Category:Pokémon that evolve by trading with a held item
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I've added Sliggoo's data to Pokemon. I want both conditions to make it so Goomy evolves around level 40 in the rain. How would i go about this? You said you created rain as an evolution method Show us your code. I already had Custom1 changed to "Rain" as can be seen here: An evolution is a set of three things, as follows: You've repeated thing 2 " Get rid of one of them.
The fundamental problem here is that you've got one too many parameters for an evolution. It worked fine, the game started up but when i went to evolve Goomy, i got the error: Not sure what the arguments are.
Did you try looking at the wiki http: It has an example of how to implement exactly this kind of evolution method. Tried both of these goodra pokemon evolve by trade, keep getting the Argument Error that i posted above when trying goodra pokemon evolve by trade evolve the goomy. Goodra pokemon evolve by trade have done this exactly as Maruno and p. It seems that "Rain,Level," is the problem. Also, as a sidenote, Sliggoo evolves into Goodra at level 50, not The game starts up fine but i cannot evolve goomy without getting the argument error.
I set goomy to evolve into sliggoo in the rain to test out the evolution method because I haven't programmed Goodra into the game yet. Did you start a new game? It didn't make a difference. What does your PBS Pokemon. An argument error usually tells you wether you have the right amount of "arguments" or things after a comma, in your case, 0 out of Which is wrong in any case.
I did all this in a fresh Essentials v You've done something wrong So unfortunately, I doubt goodra pokemon evolve by trade here can help you. The steps taken are as simple as 1,2, But you've messed up somewhere.
There is nothing wrong with your pokemon. The script you should have in PokemonEvolution script section, should be: Your Compiler and not PokemonEditor script, should look like this: Thank you so much: Glad I could help. Maybe next time you give us the required information so we can help better. I have the same problem! It means either the format you have for a pokemon's evolution is improper, or the evolution method in your pokemon.