Bitcoin is one of the first implementations of a concept called crypto-currency, which was first described in by Wei Dai on the cypherpunks mailing list. Building upon the notion that money is any object, or any sort of record, accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context, Bitcoin is designed around the idea of a new form of money that uses cryptography to control its creation and transactions, rather than relying on central authorities.

In , the first Bitcoin specification and proof of concept was published in a cryptography mailing list by a member under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. Towards the end of Satoshi left the project saying he had moved on to other things. The creator of Bitcoin never revealed his identity and simply left his invention to the world. The origin and the motivation behind Bitcoin is still today a great source of mystery.

Since , the Bitcoin community has grown with many developers working on the project. During June and July , Bitcoin suddenly gained media attention leading to a massive buy rally. The price is determined on several markets exchanges as buyers and sellers are matched and swap bitcoin for other currencies. This has made it popular with investment speculators, despite its primary use as a currency.

Google has the current rate. Today, the Bitcoin economy is developing quickly with new users and merchants joining every day, including Dell, Expedia, Overstock, Newegg, Cheapair and many local shops on Coinmap.

In Bitcoin ATMs became available — usually allowing the purchase of bitcoin with cash, and sometimes allowing the 'withdrawal' selling of bitcoin to get cash. These rules are enforced collectively by the network.

While they will not change for Bitcoin, other digital currencies using the same technology may change them to suit their needs. The network has been running for more than 45 months, yielding some impressive security features. There has been especially significant growth over the last year. As of February , here are some statistics. The three basic steps to start using Bitcoin are as follows: Can I get any free coins? Not in a large quantity though, small amounts for testing through 'faucets' — http: Can I purchase Bitcoins with Paypal or credit card?

As transactions can be reversed credit cards but not with Bitcoin, it will be unlikely you will find many traders willing to take the risk. WeUseCoins — Good place to start — https: Which wallet you choose depends on how you are planning to use it — i. Here are the simplest options:. Hive wallet — Mac, iOS and Android — simple to use https: Online wallets are web-based and you rely on the host to keep your wallet secure.

Some have mobile clients but your wallet is still stored online. Bitcoin Wallet — https: Hardware wallets store your coins in cold storage. Hardware wallets have an advantage over regular cold storage since the private keys are internally stored on the trezor device and only actual transactions are broadcast — eg. All transactions are completed on the trezor device itself and then it will broadcast only the completed transaction. Trezors can even be used on fully compromised machines and you'd still be protected.

BTC Markets — https: Buy Bitcoins today via POLi and bank transfer. Also trade Ethereum and Litecoin. Independent Reserve — https: You can find a full list of Australian exchanges here: Pooled mining explained — https: Find them here — http: Bitcoin is not recommended by or affiliated with Whirlpool, this is simply a guide for those that are interested in learning more.

Technical features These are the basic features of Bitcoin Bitcoins can be transferred between arbitrary 'accounts' addresses on the network. The network is spread around the world on many bitcoin computers — a bit like the world wide web — there is no organisation, bank or company that runs the whole thing Once a transfer is made, there is essentially no "charge-back" fraud possible, unlike credit cards The holder of the addresses transfers funds using a special code like a PIN called a private key Addresses and private keys are kept together in software called a 'wallet' Transactions are irreversible — like handing someone cash Double spending is prevented by using a blockchain public ledger.

Transactions are broadcast within seconds can usually be used within seconds and verified within 10 to 60 minutes — e. Mining also secures the network. Transactions can be received at any time regardless of whether your computer is turned on or off. Transactions can even be sent to a 'paper wallet'.

A paper wallet is an address and private key like a PIN written on paper, instead of in a computer. Fees are tiny e. It's possible to send a transaction without a fee but it may take a couple of days to go through The fact that a transaction went through can be verified by anyone, and cannot be forged without the sender's private key The basic unit is called the 'bitcoin' BTC or XBT.

However unlike dollars and cents, it can be split up into a million 'bits', with satoshis. The smallest payment is therefore a tiny fraction of a cent. Economic rules These rules are enforced collectively by the network. Hard limit of about 21 million bitcoins. Bitcoins are divisible to 8 decimal places yielding a total of approx. Transactions are cheap, and mostly free.

Statistics The network has been running for more than 45 months, yielding some impressive security features. Long block chain more than , blocks. A very detailed guide to get you started is here — https: Here are the simplest options: Buy Bitcoins in Australia CoinLoft — https: Easy to use https: Exchanges BTC Markets — https: