Clif High Bitcoin Prediction 2018 Ethereum Is Too High

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Web Bot is an internet bot computer program whose developers claim is able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the internet. It was developed inoriginally to predict stock market trends.

Internet bots monitor news articles, blogs, forums, and other forms of Internet chatter. Words in the lexicon are assigned numeric values for emotional quantifiers such as duration, impact, immediacy, intensity, and others. The lexicon is dynamic, and changes according to shifts in emotional tension, and how humans communicate those changes using the Internet.

As ofthere were aboutkeywords in the lexicon, along with emotional context, [2] which are clif high bitcoin wikipedia into a computer-generated modelspace. The operators of Web Bot interpret the bot's results and make a report called the "ALTA report" available on their website to paying subscribers.

ALTA stands for "asymmetric language trend analysis". The History Channel has clif high bitcoin wikipedia Web Bot in its special Doomsday and on other shows that feature predictions about the end of the world, such as the Nostradamus Effect. According to the bot, the future is always bleak and steadily worsening. Tom Chivers in the Daily Clif high bitcoin wikipedia notes three criticisms of the project:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This article is about the prediction software. For internet-based programs, see Internet bot. Retrieved 4 October I have seen the future, and it's on the Web". Adventures in Future Viewing. Retrieved 10 April Can it Predict Stuff? Archived from the original on 12 October Retrieved 25 October Archived from the original on 28 September Retrieved 3 October Archived from the original on 19 November Archived from the original on 29 March Hold the Armageddon talk".

Retrieved 4 January Retrieved from " https: All articles with failed verification Articles with failed verification from August Use dmy dates from January Views Read Edit View history.

This page was clif high bitcoin wikipedia edited on 4 Julyat By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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According to Wikipedia he invented this program back in Here is the Wiki:. It was developed in , originally to predict stock market trends. A form of 'collective sub-conscious expression' is a good way to think of it. Predictive linguistics can be used to forecast trends at many different levels, from the detail of sales to individuals, all the way up to forecasts about emerging global population trends. There you have it, I dont think these prices are outrageous and I agree with him that next year will be the big year for cryptos, we are at the beginning of the hockey stick blade here in so to speak:.

I'm surprised no one has asked Clif High if government had him do programming for terrorism. The fact that he worked for Microsoft at the beginning of internet wide adoption and focusing on emotion I can see the government definetly wanting the software. It's always good to be skeptic.

A friend of mine shared this reddit post and I think it's a must read: I still think Bitcoin is overrated and the next year will be a year for Alt-coins. EOS will definitely attract Billions and Billions. Chinese non-currency coins will thrive when China has set up the regulations. Ultimately BTC market value will shrink greatly as people learn more about the tech and slowly get away from hype.

If that doesn't happen, brace for a tulip crash and get ready to buy great coins for cheap prices. Very good read indeed. How would you characterize these core developers politically? Are they leaning left, or whats their deal really?

Personally I believe the point of politics is making sure that we require minimum with it. It was Ayn Rand believed and great historical figures I greatly respect such as Lao Tzu and especially Buddha expressed similar sentiments.

I've only been on cryptospcae since mid and I did my first trade on Aug 1st. From my limited experience it's clear that the Bitcoin devs use the commie tactics. They are a bunch of people who were little late to party. I've seen lots of collectivism and maximalist beliefs. They have lots of dogma and blindly follow arbitrary notions such as "decentralization" at times without even backing there arguments with proof.

With future developments this will be a minor cost. I've kind of ridiculed it here. The closest description I can find is the oxymoron that is anarcho-communism. I've been accused of many things for calling out on this BS Even after quoting this great economist: Read the above article by Henry Hazlitt.

BTC devs seems to be on board with this ridiculous camp. If you wonder why they don't get anything done, it's probably because they are a cocktail of conflicting ideologies. Dogma and collectivism reinforced with trolling and censorship isn't free market. But they are attempting to create free market products. Interesting thoughts regarding collectivism and maximalist beliefs.

I will try to read that piece from Hazlitt when I have time. But I do think that Jeff Berwick summed it up pretty good when he described core developers:. They are wonderful and incredibly necessary to design code. But, when it comes to understanding how life works, economics, money, marketing or even how to pick up girls… well, forget about it.

That's an excellent quote. I was one of the top students too. I know about people who doesn't fit the above description. It's exactly what the quote describe. Yup, I dont think anybody should trust him blindly, but listen to the guy and make up your own mind. He is very entertaining and one of the best when it comes to predict Bitcoin. Here is the Wiki: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Trending Trending Votes Age Reputation. I take his advice with a grain of salt but always want his advice.

Hope that wasn't too long: But I do think that Jeff Berwick summed it up pretty good when he described core developers: I havent heard anything about that, so dont know. Bitcoin cant be stopped! I belive that by the end of next year bitcoin will be at K.