Create your very own Bitcoin node with Ubuntu on a VPS

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Looking for work in Prague, Czech Republic? Get in touch and let's talk, chill degreesofzero. The bitcoind package that is available in the universal Ubuntu repositories is a very old version. You could add the bitcoin PPA and then install bitcoind from that; this will get you a stable version of bitcoind that is at most a month or two old. But, if you're the extra careful type, it doesn't hurt your peace-of-mind to have built bitcoind from source yourself. This tutorial assumes you've already built bitcoind from source.

If you haven't done that, go ahead and do that now. To get add - apt - repository , which we will use later to add the bitcoin PPA:. Add the bitcoin PPA to get access to the libdb4. If you're reading this from the future, you may want to check with the readme file s to verify that you have all the required dependencies; they may have changed since this article was written.

Before starting bitcoind, you'll want to create the bitcoin. Add the following to bitcoin. If all is well, Bitcoin server starting should be printed to the terminal. If you receive error: It's important to note that you may wish to take additional steps to secure your bitcoin installation.

These steps may vary depending upon the purpose of the installation. I will cover this topic in future articles. The best way to reach me is by email. I will do my best to respond within a reasonable amount of time.

Dependencies To get add - apt - repository , which we will use later to add the bitcoin PPA: Starting bitcoind Now you're ready to start bitcoind. Simply enter the following in your terminal: To view info about your bitcoind instance enter the following: To view a list of all available commands: Contact The best way to reach me is by email.