The Evolution of Bitcoin, from Behind a Berlin Bar
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In an industry where a day feels like a week and a week like a month, years feels like decades, and there is hardly any better place to feel Cryptonostalgia than a place Coindesk described like this, already more than two years ago:.
Every first thursday of a month, Room77 hosts the monthly Bitcoin Meetupwhere Crypto-Fans from all over the world meet, network and have a good time. I will spend every single Satoshi on beers and burgers for people at Room77 - and then blog about it. So please Steemians, let the beer flow! And if by any room 77 berlin bitcoin chart anyone is in Berlin right now, come to see us at Room77! This is epic news, only problem is all my steem is powered up xD So you will just have to drink for me, not from me.
Burgers, Beers and Bitcoin at the Room 77 in Berlin. In an industry where a day feels like a week and a week like a month, years feels like decades, and there is hardly any better place to feel Cryptonostalgia than a place Coindesk described like this, already more than two years ago: You can book flightsbuy apartments and eat and drink your way through most of the world's major cities. But three years ago things were different. The exact date is not really clear but the owner of the barJoerg Platzer, approximated that it was around May that he accepted the first bitcoin transaction for a beer.
Unless challenged, he will continue to claim that it was the world's first purchase with the digital currency in a shop, restaurant or bar. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
This is the future! You deserve my Bitcoins I don t understand that The first room 77 berlin bitcoin chart beers!
The bitwala team will be there and take you up on your word! Thursday will be an epic night! Room 77 berlin bitcoin chart is going to be epic: