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The tuition costs 30, to 40, dollars. Moreover, the Valley of the Apurimac and Ene or VRAE that is made up of towns from four different states, between the central mountain range and the southern jungle, accounts for more than 50 percent of the country's production. According to Devida, the drug-fighting organization in Peru, there are more than 20, cultivated hectares and liquid marketing digital peru laboratories. In November the government of Ollanta Humala began announcing more and more seizures of small Bolivian drug-smuggling planes in the jungle.
The government also reports the destruction of makeshift airstrips. Devida consultant Alberto Hart, however, said the airfields are "rebuilt within five days on the same spot or in another area. Before, the drug cartels handled construction and maintenance. But now they have outsourced the work. When the cartels get to a village they ask the residents to build for them in exchange for 10, dollars per flight.
Other secret airports have been found outside of the VRAE, especially in liquid marketing digital peru central jungle where the topography is flatter. Mochileros, or backpackers, who transport drug cargo by land or waterways from the VRAE to the secret airports are mostly women and youths.
The civilians and military personnel in the region frequently receive emailed reports of underage persons who have been arrested for drug smuggling. He mentioned the Mexican Sinaloa cartel in particular. According to Hart, a diplomat at the Peruvian Chancery who has been assigned this sector, "60 percent of Peruvian drug production goes to Europe.
The new routes are ingestion and luggage going to the Baltics- Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia. From there the product heads to the more lucrative markets like Italy, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. At a Devida press conference on Wednesday, Alejandro Vassilaqui, director of a private organization for the prevention of drug use, talked about the recent seizure of Peruvian drug cargo in Serbia to emphasize the variety of routes liquid marketing digital peru destinations.
Inserbia reported that customs in Belgrade found liquid cocaine camouflaged in a dried fruits shipment - plastic bags covered in sesame seeds. There are 60 to small Peruvian organizations who own some part of that business from seed to planting to harvest to liquid marketing digital peru for retail. In the southern Andes it's a network of young people, women, men, donkeys, convoys, tourists, who move around to get the drug out.
Devida estimates that there are about 60, people and 12, families involved in the drug trafficking networks of the VRAE. Bolivian anti-drug task force seized kilograms of drugs, four light aircrafts and fuel in a raid north of La Paz.
A dozen people were arrested, including a Peruvian pilot. The operation is one of the toughest blows for the drug trade. The detained are in custody, awaiting their first court date. Still, the authorities did not give credence to the news and preferred to wait for evidence pointing toward a foreign cartel presence on Bolivian soil.
The Police discovered that the drug dealers were making three or liquid marketing digital peru flights each day from Alto Huallaga or Puno to clandestine airstrips in the northern part of the Bolivian Amazon. Secret airports in La Paz, Beni, Pando y Santa Cruz received and then flew out the cargo to other countries in the region, mainly to Brazil and Paraguay. Then liquid marketing digital peru more planes brought fuel and foods - each one landing about 30 minutes after the other.
The passengers aboard the last plane detoured toward the nearby woods in an attempt to escape. Bolivia, like Liquid marketing digital peru and Peru, produces the coca plant. Cultivation takes up at least 27, hectares in the Yungas mountain range a nd Chapare region north of La Paz.
About 12, tons are set aside for traditional consumption while 90 percent of the rest is used for liquid marketing digital peru production. About 90 percent of foreigners detained in Peru, whether they are sentenced or not, are arrested on drug trafficking charges, according to a study from the National Penitentiary Institute.
Out of the foreigners liquid marketing digital peru in Peru inwere Spaniards -- men, 41 women. Colombia and Mexico account for the largest number of Latin American foreign prisoners in Peru. Lima 17 ENE - A Bolivian plane confiscated in the jungle in Peru.