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If you print this Thing and display it in public proudly give attribution by printing and displaying this tag. Torso or head can be printed at normal speed, other parts would prefer very slow speed printing. Auto-magically prepare your 3D models for 3D printing. A cloud based 3D models Preparing and Healing solution for 3D Printing, MakePrintable provides features for model repairing, wall thickness With 3D Slash, you can edit 3d models like a stonecutter.
The perfect tool for non-designers and children to create in 3D. Please Login to Comment. Merci pour ton excellent travail! Merci pour ce super jobc'est top. Nono, Vincent et R2D2 sont mes idoles. Manque de temps surement, pour mieux me former. En tout cas continue dans cette direction. Merci pour ces encouragements. Les membres se clipsent fermement dans les corps, suffisamment pour tenir en place comme sur les photos.
Le trou dans la bouche est pour clipser la langue Maintenant que ce soit clair: Il suffit de visualiser avec le thingiview pour s'en rendre compte. Say thanks by giving Colonel3D a tip and help them continue to share amazing Things with the Thingiverse community. We're sure Colonel3D would love to see what you've printed.
Please document your print and share a Make with the community. Say thanks and help Colonel3D continue to share amazing Things with the Thingiverse community. You'll need a PayPal account to tip Colonel3D. Click the button below and you will be redirected to PayPal. Once the payment is complete, you'll be brought back to Thingiverse. Nono le petit robot by Colonel3Dpublished Nov 6, Tip Designer Report Thing. Liked By View All.
Give a Shout Out. Summary C'est moi Nono le petit robot! From the famous Ulysse 31 anime TV series. As Nono eats nails and bolts, some of them are printables too. Nono can keep it in his belly. Parts with different colors eyes, ears, tongue has specific names. No needs for glue, all should snap together. Nono is about 21cm high. The ear with the hole not centered is the right ear. No support needed except for the head; the head should be printed upside down. The members should fit firmly if not very firmly in order to keep Nono stable on his feet.
Print the tongue with a concentric filling pattern to add a subtle realistic touch: By downloading this thing, you agree to abide by the license: Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial. Download All Files 8 mb zip file. App Info Launch App. BudDeviL Mar 26, Colonel3D - in reply to atreyou Dec 17, Colonel3D - in reply to fredho Oct 19, Colonel3D - in reply to iLouis Sep 9, Kenseiden Mar 31, Colonel3D - in reply to Kenseiden Mar 31, Kenseiden - in reply to Colonel3D Mar 31, Colonel3D Jan 14, Colonel3D - in reply to phil Jan 17, Colonel3D Nov 6, Nono le petit robot by Colonel3D.