Mining Ethereum Just Got Easy
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Only cuda device support! For 64 bit windows. It is created automatically on the GPU. This means that every ethereum cudaminer download, 36 seconds miner will work on the developer's wallet. Use this command line parameter: Only Stratum protocol is supported.
Ex, -wrk 1 -wlt Wallet address. Need for dwarfpool for example. Ex, -eml x -int The intensity of mining. Use 18 default for the comfort of the whole system. And 19,20 for the GPU more loads. Ex, -int 18 -wsz Worksize. The number of threads per block. Always a multiple of Using the value 64, defaultLatest versions of Genoil's miner do not need DAG file, they generate it too.
It only works with dwarfpool. So what's the point of switching? Mate, you really need to test your product on more than just one card and one pool before trying to commercialize on it.
English is not my native language. But seriously, the Etarminer gives the best result for the Kepler architecture in comparison with other miners. It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! August edited August in Ethereum cudaminer download. Post edited by Etar on August In miners from Genoil lower speed, and the need to create and store a file DAG. Hehe, bad timing with Claymore 6. Tryna jump on the claymore collecting fee shit.
Very interesting, but I only get 4. Using windows 10, and I have experienced bad hashrates in Windows 10 before. Anyone tried a in Windows 7 with this miner? I was just wondering if there is ethereum cudaminer download problem with my or ethereum cudaminer download it's a problem with Windows Windows 7 x64, drivers And the hashrate fluctuates now and then, it might be the other day, but still.
Ethereum cudaminer download this is stable it seems like ethereum cudaminer download Not in WIndows 10 you don't. August edited August I've tried these new settings: Genoil 0xebbffdab3dfb4d Member Posts: Oh I should have known you were actually going to try and sell this when you asked me ethereum cudaminer download help the other day! Your profile picture is pretty awesome by the way. I wrote more than 30 variants of the kernel and your help was no longer ethereum cudaminer download.
Maybe if you said a couple of weeks earlier, it would have helped. And by the time the miner has already been released You told me August 26 A miner was released 2 weeks earlier.
And what you sell me like? I'm curious has anyone bought this? I fail to see the point of this miner, Why not use genoil or claymore? Sign In or Ethereum cudaminer download to comment.