Paper wallet tutorial bitcoin

First of all - here is the list of things that you might want to prepare before moving to step by step tutorial:. After you are done downloading plug in USB stick 2, open the folder where you paper wallet tutorial bitcoin previously downloaded USB Installer and double-click on it.

Inside the USB Installer:. After you hit "create" Ubuntu will be installed on your flash drive. Safe the changes and reboot. Select "Try Ubuntu without installing" and wait until the OS finishes the paper wallet tutorial bitcoin sequence. Now you are in the Ubuntu desktop and after making sure that you are not paper wallet tutorial bitcoin to internet top right corner - there is WiFi indicator you can start to generate the seed.

Plug in your USB stick 1 with the webpage copy on it - a window should autmatically pop up. If that is not the case - click on the third icon "Files on the Dock on the left side.

As you can see - the whole thing works even without the internet connection. So now move the cursor around the page to randomly generate your seed. When you are done a page with two QR codes and some options should appear.

Choose "Paper Wallet" and select the amount of copies you want to make. You can also secure your wallet with "BIP38 encryption" by entering a unique passphrase for your wallet this step is not mandatory.

After that click on "Print" which in our case paper wallet tutorial bitcoin more like "Save" button. After that choose to safe your file onto your USB stick under the name: One issue that I've encountered is that the default size of paper wallet tutorial bitcoin wallet in that PDF file is pretty small and thus for some devices it might be problematic to scan the codes on it.

So what I prefer to do is to press PrtSc Print Screen button on my keyboard to make a screenshot of the file, then paste it into Paint program, crop it and save it as a picture again on USB stick - no files shall ever touch the hard drive of your computer!

That's how it's done: I do not recommend to use this wallet for payments, daily usage, etc. Also make sure that you have more of these copies as a back up! If you have more paper copies and a digital copy - your founds are paper wallet tutorial bitcoin and secure! I hope you enjoyed this step-by-step tutorial - if you paper wallet tutorial bitcoin it do not forget to upvote, resteem and follow me for more cool tutorials!

Give me some feedback in the comment section and tell me - what do you do to store your Bitcoins safely? Well hrhabiburif I find something forth upvoting on your blog page - I will upvote: Paper bitcoin wallets are one of the safest ways to store your Bitcoin cuz you cannot hack the paper, right? If the wallet is generated offline in the right way. In this tutorial Paper wallet tutorial bitcoin will show you how to create one in the safest way possible even if your PC is infected with a virus or is monitored by a hacker - nobody will gain access to your paper wallet.

So without the further do - let's get started! First of all - here is the list of things that you might want to prepare before moving to step by step tutorial: In order to create a paper wallet you need to generate random mnemonic seed via a web page called: But we want to do it as safe as possible remember?

So instead of generating the seed in your browser paper wallet tutorial bitcoin right-click on the webpage and select: A window will pop up - make sure you save the web page as "Webpage, complete". That will make the webpage accessable even wihout the internet connection. Save or move this webpage to your USB stick 1. Now you have to download: Inside the USB Installer: Ubuntu choose your 2nd USB stick as a medium find a path to your Ubuntu ISO file format the USB drive to make sure that paper wallet tutorial bitcoin flash disk is clean and ready for OS installation The final picture before installation execution should look like this: Google is your friend on this one: That's how it looks like on my PC Step 4: Now you should enter the USB boot and the Ubuntu boot options should be displayed: After you boot back to your Desktop environment make sure that all the internet connection is closed.

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