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Scurri is a cloud-based delivery management platform that gives merchants the tools to take the complexity out of shipping physical goods. It allows them to gain control and operational efficiency. Ease of deployment, flexible workflows combined with real time analytics and status updates, gives the merchant the tools to make managing deliveries simple.
Piazza is an online platform where students and instructors come together to learn and teach. We built Piazza to model the face-to-face discussion among students and instructors. To do this effectively, Piazza displays updates as soon as they happen so you see changes in real time. Piazza uses the power of community to increase collaboration through wiki-style editing, endorsed posts, student-to-student learning, and instructor feedback.
Learn more at https: This is the natural next step to helping students succeed in their classes. We are now helping them succeed in their careers. Learn more at http: Rallyverse helps enterprises and marketers to scale their social and content marketing.
The Rallyverse platform discovers, curates and recommends the most relevant content for marketers, creating ready-to-publish status updates and tweets. Over one hundred Rallyverse clients in financial services, automotive, technology, real estate and retail have enjoyed increased community growth and engagement rates with the Rallyverse platform, all while decreasing the time and effort required to manage their social marketing efforts.
Taplytics is the leader in primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s optimization, empowering those creating the world's best apps to optimize their apps and push notifications quickly primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s easily. With Taplytics, marketers, developers and product managers have the tools they need to optimize the mobile experience and maximize the lifetime value of their customers.
Taplytics is based in San Francisco, and can be found online at www. Beerdog is your mobile, social, local beer journal. Share with your followers and the world. Follow brewers, bars and beer buddies. Primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s informed with real-time updates from local brewers and bars. Project ToQRious - project to redefined travel experiences. I am Rickson Goh Here by we present you the most challenged idea and project that potentially change your travel experiences.
We've built an open-source platform for professionals who make a difference in society — in law enforcement, military and intelligence, public sector investigation, regulation, and public relations. Seajas helps them be more effective in their work. By combining their information sources and giving them context to their information. Keeping a forensically sound record and keeping to case privacy by keeping their data and queries in-house. By providing real-time updates and search across huge volumes of information.
And strong visualizations through data analysis: Primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s work with intelligence and law enforcement to monitor cases online, and mapping out images for primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s and crisis monitoring. With regulatory agencies to index legal texts from disparate sources.
And marketing firms to provide business and product sentiment for their clients. We're revolutionizing the data collection process and spinning around the way in which we consume the information. Owler is a competitive intelligence service that provides members with real-time updates on key insights about the competitors, partners, clients or other business relationships.
Through an advanced technological system we collect information on over 10M companies and service analytics and reports to our members on the companies they follow. With Waldo you can send your activity and location with a single swipe, or browse what your friends are doing in the moment.
Instead of just showing off the highlights, Waldo keeps you in the loop all time, letting you share the real you. Our analytics gives publishers insights into how their audience is engaging with their temporal content - content that is currently lost as a Facebook event or within a Twitter feed. Over 60M events have been synced to personal calendars since launching the button in early We're quickly expanding to other markets including broadcasting, retail primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s local services.
Stanza is a StartX accelerator alum. TVtoMobi is a second-screen app company developing an algorithm to find the most entertaining online content and send it to TV viewers real-time.
We also have a provisional primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s on TV-to-mobile synchronization technology which lets viewers stay connected to the TV shows they love. For example, TVtoMobi can send: The mobile application links families by primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s status updates, photos, videos and more delivered directly to their smartphone or email.
It is a simple way to capture, cherish and share every special moment in your children's lives with those you love. That's what NutJobFans is. No boring status updates about what your aunt had for breakfast. Only registered users can access content from the site and only users who follow one another can see which files have been uploaded and may download them for free.
Users may also create groups to share content and files with all members on the site. These groups are also hidden from the public and can only be accessed via invite.
All updates are streamed in real time. At OpenSignal, big data meets sensor networks. We build connected communities that enable smarter data-driven decisions. Our research has also led to multiple papers published in scientific journals. WiFiMapper leverages data previously collected to help you save on your bill while staying connected with free Wifi worldwide. WeatherSignal turns your phone into a portable weather station with the mission to enable more local and accurate weather forecasting and to help you expect the unexpected weather.
CrisisSignal provides real-time updates on the state of networks in the wake of disasters to help reconnect affected areas in a timely manner. TrackR easily attaches to your keys or can stick to remotes or other commonly misplaced items and the corresponding TrackR app keeps track of where the item is so you can easily locate it. When an item goes missing with a TrackR device attached, all TrackR enabled phones will begin to search for the item.
If another user comes nearby the item, that user's phone will ping our server which will then update the item's owner with the new GPS coordinates. LiveProfile helps you stay connected with friends and share in real-time.
It's a better alternative to text messaging with blazing fast message delivery and receipts to show you when messages are delivered, read, and even when the recipient is typing a response. Unlike text messaging LiveProfile is real-time making it feel closer to a live conversation. You can send messages, pictures, videos, setup a profile, post status updates and more. We are all about making mobile communication better, faster, easier, and more reliable.
LiveProfile is much more than just a primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s it's a mobile social network. LiveProfile is looking to do for mobile what Facebook does for the web, make it social.
Connect and organize your Agile Scrum Standup meetings remotely, in real time. Users will be able to enter their Agile Standup meeting into the web app, in real-time. This will alleviate the disorganization of Standup, updates in too many different and conflicting mediums. Additionally real-time discussion per each user's standup can be utilized.
When you have thousands of manufacturers for just one product category, this saves you time. If Bob can vouch for Tim, and you trust Bob, you just found yourself a supplier! TrafficTalk's free crowdsourcing application connects commuters to real-time localized communities where they hear the Shouts of other drivers on the road ahead.
Traffic maps enhanced with our audio streams "light up" with our Talk Bubbles, providing visual cues to the location of drivers as they share traffic updates. Keycafe lets customers manage access to their home or rental property online with nothing more required than their existing keys. Our system is secure, scalable, and trackable, providing users real time feedback the moment their keys are accessed. Securely check in your keys to a nearby participating location with a Keycafe kiosk 2.
Grant key pickup access to guests and service providers 3. Receive SMS and email updates as your keys are accessed.
Realtime user experiences are becoming an essential part of growing markets such as collaborative software, social gaming, mobile apps and the Internet of Things. Pusher allows developers to easily add realtime features to their apps or devices without worrying about scaling and maintaining their realtime infrastructure.
Each month, we deliver over 40 Primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s messages to more than 3. We are building Oasis because we feel there is not a product that is fully optimized for people to plan events in real time with their close friends in a fast, efficient, or organized way.
Oasis is a social activity feed that connects you to the impromptu activities your friends plan on doing that day. We enable our users to send and read text-based updates from up to twelve of their friends. We limit the activity feed to twelve friends to ensure that it stays relevant,and easy to navigate. LocoBuzz is a revolutionary Map based analytics, query, messaging and CRM platform which integrates news, tweets, FaceBook, blogs, discussions onto a map.
Chompie actively updates a collection of the most useful new websites, applications, products and services on the internet. We spend countless hours primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s the web for only the most exciting web startups and adhere to a very strict approval process primecoin wallet locked out of iphone 6s websites submitted to us.
Sites and services listed on Chompie are not only viewed by thousands of daily visitors on Chompie. Hangout - Whenever, Wherever! In the Spidr universe, every place is a "Web" - a virtual hangout where you exchange video clips, pictures or text updates with other Spidrs.
You can "hangout" in any web and get real time notifications of all the activity there. Or "follow" the updates of any Spidr and discover what's interesting in places where they hangout. Our exclusive aggregator pulls feeds from all business social networks and websites automatically. Work for Pie is a professional network for software developers.
Community members get a resume that updates in near real time, a way to connect and communicate with fellow developers, and an open source contribution-driven score that allows them to stand out and to compete with themselves and one another.