The Best GPU for Mining Ethereum
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It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! February in Mining. Are more and more miners being brought online, or is there some new upgraded mining software that increases your hash rate that I don't know about? Just want to make sure I didn't miss some radical upgrade to Claymore, or Genoil,etc.
Hash Rate Network Difficulty 8, It's probably pandaminers coming online all over the world. The pandaminers use just as much electricity and cost more than just buying video cards, so I don't think that many would come online at once You can be absolutely guaranteed that big farm owners are gonna be slotting 48u racks full of pandaminers as we speak no messing, just plug in and mine. Eth diff will go up always as long as things are good in ethereum land, people with high electricity costs will probably be sqeezed out.
Your only hope for bigger profits than you get now is for eth price to go up or a new coin with massive hype that will make people point their rigs to it, like ZEC did.
I doub't Pandaminers have much to do with it, I mean they are basically an optimized 6RX rig. I believe there are 8 boards in the pandaminer, but they are mxm boards. Before long plug and play miners will be available at your local Walmart lol. Ethereum mining hashrate chart anyone show rack rails for the pandaminer? It's not for the racks at all as far as I can see. So it looks like it's aimed ethereum mining hashrate chart small-middle size farms.
Such stuff like pandaminer or ethereum mining hashrate chart should cost less to be accepted by the miners. Plus what do you do with the panda miner say 1y from now? I will sell my gpu's for more powerful ones or sell all my components to get every cent I can out of it. February edited February Tbone the same thing It's unlikely RX s will be outdated for mining in a year, since their power efficiency is already quite good.
Acceptance certainly isn't a problem - people snapped them up fast because they saw the utiliy. It's difficult to get hold of MXMgpus if panda released an 8xRX upgrade kit I bet you'd be able to sell the 8xRX boards without too much problem.
Pandaminer is not a worthless chunk of metal like an ASIC, the kit inside it still has utility outside of mining. As long as the MXM boards aren't modded, they should be worth something.
Although I don't even know where they are being used. I read on a site that people are trying to get them to work with Clevo's and Sager laptops with no luck.
Where they heck are they coming from if manufacturers aren't putting them in their laptops? Also what is the total cost after shipping? Given the extremely insane jump in value ethereum mining hashrate chart Eth I think ethereum mining hashrate chart will continue to see the hash rate increase dramatically.
For example, I am one of the people jumping ethereum mining hashrate chart due to its rise in value. Everything after that regardless of how little is essentially free profit. Sign In or Register to comment.