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Pyramids are only good for those at the top. In short, I was skeptical. Still, as someone on a perpetual lookout for lazy and socially unproductive ways of making money, I knew I had to check it out.
In practice, some users pool their computing power for this task. There is a theoretical limit to the total amount of Bitcoins that can enter circulation: Second, they offer real advantages over conventional currencies. There are no banking or transfer charges, because you are your own bank. This anonymity means that you can, in relative ease and safety, avail yourself of online black markets selling all kinds of cool shit of dubious legality.
In the ensuing panic, dozens of others left of their own accord, voluntarily restricting access to US players to avoid any legal ramifications. But a few continue to operate here. Perhaps the most interesting case is that of Seals with Clubs , a site where you gamble with Bitcoins. This is an example of an innovative and dynamic enterprise that has bypassed real life problems to create a product that people enjoy and that is likely to continue to grow, especially if governments start taking a harder line against online poker.
Incidentally, the games at Seals seem to be very soft, even at high stakes — or at least that is the impression I got from observing them for 15 minutes or so. Definitely something to look into if you get some portion of your income from poker. I will retrace the journey, should you wish to undertake it yourself. It makes your online comings and goings untraceable more or less by bouncing it off multiple proxies.
Or something like that. Its most interesting component are the black markets that sell stuff that is frequently illegal or semi-legal in the real world, e. The address as of the time you read this article can be found easily enough by Googling.
After undergoing an easy registration process, you open up to this page:. The sellers have ratings as on Amazon or Yelp which is how they build up reputation.
Enough negative reviews — and the dealer no longer has any customers, and goes out of business. Some even have refund policies if you are unhappy with your product. It even has a code of ethics, of sort.
You may be shocked to find listings here that are outlawed in your jurisdiction. In fact, we have a very strict code of conduct that, if given a chance, most people I think would agree with.
In the spirit of those rules, there are some things you will never see here, and if you do please report them. They include child pornography, stolen goods, assassinations and stolen personal information, just to name a few. We also hold our members to the highest standards of personal conduct and work tirelessly to prevent, root out and stop any scammers that may try to prey upon others. This of course means really hardcore stuff that is of questionable legality or child porn which is completely illegal.
Obviously purveyors of the latter should all be rounded up and shot, but there is no obvious way to do this. Just to clarify, while I saw some links to this stuff on the Hidden Wiki, I did not click on them of course. Hacked Paypal accounts, credit card details, personal identities, etc. Anybody who plays anything other than poker in an online casino is an idiot. Yes, I actually did find a website purporting to offer contract killings from the Hidden Wiki.
There was a veritable price menu for different marks: If so, kudos for creativity! They seem to be legit. Highly illegal, of course. Hope you found you found this account of my adventures in the deep web useful. But there are important caveats. Yes, the Silk Road is big, but the drug transactions there go into the hundreds of millions , not the hundreds of billions. I would imagine that scales are similar or less for the other categories.
If a product is legal, there is no particular incentive to trade it on the deep web, where traffic is much lower than on the normal Internet.
But what do I know? There are widely divergent views on them. On the one side you have the Cathedral, the representatives of bourgeois sensibilities, who insist that it is nothing but electrons and government paper is much better. My own two cents is much more modest. The future value of Bitcoins as they are currently construed will essentially depend on demand for them as a means of convenient, anonymous online transactions: In that case, demand for Bitcoins will plummet.
Another, not non-negligible probability scenario is that the US will outlaw Bitcoins for being an illegitimate alternate currency. More useful than useless crypto-analytic exercises that produce Bitcoins, and it can theoretically continue forever. And I discovered some rather interesting things. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. After undergoing an easy registration process, you open up to this page: A much more interesting topic for discussion is: Poker And Capitalism Book Review: Return to top of page.