Bitcoin Exchange Operator Sentenced to 16 Months in Prison for Money Laundering
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A kingpin of the ill-fated Coin. Anthony Murgio, 33, of Mx exchange bitcoin for cash, US, will spend up to the next five and a half years behind bars for his role at Coin. The stretch is significantly less than what prosecutors had sought. At one point, Murgio was facing as long as 20 years, and at sentencing the prosecution had asked for at least 10 years. Apparently, Murgio's own remorse — as well as his generosity towards friends and family — played a part in getting mx exchange bitcoin for cash reduced sentence.
In January this year, Murgio admitted to overseeing the Coin. In a New York court, he pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy, wire fraud, bank fraud, and bribery.
Later in March, his co-conspirators at Coin. Earlier in October, Murgio's dad Mike pled mx exchange bitcoin for cash to making a false statement in relation to the running of an illegal bitcoin exchange.
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