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Come to one of our meetups in Athens or Thessaloniki. Join our Slack online chat. New map entries show up here. Use use the Chip-Chap Android app or we visit https: At this time the iOS app does not support EasyPay. Alternatively university of nicosia bitcoin wallet can access the same service via https: We enter our Bitcoin address that we want to receive the Bitcoin at.
We should have generated this address in our existing Bitcoin wallet already for a list of wallets consult https: On Chip-Chap we create an account with an email and password.
Chip-Chap will use this address to email us university of nicosia bitcoin wallet receipt and the reference code we must use in our bank deposit. At the next screen Chip-Chap tells us that we can now proceed to deposit the Euro amount at a Piraeus Bank account with a reference code that is unique to this transaction.
We can deposit cash at an EasyPay Piraeus Bank machine or transfer the money from another bank, including from banks in Greece:. Which companies, stores and professionals accept Bitcoin in Greece? How can I buy Bitcoin in Greece? What cryptocurrency and blockchain projects are there in Greece and Cyprus? International GiftOff European gift university of nicosia bitcoin wallet Amazon. International How can I buy Bitcoin in Greece?
It is located next to the Grigoris Mikrogevmata shop. At any Bitcoin exchange in the world, via a bank transfer. At a Bitcoin exchange that accepts debit or credit cards. An exchange that accepts Greek cards university of nicosia bitcoin wallet Coinbase and charges 3. Coinbase only accepts cards enabled for 3D Secure that allows secure online transactions.
Debit cards by Eurobank and Alpha Bank were successfully used on Coinbase recently in Piraeus Bank no longer supports 3D Secure for their cards. At the [BTCGreece] https: From a private Bitcoin trader you can find on Localbitcoins or at the BitcoinTalk university of nicosia bitcoin wallet.
You can exchange Euros with them using any method you want, e. From the BCash Bitcoin exchange via deposit at a Greek bank. Here are some sample instructions: We can deposit cash at an EasyPay Piraeus Bank machine or transfer the money from another bank, including from banks in Greece: Here is what the transfer looks like from another Greek Bank: A few hours after we deposit the money we will receive Bitcoin in our wallet: Sample receipt from Chip-Chap: Clinical laboratory Pegklis Evangelos.
Villa Pergola - Andros.