Litecoin price prediction: Litecoin outperforms in April -Tue May 08
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I wrote this last Tuesday, but held off publishing because no exchanges actually allowed Litecoin Cash LCC deposits, making this process pointless. Many in the cryptocurrency community consider forks like these to be simple cash grabs at best, and potential scams at worst. But in the meantime, those of us holding Litecoin at the time of the fork now also have some Litecoin Cash 10x as much, to be exact—if you had 10 LTC when the fork occurred, you now also have LCC. No doubt most of you have been following the explosive increase in cryptocurrency valuations over the past month.
Litecoin has similarly more than doubled in value. Less than a month after I published my correction predictionprices started to decline, and a few months later they were back to roughly pre-bubble levels. Lots of folks that bought BTC or LTC during the insane price run-up decided to panic sell on the way down, and some people lost a considerable amount of money.
A recent press release hinted that Coinbase might be eyeing LTC, but this is the first time Armstrong has publicly acknowledged implementation plans. No time frame was mentioned, but this is good news for Litecoin regardless! Coinbase is widely regarded as the premier Bitcoin exchange.
Last July, they added support for Ethereum, prompting many to wonder when or if support for Litecoin was coming. The press release seems to be confirmation that Coinbase is at least laying the groundwork for LTC support.
Forbes published an article today that highlights the tremendous earning power of Litecoin for anyone that had the foresight to buy-in a year ago—it handily beat out top stocks, gold, and even Bitcoin to earn its spot as the top investment of The best way to spend a c-note on January 1, was on competing cryptocurrency Litecoin.
No doubt many of you did tremendously well with Litecoin last year. Hopefully will continue the trend! There will very likely litecoin price prediction 2013 a correction at some point in the near future.
In my opinion, before these kinds of valuations are justified, we need to see litecoin price prediction 2013 more acceptance of cryptocurrency from merchants, and we need consumers that are willing to actually spend their coins on everyday purchases—instead of hoarding them in litecoin price prediction 2013 hopes of a huge payday. In the case of altcoins, we also need litecoin price prediction 2013 support from the major trustworthy payment processors and exchanges.
Progress is being made on all fronts, but we have quite a ways to go. Trying to time the market requires a lot of luck, and will likely result in regret for most of those that attempt it. If you agree that Litecoin has a potentially bright future, then the best litecoin price prediction 2013 for most litecoin price prediction 2013 you is to simply not panic when the inevitable correction happens.
Keep calm and continue mining. Looks litecoin price prediction 2013 Max Keiser agrees with my long-term prediction for Litecoin. Read on for a basic guide on how to safely sell your LCC. Is this another cryptocurrency bubble? Coinbase to finally offer support for Litecoin?
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