Building Your Own Cryptocurrency Trading Bot Using Python And The Poloniex API
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E-newsletter subscriptions open up on Nov 2nd, get on that listing here: Frodo B February 17, 9: Andrew george February 17, 9: Special thanks to Mr WILLIAM DAVID for bringing me out of poverty with his amazing strategy building your own cryptocurrency trading bot using python and the poloniex api fetches me 12k weekly, i never knew such an expert exist, thank you Williams, my fellow traders you can contact him via his email if you are tired of loosing, williamsdevid gmail.
Do you think building your own cryptocurrency trading bot using python and the poloniex api may be an option to use the this library to add more technical indicators to the trading bot?
Building your own cryptocurrency trading bot using python and the poloniex api Live February 17, 9: Joshua Belisle February 17, 9: Bill Owen Riantan February 17, 9: Mahesh Jamdade February 17, 9: StreamExplore February 17, 9: I am trying to make a gdax bot, but copying your GitHub code I get the same error for poloniex "ImportError: No module named poloniex" I had the same issue with the requests module, but I found a forum solution to that.
I have had no luck with this issue. Milo Carroll February 17, 9: Miki Michaeli February 17, 9: Erik Spurlock February 17, 9: Glenn Martin February 17, 9: Glad to Be Normal February 17, 9: Jaffer Wilson February 17, 9: Raymond Carter February 17, 9: Girish Venkatachalam February 17, 9: Thas Me February 17, 9: Can someone explain these "periods" or "set periods"?
What is this all about? I have no idea why you've put that in your code. I can't find "set periods" on google at all. Salem abu-alem February 17, 9: Thanks for this video. I'm researching Python Coding and there's a question that popped up after watching this video: Once that the code is backtested, where does is it run? Do you upload it to Poloniex? Caleb Michie February 17, 9: Will this method of coding work with BTC-e what now is wex.
Svisstack February 17, 9: Yasin Jhani February 17, 9: Lazy MF February 17, 9: Projects Alvaro February 17, 9: This is the first time I comment on a video, and you totally deserve it.
The code you have given us is clean, efficient and gives you the space to improve it as much as you want. I still haven't started trying to trade in live, but so far I didn't have any problems and after few hours checking everything it looks pretty straight forward.
Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Posted on March 27, 3 Comments. Posted on April 4, 18 Comments. Thank you kind sir! I have already tried " pip install poloniex" it just tells me syntax error Reply.
More altcoins than Binance and more professional design. BTW you look like Coppercab's crypto cousin. Congratulations for your work!