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Buy 4 Litecoins now to equal 1 Bitcoin in the future. By the way, I have a channel too. I've tried to search google to see if I could confirm that and couldn't find any firm conformation. Anybody know for sure? I found this video and he seems to think the ledger does not expose the private key in the same way it doesn't on Myetherwallet.
Keep up with the good and selfless work, you guys! I'm not selling my litecoin or my silver. But what I did was traded silver for a Reeds Barton silverware set. Anybody else finding it hard to concentrate to the things he is saying just because he has something on his forehead? If you care to get your money backi may buy your ICX from you but not at current price. Which one would you rather have? The new Ponzi scheme is always better because there are fewer greater fools realist newsweb bot hitsethereum bitcoin ripple jumps up in it.
This is exactly what causes you to lose everything. It can't just keep going up. Eventually it will run out of greater fools and you'll ride it to zero.
BC realist newsweb bot hitsethereum bitcoin ripple jumps seen less than a dollar many times. All it takes is a little panic and everyone will jump out.
I think we can learn a lot from the Master over that trade! Perhaps it's time to tell people that Bitcoin is nothing but a government op first written about by the Realist newsweb bot hitsethereum bitcoin ripple jumps in The Newbs should buy some silver also…. When it realist newsweb bot hitsethereum bitcoin ripple jumps, I will sell most of mine and buy some more land and late 60's Muscle Cars.
Yeah that's part of the learning process. I learned that lesson on ripple. Was pissed but the burned hand teaches best. VERI has been beating me with a bat. Bought sol, bought sold and so on. Holding it from 55 would be way more rewarding. Althoug i have had some entertainment. Learned that on eos, got in at 1. Can not wait for trader boss to explain idea behind projected future moves and support.
I am thinking past data, round numbers and fibs might be involved. I don't know if a ticket was sent. Trying to reach out to anyone for help. I tried to open ticket but it only opened a new page of the same thing. If anyone knows how to contact Jsnip4 please email me.
Don't forget, those sellers will face short term capital gains tax so best to buy and just hold at least 1 year. I continue to buy and just hold. I'll sell some day, realist newsweb bot hitsethereum bitcoin ripple jumps ltc is in the many thousands. Hey J, great job! Say, just my humble opinion but I think the lottery for the trade tips group should be limited to people that have already signed up for the class.
Or is that you secret plan? Anyways, my two cents. Keep it quality, not quantity. Looking forward to the crypto future. I said to myself I'm waiting for 1 dollar now it's Does anyone know how many dollars this could be worth lol. Are there any smart contracts on the market to do so? Hey buddy, thanks for your service. I started watching you, when I was stacking silver, and respected your judgement.
Now things have really changed, and crypto is the new gold, and silver. I sold at realist newsweb bot hitsethereum bitcoin ripple jumps half my silver stack and put into crypto today, for the first time. Will always hold some silver, but had to get into this asap. Regardless of my earnings, or losses, I thank you for this awesome journey.
You are doing a good thing by serving those who will listen. You are a true realist newsweb bot hitsethereum bitcoin ripple jumps, and a gentleman! I would almost guarantee that the Majority of the lemmings who follow you will lose most of their crypto profits as will most likely you will.
The bozobeast was right about you with silver as i am right with you and cryptos. Your email address will not be published. Previous Post News und Prognosen: Bitcoin Next Post Litecoin Mooning?! They can't just watch the channel like a normal person? Or maybe we are not normal people. I am buying and holding for years. Patience is the key here. Direct these new people to the ways of 'Trader Boss'. He will straighten them out. Learn my lesson in bitcoin…Merry Christmas.
Joe be grateful to the noobs, if u want to keep making the money…. We all had these moments at the start. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.