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Was ist aus Forschersicht davon zu halten? Diese ist verdienstvoll, jedoch auch umstritten: Auch Hamer findet daher keine oder nur eine schwache Korrelation zwischen diesen neurobiologisch veranlagten Merkmalen, Spitzer unterscheidet sie leider nicht, sondern verwendet beide Begriffe synonym.

Erfreulich unaufgeregt wendet sich Spitzer nun der Frage zu, wie es zur Ausbreitung reaktion auf mein video aus 2014 uber bitcoin Gottes-Gens lies: Ein neuerer Post dazu siehe hier.

Manfred Spitzer vereinfacht, klar. Erscheinungsdatum ist jeweils Oktober — also in wenigen Tagen. Michael Blume studierte Religions- und Politikwissenschaft und spezialisierte sich auf die Hirn- und Evolutionsforschung.

Buchautor, Uni-Dozent, Wissenschaftsblogger und christlich-islamischer Familienvater. Warum gibt es so viele autistische Verhaltenstendenzen, -Neigungen im menschlichen Verhaltenssystem nur als Beispiel. Ja, das scheint mir auch zu unbestimmt. Ja, Bestattungen sind z. Nun, warum haben schon viel einfachere Wesen als Menschen ein Gehirn? Genau das tun menschliche Gehirne mit der enormen Bandbreite von Verhaltensoptionen auch. Und wohin auch immer wir gehen: Danke, dass Du diese Definition nochmal aufnimmst.

Denn reaktion auf mein video aus 2014 uber bitcoin kann ich Dich nochmal fragen: Damit werden beide Skalen, die nicht notwendig korrelieren, empirisch abgrenzbar und voneinander wie auch von anderen Dispositionen z.

Ich gehe also vom Alltags-Sprachgebrauch aus. Dieser Begriff betont also Gemeinsamkeiten. Und sei es nur die Liebe zu seiner Frau, zu seinen Kindern, zur Natur.

Oder zu seiner Heimat. Das gleiche gilt m. Auch das — o. Wenn es das Weltbild insgesamt bestimmt. Und wenn er daraus grundlegend Handlungen ableitet Rituale, Sozialverhalten, Ethik, etc. Wie soll man es anders definieren? Wir sollten Hypothesen aufstellen und diese dann an empirischem Material testen. Ja, wir brauchen mehr empirische Daten.

Eine Arbeitsdefinition kann uns helfen, nach ihnen zu fragen und sie einzuordnen. Es ist ja z. Wieder andere versichern ihrer Liebsten: Ich bete Dich an!

Zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, nicht als ultimativen Wahrheitsanspruch. DAS ist ja wieder etwas ganz anderes. Nein, vielleicht sollten wir das festhalten: VOR dieser gab es dieselbe gar nicht, auch nicht im Denken der Menschen. Ein Medizinmann kann sich in ein Tier versetzen — ob reaktion auf mein video aus 2014 uber bitcoin oder lebendig.

Selbst Linne hatte bei vielen Fabelwesen noch Zweifel. Das waren real vorhandene Wesen. Ebenso wie der Teufel. Glaube versetzt bekanntlich Berge.

Oder wo kommt diese strenge Unterscheidung eigentlich her? Andererseits gibt es weiterhin auch bei Menschen, die sich als hochmodern und rational verstehen, Infragestellungen der Grenzen.

Wenn sich der Wissenschaftler nicht traut, mit Begriffsdefinitionen zu arbeiten, bleibt ihm die vergleichende Analyse verborgen: Und das ist ein gewaltiger Unterschied. Mir wird an Deiner Argumentation klar, wie wenig wir alle das bisher noch durchdacht haben.

Es war der falsche Weg. Ist schlichtweg ein theologisches Konstrukt. Sehen Sie selbst, das Video Gerne nehme ich dein Angebot an! Antworten Michael Blume Hallo Michael, was Du im ersten Absatz schreibst, sehe ich nicht als Widerspruch zu dem, was ich sagte.

Definitionen Danke, dass Du diese Definition nochmal aufnimmst. Antworten Michael Blume 1. Lieber Noah, tolle Fragen, danke! Hier die Versuche von Antworten! Antworten Michael Blume 2. Hypothesenbildung Lieber Ingo, so weit liegen wir gar nicht auseinander, mir geht es nur um eine ebenso pragmatische wie strenge Methode.

Antworten Michael Blume 4. Das ist ja der ganze Geist, der in der Bibel atmet. Antworten Michael Blume 9.

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Why would they force users to pay high fees? Chart of SegWit adoption here: Delivering Liberty, at Scale - ruvid. Rules without Rulers - ruvid. A Study of Forks for Newbies - ruvid. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and respected figures in bitcoin. Video Share Download Add to. Thanks for the up! Off topic, the audio sounds like its being recorded on the other end of a phone call, I'm not complaining, I want to know if its the reverb or simply the hardware?

It is the software. I had some problems during this video. What will happen to bitcoin mining after the last bitcoin is minted ? Seeing to the fact that no more bitcoins will be produced - what will incentivize the miners? Why will they continue to mine if they are not earning any bitcoins? Thanks for your time. Mike Hen Miners will then "just" collect transaction fees.

So tx fees are inevitable and not necessarily a bad thing. Felipe Monteagudo Gonzalez 3 months ago. I think you're saying fear of making mistakes is slowing segwit. BTC is a first gen crypto. Model T will prolly always sell for more than a Tesla.

But we prefer the Tesla for everyday use. Putting Bitcoin at "a very distant third" is like saying that these businesses focus on whom they are distributing golden eggs to first, secondly on how they distribute them, and then on whether or not the golden goose is even alive as a very distant third.

I'm not saying businesses don't do this they absolutely do! I understand the risk associated with implementing something like SegWit; all I'm asking is for Coinbase and other Bitcoin businesses to prioritize their golden goose first. Otherwise, it's guaranteed that Bitcoin will disrupt them into oblivion, the way it has already been disrupting the rest of the financial industry.

Dear Andreas, I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I popped on to Bitcoin Live Trading on youtube where there is a great community of traders watching Rick's TA charts. And there your voice was!

This is fantastic that the trader's community is sharing your no nonsense, fact stating points. Where you continue to crush our fears. Reaching this new audiences is great. Keep up the great work! I personally don't like off chain solutions. However they are best we've got in crypto land and it's better than the current financial system. We need to build a faster network before we can remove off chain solutions so we need to support this if u want blockchain to succeed.

Signed, the anonymous coward. Would it be better to keep your legacy non-segwit bitcoin where it's at until you want to spend it or send it to a segwit address? The mempool is empty now, so now is a great time to move it to a segwit address at low fees , to save even more on fees in the future when the mempool is full again. Insight from this that I needed to be reminded of:.

I agree with all your points, except for the part where you believe that the large players will simply adopt Segwit because the bitcoin ecosystem forces them to.

If Bitcoin still had a relative monopoly like in , they could very well roll out something like Segwit which economically disincentivizes businesses, and still expect them to adopt it. But in a world with bitcoin cash, litecoin and other options that are widely available to the crypto ecosystem, it's much less likely that a disincentivizing measure would still be implemented by a purely profit-seeking entity.

Unless core goes down another path, market forces will eventually destroy BTC. He explained how difficult and complicated it is for implementing it. A lot of things could go wrong. I'm perfectly fine with coinbase taking their time but it wasn't but last week that they were talking about not even worrying about it You are one in 21 million plus all it's forks!

Thank you so much! You are "The Bitcoin Guru"! IMO there are so many cryptos now that keeping up with changes and new coins is getting out of control. So when non segwit "still works" it makes it less of a priority.

I hear so much about these fantastic altcoins but not one of them has the same track record as bitcoin nor will face the same challenges at the same time. You sure as hell were ready for SegWit2X. Many bitcoins being traded back and forth, mostly off-chain, but not "hundreds of millions". Ali Khan I think he meant hundreds of millions of dollars in Bitcoin. I caught that too, but there's no question Andreas knows how many Bitcoin there are. Ah Andreas, swooping in to bitcoins rescue.

They should add you to the Marvel universe with the super power of reason and logic, overcoming all evil and ignorance. Can minners use tor or i2p and other anonymous network offucation to secure and anonymise themself in worse case senero Seriously, install that spell check.

I could barely read what you wrote. You should try buying Bitcoin or selling something for Bitcoin. Faucets are useless nowadays. Bryan Keller Thanks bro i m not from a devevop country i can barely see internet now i m worried whether the time i spent in flaucts is a waste or not because i get 10 satoshi per 15 min and the withdraw limit is very high Before i reach withdraw limit if flaucts gets hack i time will go 2 waste Anyway, did you even watch the video?

Andreas himself said addresses that start with a '3' are SegWit addresses. Bryan Keller Thanks bro for advice That does not explain why Bitstamp, Kraken, etc. I'd like to remind you that Coinbase in particular has presented itsels as a bad actor again and again.

Segwit has no flaws. Please explain how people lost money using segwit. I bet, you can't. Its because Segwit has its flaws, the same as lightning, people have lost BTC on the network and with a base of over 10 million people, Coinbase LITERALLY cannot afford to implement something that could lose their customers money, it would be catastrophic.

Peter Schiff doesn't want to be educated. He just wants to throw rocks at crypto because it hurts his PM coin business. Therefore, he's stupid beyond redemption. Peter Schiff sees nothing wrong the programming of crypto currencies. His main issue is that crypto skipped a step that even fiat did not, which is having an intrinsic value by being pegged to a physical asset. Fiat currencies dropped that peg, supposedly dropping their intrinsic value yet are not worth zero as Schiff claims.

He counteracts that by stating that they are worth because the state mandates its use with the threat of violence. Fine, we will mandate crypto use with cooperation. And plz tell ur thought on flaucts since i m a crypto newbie and cannot invest in my country with such high fee I like how your opinion on coinbase's segwit adoption is objective as opposed to cynical.

Plz tell ur thought on chossing between tor or i2p and other anonnymous network transmination for bitcoin. How are the percentages calculated? Is this based on native addresses or outputs? Jason Schafer Thank you.

I had no idea so much engineering went into that. Jason Schafer What do those abbreviations mean? Or better yet, where can I read about them? Explained To A Child. Misconceptions about Lightning Network. Antonopoulos Who is in charge of Bitcoin? The Governance Model Of Bitcoin.

Regulation and the bank boycott. What is Segregated Witness? Thoughts on the Future of Money. Decentralised exchanges and counterparty risk. Why running a node is important.