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After seeing that Dogecoin daily chart light up my screens during the little selloff that kicked off our week, I couldn't help myself. No way my Steemit friends. It's all in Dogecoin for me now! Click that blog to my Dogecoin blog the other day and look at how price reacted to trend line support by comparing it to today's daily chart below:. Now in all seriousness, I'm not saying that Dogecoin is the next Litecoin After higher time frame support held, here is an intraday retest of short term resistance turned support.
Unfortunately my forex broker doesn't offer Dogecoin on margin lololol!!!!! If chart setups that I've spoken about before are related out then I'll leave them here.
Check out the DXY! Please leave a comment with dogecoin to usd chart ideas dogecoin to usd chart just share a chart. Blogging about markets is all about sharing ideas and making us see all possible angles. I look forward to having you follow along and reading what you throw at me.
Lol, as much as everyone want doge to succeed, they wont. Take your profits and run now you still can. Yeah, this isn't an up and comer.
But the fact it's holding up like it is, shows that it isn't to be discounted. I'm happy to keep it as a tiny slither of my portfolio and will be using it as a payment currency where I dogecoin to usd chart in the future. Japan Shiba Inu is paying attention only to motif coins. It is also one of the coins I want to possess, although I do not have possession at the moment.
It would be great if you could point out if there are difficult to understand expressions or wrong expressions. I've done a bit of reading on the unlimited supply factor and am leaning toward it being a good thing for stability and longevity of the coin. Well there's no going back now. I'm a full-blown Dogecoin enthusiast! Click that blog to my Dogecoin blog the other day and look at how price reacted to trend line support by comparing it to today's daily chart below: Something that I want to dogecoin to usd chart a part of: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
Dogecoin to the moon, such wow. The doge is back coming!? What do you mean coming back? The Doge never left! Spoken like a typical duck. It is very cheap and easy to obtain. Dogecoin to usd chart is a perfect starting place. Dogecoin isn't going to disappear: Much moon, such wow! My dogecoin will now be worth a fortune.