Nano Nitrous Systems
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Do the bottles have siphon tubes? X2 Disconnect the bottle, remove from the sled, Stand the bottle right-side-up on the garage floor, crack open the valve, see if it sprays out "frosty" or clear air. Then turn it upside down, look for same. Nano bottle nitrous running a wet system Do nano bottle nitrous have egt gauges? Reason I ask is to tune the nitrous nano bottle nitrous a tad richer than off the bottle using the temps as your guide.
If you have the shot size in you like, then just tune with the fuel jet. If no siphon tube, then I don't think the bottle angle plays a huge role unless the bottle is close to empty.
Are you running a bottle pressure gauge? What nano bottle nitrous you keeping the bottle at? You have the wrong bottle for a wet system. Try a standard NOS blue bottle with a siphon tube and feed liquid into the system. If your temps are dropping rapidly then back the fuel jet down from 30 to Do you have a fuel pressure gauge?
What do your plugs look like after a good run? What size hoses are you nano bottle nitrous for your nitrous? Especially if you have compression fittings, they can squash the hose some too which will make the i. Obviously if the i. The other thing that comes to mind is bottle pressure. If your bottle pressure isn't high enough, it'll go rich too, especially when you get low on juice.
I'm no expert by any means, but just some food for thought. You are missing the point. You need to use a bottle with a siphon tube. You must feed liquid nitrous.
For long pulls, you may need to go with a nano type boost bottle over the nitrous to keep pressures up. You will never get the system nano bottle nitrous perform correctly nano bottle nitrous gas in a wet system. You will simply drop the bottle pressure so low that you will go pig rich. That's what your EGT's are telling you. If your combustion temps drop too low due to the rich conditions, the nitrous ceases to be of any help at all as it needs temp to give up it's oxy molecule.
Don't go any leaner than your current 4 step larger fuel than nitrous jetting. When you hit the button,a properly set up hit will feel like you got hit from the rear by a small car! If the pressure is an issue, wrap the bottle with one nano bottle nitrous those 12 volt electric "blankets" that are included in some kits.
If the pressure is an issue, wrap the bottle with one of those 12 volt electric "blankets" that are included in some kits X2 on the bottle, it's fine if no siphon tube and mounted upside down! Bottle pressure is key to jetting a wet nitrous kit. You need to monitor or regulate both bottle pressure and fuel pressure.
The higher the bottle pressure, the larger fuel jet you will need. To baseline jet your system, plug your spec's into a nitrous calculator. Cold Fusion Nitrous website has a nice calculator. Have you tried to close the nano bottle nitrous on the plugs to about.
Nano bottle nitrous the bigger nitrous jets blow out the flame.