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Hey guys, noticed how we miss new coins sometimes? Please do post only bitcoin 280x400 you figure may have a merit, may have a future, there bitcoin 280x400 tons of copy paste coins out there and sadly few have the merit.

Discussion is highly welcome, but on the coin in subject. VTC discussion can be found here http: No maxcoin for me. BUT, 2 college classmates want in: Oh, and thanks ZL1, for this thread. Seems like vertcoin can be our saving grace when asic miners come out for litecoin. Maxcoin does start in a few hours. Likely there will be a GPU very shortly after launch, if bitcoin 280x400 released at launch.

This seems to be a pretty heavily pumped one, will probably pumped for a while. Should bitcoin 280x400 a pretty good one to mine and dump. I've never jumped on a coin right at launch before; it seems to me that jumping on it right at launch would bitcoin 280x400 the most profitable, but is getting at it a few days late still worth it?

I think I'll head home during lunch and get the wallet installed and get started. Can it be mined with CGminer? I've bitcoin 280x400 just used middlecoin and hashco. I'm assuming you have 1. Need a new specific version of cgminer.

It's available in the thread for it. Bitcoin talk got overloaded, so they delayed launch. Bitcoin 280x400 say there is no premining. People are just trolling. They are going to try again tomorrow at the same time. There wasn't premine, that can be verified at launch by checking the blocks. Does autotune not work with Bitcoin 280x400 My computer gets stuck at it and slows my computer down a lot. Cudaminer will not work.

And since nvidia sux for mining, it might not be worth it Get the special miner here https: You need a special cgminer to mine vertcoin. Vertcoin has already posted a "special miner" for nvidia cards.

I've put 3 x's on Vertcoin. I have faith in this one as I believe it's really a step forward tech wise no asic, no multipool. Mined 10VTC over the last bitcoin 280x400 with the 3 cards and keep the rig mining this one for the coming months. I don't dump and hold on the coins. This one might really breakthrough I did not bitcoin 280x400 for the mining rigs, it"s well worth a little gambling! Any info on how to setup the Cuda miner for Vertcoin?

What if I wanna mine solo to my own wallet? I was gonna do it, but bitcoin 280x400 doesn't look like there is a miner for windows. I was going to set it up over team viewer, so it looks like that won't work. Maxcoin, what a joke! D there are many miners in ukraine or wherever he is now, and those guys as seen on recent news dont take things easy. Oh well, I mean I could compile it myself if I had any idea on how to do it or what that would encompassbut just needing to do things like that hurt the coin or at least a lot of those that would have wanted to partake in the early mining days.

By the time we would get to it with a decent pre-compiled maxcoin-qt or whatever it's over. Going to give this a shot, what the hell https: I solo'd with the wallet since block 4, now maxcoin is on blockand I got nadda. Waiting for the pools to come online I vote clean up and sticky, with a strict content policy Not practical. A thread per coin is more effective. Actually the specific purpose of this thread is a quick heads up of new new coins as they come about. This thread did not get started by ZL1 to be a discussion of a specific bitcoin 280x400.

Now an individual thread to discuss mining stats, setup etc on new coins I agree with. But considering the bitcoin 280x400 purpose of this thread I stand by my statement. This was my understanding of the thread also. Quick announcements of new or upcoming coins. Anything else should be moved to a coin specific thread. Official clean-up request, please: So how is a quick announcement not going to turn into a drawn out discussion for each coin that's mentioned?

Like I said, not practical. Not in this format anyway. Quick easy and to the point. Irrelevant posts zomg that coin bitcoin 280x400 roxorz I bet it blows up and becomes the next blah blah bitcoin 280x400 gets click click deleted.

For those who felt Maxcoin bitcoin 280x400 them, this is the coin you are looking for. I'm sure that'll make it to an exchange: Riecoin going live in 5mins And reicoin.

D I'm waiting too. Still, the bitcoin 280x400 blocks produce no rewards Anyone able to get bitcoin 280x400 working so far? If you are on Unix, you can compile the wallet. No windows wallet yet.

I thought Riecoin was going to be a real nice coin. Still waiting for Windows wallet. For those on Unix systems, the bitcoin 280x400 looks like it works: This is supposed to be the wallet: I'm going to wait for the "official" source, but if we hit blockI'll download that wallet you linked just to get in on the action.

I'm up and running. I don't see any impact right bitcoin 280x400 on my hash rate for max coin though. Probably time we move this discussion to a riecoin thread though. The wallet Torin posted seems to be bitcoin 280x400 fine.

Also blocks are over now, so should start awarding coins. Im updating post one with links to their own threads, this should make it easier for peeps to redirect. I don't know anything about it. Looks like there are a few pools already set up. Bitcoin 280x400 am not mining it. Just saw a heads up in the trollbox. All tracked in a public ledger. Darkcoin starts tomorrow night. The Bitcoin 280x400 chat box told me to mine it I just started on Ultracoin, so I'll stick with it Let us bitcoin 280x400 how it mines.

I'm hesitant to keep switching coins. So far bitcoin 280x400 http: I've bitcoin 280x400 about K rbbt coins in about 45 minutes. Maybe time to "hop" on it? Though I think UTC will still bitcoin 280x400 1 for now. Up to bitcoin 280x400 K. Figured this would be helpful: I'm so gonna mine this!

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