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Composition for treating mammalian teats after milking. Sellador de grietas liquido active clothing invention relates, as stated in the title of this specification, a composition for treating mammalian teats after milking. The scope of the present invention is the industry dedicated to the manufacture of chemical and pharmaceutical products, especially in the veterinary field. Instituto Babcock, Universidad de Wisconsin.
As is known, bovine mastitis sellador de grietas liquido active clothing the main problem of dairy farming and is considered the largest of sellador de grietas liquido active clothing dairy industry in general Caraviello, DZ, Selection for clinical mastitis and somatic cell count. Babcock Institute University of Wisconsin.
Control de la mastitis. This condition occurs when a pathogen succeeds in entering the udder, exceeds the mammal 's sellador de grietas liquido active clothing system, establishes infection and leads to swelling of the glandular tissue Ruegg, PL, Hygienic Production of Raw Milk. This may be due to factors such as the requirements that are subjected to dairy cows to produce larger volumes of milk longer lactations or increased use of mechanical milking, when its use is not correct. There are clinical and subclinical forms of the disease.
Clinical cases are acute and conspicuous by their symptoms, so they are easily detected. Cause discards of milk, transient reductions in production and even premature culling of sellador de grietas liquido active clothing cow.
However, it is subclinical manifestation of this condition the considered economically damaging, chronic effects on production. South Dakota State University. It is estimated that manifests 15 to 40 times higher than clinical mastitis, which usually precedes. En el desarrollo de esta enfermedad pueden intervenir numerosos microorganismos como bacterias, levaduras, mohos, virus y otros agentes.
In the development of this disease may appear many microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, molds, viruses and other agents. Aunque los agentes microbianos que participan con mayor frecuencia son: Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Staphilococcus aureus, Coliformes y Pseudomonas. Although microbial agents most frequently involved are Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, uberis Streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, coliforms and Pseudomonas.
Effect on the count. Detection and Prevention U. Obtaining a high RCS in milk after milking, it is an indicator not only of the cow infected with mastitis, but at the same time provides indirect information about production losses, biochemical changes experienced by milk and even when to make a voluntary culling of animals.
En una ubre sana, el RCS normalmente es menor de Appropriate value to generate dairy products taste good, high durability and adequate performance Caraviello ; Wattiaux ; Cetrino, V. Conteos superiores suelen estar asociados con infecciones bacterianas.
Cuando la leche alcanza valores superiores a The consequences Mastitic infection causes are varied, depending on the type of infection and the extent to which it is presented. Hygienic Production of Raw Milk: Variations in the composition of the aforementioned milk substantially change the quality of the raw material, with consequent low in nutritional value that directly affects public health, as well as negatively affect technological processes.
Sellador de grietas liquido active clothing variety of factors that interact in mastitis and, in particular, the various pathogens involved, preventing eradication of the disease. No obstante, es posible el control de la misma con medidas preventivas. However, it is possible to control it with preventive measures. The mastitis control programs include aimed at reducing the percentage of intramammary infections based on the use of antibiotic therapy hygienic practices and measures.
These practices include the proper maintenance and cleaning of the facilities and equipment milking segregation of infected animals, antibiotic treatment of dry cows and lactating proper milking routine including the application of disinfectants in post-milking teat Calvinho, L.
Disinfection of post-milking teat. Antisepsis of post-milking teat is intended to eliminate pathogens present in the nipple, preventing the colonization of the teat orifice and prevent or eliminate the presence of wounds and injuries, getting a quick recovery of the affected area Calvinho, L.
Thus, experts in the dairy sector consider the sealing of teats after milking the procedure more importance in controlling mastitis and is recognized as the most simple, effective and economic practice for the prevention of this condition in lactating cows. Currently, and with reference to the current state of the art, it should be mentioned that sanitizers currently used for antisepsis teat contain as a germicidal agent: Its mechanism is not selective, destroying microorganisms by chemical action, by oxidation-reduction of high kinetic and precipitation of bacterial proteins and nucleic acids reactions.
It sellador de grietas liquido active clothing by decreasing the oxygen requirements of aerobic microorganisms, interfering level by blocking the respiratory chain electron transport through enzyme reactions. In addition, even pentayodo triiodo ions, which increase the germicidal power although its concentration is very low are formed.
However, the use of elemental iodine presents problems for use, such as precipitation in the presence of proteins, low solubility in water, produces stains on clothes and skin irritant and allergenic and has a strong odor. These problems are reduced using iodophors, iodine combination with complexing agents polyvinylpyrrolidone, glycols, ethoxylated alcohols, polyacrylic acids, polyamides, polysaccharides: Thus the solubility is improved, it lowers the vapor pressure limiting odor and staining is less inactivated by organic matter and penetrates better into the cells.
It also increases the stability of the solutions, looking less affected by changes in pH. Mantiene la actividad germicida del yodo y lo libera lentamente actuando como reserva del mismo. It maintains the germicidal activity of iodine and releases it slowly acting as a backup of it. In solution, a small proportion of iodine molecules have been in balance between free and complex. El yodo no complejado, yodo libre, es el verdadero principio activo.
Uncomplexed iodine, free iodine is the true active ingredient. As the free iodine reacts, other iodine molecules are released. However, the solutions are not entirely stable, and that eventually sellador de grietas liquido active clothing attacks iodine transporter, languishing.
Furthermore, this binding and iodine consumption has been associated with problems of sellador de grietas liquido active clothing - sterility of the solutions, and this is attributed to that may be contaminated with Pseudomonas spp. Milking Higiene and Mastitis. Milking Hygiene and Mastitis is cited.
A product with this concentration of PVP-I contains about ppm of available iodine. There are a lot of variables in formulations affect the effectiveness of the baths of iodophors. Entre estas variables se encuentran: Among these variables they are: Thus, as mentioned, the present invention provides a sealant formulation intended for the disinfection of teats of lactating mammals after milking, combining the germicidal action of 0.
El tratamiento de ubres que se propone contiene 9. The high concentration of iodine ensures a wide efficacy of the product in time. The Germinal Action of Iodine. El yodo es soluble en agua hasta ppm 0. Iodine is soluble in water up to ppm 0. During the life of the product concentration decrease depending on reaction with surfactants or emollients, decomposition into iodide and iodate, and migration through the plastic containers.
Wyss showed the efficacy of free iodine in iodized compositions. Efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus, being a major cause of mastitis infection was studied during milking. Un producto de yodo al 0. A product of iodine 0. Iodophors used alcohol ethoxylate containing as complexing agent.
This study concluded that products with high concentrations of free iodine obtain better results, even in cases where the available iodine concentration is 10 to 20 times higher. The proposed formulation ensures a free iodine concentration in ppm solution, much higher than conventional sealers, containing from 6 to 12 ppm usually Nickerson, SC, Teat Dip Choosing the Best Milk Quality controland for Sellador de grietas liquido active clothing, National Mastitis Councilensuring a high disinfecting activity against pathogens causing intramammary infections.
Esto se complementa con la presencia de 0. This is complemented by the presence of 0. It has the disadvantage that to maintain activity against gram negative bacteria should maintain a pH of 2. However, the effectiveness against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae is to between 4 and sellador de grietas liquido active clothing, so that this pH is suitable for use as disinfectant milking post.
Several studies demonstrate effectiveness in reducing the incidence of intramammary infection by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Escherichia coll. An evaluation of a teat dip with dodecyl bencen sulfonic acid in preventing bovine mammary gland infection from experimental exposure to Streptoccocus agalactiae and Staphylococcus Sellador de grietas liquido active clothing. Teat dip as a component of coliform mastitis control, Dairy Food Sanit.
Field evaluation of a teat dip containing dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid in preventing new intramammary gland infections in a dairy herd. Uptake on postmilking teat antisepsis. An evaluation of a teat dip With dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid in preventative bovine mammary gland infection from exposure to experimental Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus Aureus Can.
Field evaluation of a teat dip container containing dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid in new intramammary gland preventative infections in a dairy herd. Uptake on postmilking teat antisepsis J. Efficacy evaluation sellador de grietas liquido active clothing two new teat dip formulations under experimental challenge Pankey JW et al, Efficacy evaluation of two new teat dip under experimental challenge Formulations Its mechanism of action is based sellador de grietas liquido active clothing three possible ways: It has the advantage residual antimicrobial activity because of their tolerance to the presence of organic matter Acuna, Cristina, Products used for teat disinfection.
It also reduces the surface tension and increases the wettability of the product, promoting the total coating teat skin with a thin film. These additives are supplemented antimicrobial compounds mentioned, since their activity prevents the presence of damaged effect cuts, cracks, sores and irritation produced by milking equipment tissues. Furthermore, the presence of cracks is also prevents or desiccation caused by the effect of low relative humidity in adverse as continuous exposure to sunlight, low temperatures or excessive wind weather conditions.
The formulation contains three different emollients: