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English Translation mostly by F. Wright, Select Letters of St. Loeb Classical Library Harvard U. Latin text adapted, with corrections, to orthographic style of 19th century. Hortaris ut tumida malo vela suspendam, rudentes explicem, clavum regam. Pareo jam jubenti et, quia caritas omnia potest, Spiritu Sancto cursum prosequente confidam, habiturus in utraque parte solacium: What then shall I do?
I cannot fulfill this task, but I do not dare to refuse it. The land fades from sight, around me now. Si misericordes, si clementes estis, si vultis servare damnatam, innocens certe perire non debeo. So at length the populace took up arms to defend the woman.
People of every age and every sex join in driving off the headsman. The whole crowd form into a ring about her and hardly one among them can believe his own eyes. From their midst the officer charged with the care of condemned tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction dashed forth, and as he. She sighs, she looks round, she rises, she speaks. At last she is able to cry aloud:.
I will not fear. What can man do unto me? Have you never heard the saying: Lucus a non lucendo? Are not the Fates called the Sparers, because they spare no man? Are not the Furies called Angels of Mercy? Still, if my pictures of ugliness make you angry, today I will call you beautiful and sing with Persius: May girls their eager hands upon you lay And where you walk red roses deck the way.
Persius, SatiresII. I will give you, however, one piece of advice. There are some things you must hide, if you are to appear handsome. Let your nose not be seen upon your face and let your tongue never tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction heard in conversation.
Then you may possibly be thought both good-looking and eloquent. Day and night it was their habit to make reading follow upon prayer, and prayer upon reading, without a break. Not the great Bishop of Milan who lived a century after Origen, but a friend of Origen. Quos si secunda hora legentes invenerit, oscitamus, manu faciem defricantes continemus stomachum et, tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction post multum laborem, mundialibus rursum negotiis occupamur. Pudet dicere de frequentia salutandi, qua aut ipsi cottidie ad alios pergimus aut ad nos venientes ceteros exspectamus.
Deinceps itur in verba, sermo teritur, tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction absentes, vita aliena describitur et, mordentes invicem, consumimur ab invicem.
Talis nos cibus et occupat et dimittit. Quum vero amici recesserint, ratiocinia supputamus: I say nothing of the heavy meals which crush such mental faculties as we possess.
The guests arrive and talk begins: With this fare the company is kept busy, and so at last it disperses. When our friends have left us, we reckon up our accounts, now frowning over them like angry lions, now with useless care planning schemes for the distant future. We remember not the words of the Gospel: We buy clothes, not solely for use, but for display.
When we see a chance of making money, we quicken our steps, we talk fast, we strain tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction ears. If we are told that we have lost, as often must happen in business, our face is clouded with sorrow. A penny makes us merry: Ita viventes non ab oratione somnus, non saturitas a lectione revocabit. Vere ager floribus depingitur et inter querulas aves psalmi dulcius decantabuntur.
Let us live tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction on coarse bread and on the green-stuff that we water with our own hands, and on milk, country delicacies, cheap and harmless. If thus we spend our days, sleep tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction not call us away from prayer, nor overfeeding from study.
In summer the shade of a tree will give us privacy. In autumn the mild air and the leaves beneath our feet point out a place for rest. For us it is good to cleave to God, and to put our hopes in the Lord, so that, when we have exchanged this poor life for the kingdom of heaven, we may cry aloud: There is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. Nobis autem, in perversum licet, munera vestra conveniunt: Let us comfort ourselves for bodily absence by spiritual conversation, each and every one of us doing what we can do best.
These are the types and figures that virgins and matrons may find in your gifts. But they apply to me as well, although in an opposite way. Sitting on chairs is suitable for those who have no work to do, lying on sackcloth for those who repent of the past, holding cups for those who drink deep. It may be, tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction, that I shall be glad to light your tapers, albeit on account of the terrors of the night and due to a disquieting, bad awareness of conscience.
Periculosum quippe est de servo alterius judicare, et non facilis venia prava dixisse de rectis. Veniet, veniet illa dies, et mecum dolebis ardere non paucos. Were I to think that I could ever repay you for your kindness, I should indeed be lacking in wisdom. God alone is able to give the reward due to your pure spirit. And even though some people regard me as a villain loaded with iniquity, and even though such words are inadequate to my sins, yet you do well who in your own mind think tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction there is goodness even in bad men.
This letter was written at Ostia in August A. Paula and Eustochim followed him soon afterwards, and they all three settled at Bethlehem for the rest of their lives. Dicant, quid unquam in me aliter senserint quam Christianum decebat? Munera vel parva vel magna non sprevi? Obliquus sermo, oculus petulans fuit? Nihil mihi aliud objicitur nisi sexus meus, et hoc nunquam objicitur, nisi quum Hierosolyma Paula proficiscitur. Idem est homo ipse qui fuerat: Which shows the greater subtlety, I wonder, to believe these charges perhaps even to invent them about an innocent manor to say: There were some who kissed my hands and maligned me with snakish tongue: The Lord saw them and held them in derision, reserving them and His poor servant for tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction judgment in the future.
With such people I have been living for almost three years: Let them say if they have ever noticed in my conduct anything unbefitting a Christian. Have I not disdained all gifts great or small? Has my conversation ever been ambiguous, or my eye wanton? Nothing is laid to my charge except my sex, and that only when Paula is likely to set out for Jerusalem. He is the very same man as before: For nearly two years Paula and Jerome, her spiritual director, had striven to turn her to a more serious way of life, but it was only after a dangerous illness in the summer of that she was converted and threw herself into a life of self-denial and study with the same ardor with which she had previously pursued a life of pleasure.
Her health was delicate and a few months later she died. The populace ascribed her illness to the fasting and asceticism advocated by Jerome, and clamored for the expulsion of the monk whose austere teaching was held responsible for her death. Who the accuser was is unknown. Apparently legal proceedings were taken against him for the slander, and the mention of torture suggests that he was a slave. He embarked at Ostia with his brother Paulinian and the priest Vincentius in Augusttibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction wrote thence a letter of farewell to his women friends and disciples, which he addressed, not to Paula or Marcella, but to the virgin Asella, perhaps because she, absorbed in a life of prayer and contemplation, was unaffected by the atmosphere of slander and suspicion tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction was surrounding him.
Nunquid domum alicujus lascivioris ingressus sum? Before I became acquainted with the household of the saintly Paula, all Rome was enthusiastic about me. Almost everyone concurred in judging me worthy of the highest office in the Church. My words were always on the lips of Damasus of blessed memory.
Did I ever enter the house of any woman who was inclined to wantonness? Was I ever attracted by silk dresses, flashing jewels, painted faces, display of gold?
No other matron in Rome could dominate my mind but one who mourned and fasted, who was squalid with dirt, almost blinded by weeping. All night long she would beg the Lord for mercy, and often the sun found her still praying. No other could give me pleasure but one whom I never saw eating food. Tibi ipsi dicendum erit a liquid traduction when, recognizing the holiness of her life, I began to revere, respect, and esteem her, all my good qualities at once forsook me.
Videlicet non licet eis, applaudente populo, perire cum turbis. O tooth of envy, that dost ever first attack thyself! O cunning of Satan, that dost always persecute holy things!