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Both had been rejected by Facebook and both had traveled and taken time out Today Whatsapp has in the region of 1. Today telecoms companies blame Whatsapp and Whatsapp bitcoin providers for loss of revenue and a decline in both traditional voice and text services - and they are right.

Whatsapp has, rightly or wrongly, hugely disrupted this market whatsapp bitcoin telcos whatsapp bitcoin aware of it and are scared.

Whatsapp is here to stay and is as mainstream as bread and butter. But it was not always like this After Whatsapp started to gain popularity whatsapp bitcoin 5 years ago, the big mobile operators typically poo-poo'd the threat The Telcos tried and failed to make "their own" whatsapp called RCS Rich communication services and variants and these widely failed and today whatsapp bitcoin exist. In fact, telcos eventually gave up and now actively promote Whatsapp and OTT operators to try to drive data revenues.

Whatsapp bitcoin what on god's green earth has this to do with Bitcoin? Well, quite a lot actually. Look at the paragraph above and replace Whatsapp with bitcoin. Also look at when both Bitcoin and Whatsapp started and when both started to really gain traction What will happen next?

It's so predictable - the banks and finance houses will try to drive their own version of a cryto currency or ICO forgetting the very reason Bitcoin is such a success in the first place - the parallels are scary and real. Whatsapp bitcoin be honest here, Bitcoin is about to do to the world of finance, what Whatsapp did to telcos and the traditional financial guys are scared - very very scared and so they should be.

Their prediction models don't work, the open nature whatsapp bitcoin blockchain does not follow traditional protocol, there is little regulation and whatsapp bitcoin all the masses not the few are in control.

The horse has bolted and while JP Morgan and others may try to bolt the stable door, the horse is now well out of sight. The city guys are doing all they can to cling on to their controlled little world, trying to link Bitcoin to criminals and money laundering like it never happened before!

One notable person even went as far as saying he would fire anyone in his employment who supported the currency. Of course, whatsapp bitcoin of their arguments hold water and time and time whatsapp bitcoin the little bulldog of a crypto currency that is Bitcoin breaks more and more records for growth and becomes more and more mainstream whatsapp bitcoin the day my dad, 70, asked me to buy him "some whatsapp bitcoin these bitcoins" whatsapp bitcoin.

Wall Street - don't follow the mistakes of the telcos, accept this new world and learn to live with it and integrate it. Blockchain is now whatsapp bitcoin accepted as secure and I applaud you on this however crypo currency in particular Bitcoin has a place in this world alongside fiat money and because of that it will succeed and grow.

Bitcoin futures will exist and bitcoin mainstream whatsapp bitcoin will become common whatsapp bitcoin. Track both Whatsapp and Bitcoin from to today and draw your own conclusions - you guys are the expert analysts and you have the stats. To ordinary folks looking to invest in bitcoin, please don't read this as investment advice - there is a powerful lobby group behind killing bitcoin and while I doubt they will succeed, there is huge risk involved. If you whatsapp bitcoin willing to lose it all then its possibly a good bet, but the decision is yours and yours alone, there are no real experts and it's a gamble, as is most of the world of finance really.

To my financial friends - be open minded I am a technology fanatic, nerd and ultimate pointy head. I am not yet Batman.

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