Rumors or Facts? China Reportedly Moves to Block Access to All Major Bitcoin Exchanges
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The cryptocurrency landscape is full of speculations and controversies, but there are particular events that stand out for the the very reason that ip significant bitstamps confound us. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies is astounding, and within a comparatively smaller existence they have snatched up close to billion dollars owing mostly to a huge inflow of investments.
With this rise is popularity, new exchanges are popping up frequently, and cryptocurrency participants have their own set of favorites from among this varied list of exchanges. There are a few top exchanges that still command respect owing to their service, resilience and reach. Yet, with the advantage of being favored among the masses comes the pitfall of being targets to attackers, spammers and scammers.
And because of the vast amount of crypto funds they deal ip significant bitstamps, they need to ip significant bitstamps vigilant at all times. One of the more popular Bitcoin exchanges, Bitstamp is a European exchange registered in the UK and ip significant bitstamps in the year Unprepared and unaware, the folks at Bitstamp where faced with the ip significant bitstamps news that around 19, Bitcoins were stolen from the operational wallet.
The Bitcoins at that time were worth nearly 5 Million dollars, but imagine the magnitude of the hack at the current price of Bitcoins. To make matters worse and raising fingers at the security policies and mechanisms of the firm, the Bitcoins were apparently stolen through a simple phishing attack. The exchange suspended trading and warned users not to deposit any Bitcoins to the addresses which had been previously issued by them.
Concerned stakeholders and ip significant bitstamps customers were initially left in the dark, many wanting to take their money out but unable to do so. The company did not come out with an immediate response, raising the anxiety of everyone involved.
What worried the people more ip significant bitstamps that they assumed that this might turn out to be another Mount Gox situation, which would have truly been a major disaster. This is the message sent out by Co-founder and chief executive Nejc Kodric to prvoide some assurance to customers:.
Undoubtedly, the reputation of Bitstamp took a hit due to this hack, yet the consolation was that the customers funds stored on offline reserves would be enough to ip significant bitstamps the Bitcoins that were compromised from the online system. An unconfirmed ip significant bitstamps report was making the rounds of the internet, giving insight into the manner and details of the Bitstamp breach, but the document which was available on Scribd and Reddit has since been removed.
When opened, this script ran automatically and pulled down a malicious file from IP address Till today, the exchange has not been forthcoming about the details of the hack and it remains a mystery. Even to this day, exchanges are not foolproof to hacks, and as technology advances, so is the need to upgrade security measures. It is often advised to secure major portion of your cryptocurrency funds in safer offline cold storage.
Please drop comments down below and let us know your thoughts about this new series of conspiracy articles and also any particular conspiracy you would want us to fish out and write about. I haven't trusted BitStamp since when they held up a bitcoin withdrawal for weeks.
The Bitstamp Hack Conspiracy The cryptocurrency landscape is full of speculations and controversies, but there are particular events that stand out for the the very reason that they confound us.
Bitstamp One of the more popular Bitcoin exchanges, Bitstamp is a European exchange registered in the UK and founded in the year Source The Bitstamp Hack Unprepared and unaware, the folks ip significant bitstamps Bitstamp where faced with the grave news that around 19, Bitcoins were stolen from the operational wallet. Lack of details The exchange refrained from spilling details on the nature of the hack, citing confidentiality. Ip significant bitstamps is the message sent out by Co-founder and chief executive Nejc Kodric to prvoide some assurance to customers: The details raise concerns ip significant bitstamps the security and safety of funds stored on exchanges.
Takeaway Even to this day, exchanges are not foolproof to hacks, and as technology advances, so is the need to upgrade security measures. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I am just a bot trying to be helpful. How to store bitcoin in cold storage??? I stored most of my bitcoins in exchange wallet.