Binance Coin Guide (BNB) 2018

5 stars based on 31 reviews

This weekend I noticed that they had deposited several Binance coin litecoin altcoin alt coins into my wallet? Apparently whenever there is some kind of Fork related to Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin they automatically deposit these new Fork coins into your Binance Wallet.

Yeah, most other binance coin litecoin altcoin just steal those free coins from you. Same with holding NEO on Binance. They actually give you the GAS for holding that. I don't have much at all but even if binance coin litecoin altcoin is. Binance is my favorite crypto exchange.

I guess more will come. If any issues would happen to binance, then maybe think again of other exchanges with no issues. I started from Poloniex, they had issues then I shift to Bittrex and again Bittrex encountered some issues.

Now I'm on Binance. And also on Bittrex, verification now is mandatory. I have ada coins at bittrex. I need to get around to opening up a Binance account. Over people binance coin litecoin altcoin my FOMO yesterday. If what was says is half true, then all those people have a chance to become millionaires within in binance coin litecoin altcoin next 5 years, easily.

They give me new coins every day. You will get those too on Binance if you got BTC on there!!! Binance gives you Free alt coins when you have a little Bitcoin there. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I am not sure seriously. Or maybe I won a Contest??? I have no idea how this happened. I have been waiting for weeks now. If you had them on Binance they would probably have doubled them for you.

Also, when Binance seems to pair up with new coins listed on occasion to give out those coins. Aren't you happy to see people listen to you and take your advice? You should be a Billionaire by now. I will send more Bitcoin there today if possible.

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