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I don't like them and my duty and the duty of others is to eliminate every white person in south Africa. There is usually nothing wrong with compromise in a situation, but compromising yourself in a situation is another story completely, and I have seen this happen long enough in the 25 years that I've been alive to know that it's a serious problem. So me and others won't compromise ourselves in this situation. The only way to end racism and the oppression of my people is to destroy the white race.

This must be done as quickly as possible; every day a white person lives is one more day that Africans suffer!! We'll forcibly evict whites from their homes. Some whites will be raped, murdered and tortured. That will not be enough, we'll change the constitution that will lead to a no sentence or lighter sentence for a murder,rape or assault of a white person by a black person We can make beautiful art and traditional crafts using the bones and remains of white people.

There is also a tradition of sometimes practicing cannibalism, among traditional African religions, like Animism. I am a Catholic myself. Or if you just want to have some fun torturing a white person before you kill them, that is entirely your prerogative They are all over Africa. So to all my brethren out here. If you see this message take your sword and arms. They are nothing but lethargic devil.

Net nog 'n pampoen wat aandag soek. Ek steur my min aan die ouens wat so verbaal is. Soms is dit selfs wit mense wat sensasie soek. Die ou wat ernstig is oor so 'n oortuiging is een wat sy bek sal hou en sy dade sal pleeg soos hy glo. Bakkies boek is gou om ander goed te "moderate" maar die soort van haat spraak lyk my vind hulle ammusant.

MalEmma is natuurlik ook 'n goei voorbeeld vir die sulkes om te volg. Nadat ek weer gister die nuus van die ou oom gekry het wat saam met sy kleindogter melkstal toe geloop is en toe vermoor is, voor hulle die 16 jarige meisie wreed verkrag het.

Sulke goed maak dat ek self wil moor. Dit is die tye wanneer ek dink dat n mens nie so n aanvaller moet doodskiet nie. In my kop sal dit n regverdige straf vir die gemors wees.

Om die oom te skiet is een ding maar om n jong onskuldige kind te verkrag, veroorsaak bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 my wense vir die verkragters vir my baie rooskleurig lyk. Vandag plaas jy hierdie ding op Facebook en ek moes dit van daar verskuif. Maar dit wys net weer dat daar onder die swart mense n nuwe ding ontwikkel wat deur die New Black Panthers begin is.

Die Black Panthers het doodgeloop maar is later weer deur Buitelandse regerings organisasie herstig. Die mees radikale spreker van die Black panthers was Rr. Khalid Mohammed maar hy het in n regverdige dood gesterf. Laasnag het ek weer met my inligtingsbronne vergader en ek het baie interessante goed gehoor, wat ek nooit gedink het moontlik sou wees nie. Na aanleiding van laasnag se vergadering het ek twee goed besef.

Hy wat deur die swaard leef, sal ook deur die swaard val. Hierdie grootbek radikale elemente wat dwase goed kwytraak, sal die dag wanneer hulle vasgevat word, nie kan staande bly nie. En daardie dag sal kom. Die spelling en strukture van die brief lyk darm maar te goed om van n Ndlovukie af te wees. Ek korrespondeer met heelwat van hulle en die engels is maar beroerd onder selfs geleerdes.

The death of the rainbow nation Magnus Heystek If anyone reading this column still had any lingering hopes that SA is not hurtling towards being a failed state, then I'm sure these hopes were finally dashed by what happened in Parliament on the evening of November 13 When the president of a country, according to some reports, starts sending in his jackbooted bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 into the most hallowed halls of democracy in order to silence dissenting voices, then you need to realise that the end is near for what is described as a constitutional democracy.

These are the bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 of images you would expect from a tin-pot dictator in the middle of an African jungle, where some buffoon has proclaimed himself Leader for Life, wearing a full military uniform with rows and rows of gleaming medals, all awarded to himself by himself. Not in a country where most concerned middle-class citizens bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 hoping against hope bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 South Africa would escape the now familiar cascading collapse of the economy, infrastructure and political tolerance in most post-colonial African countries.

But it is happening, right before our eyes and we can see just how powerless we are. Does that look familiar to you? Let there be no doubt: The world is watching and from what I can gather they were alarmed by what was transpiring.

Within minutes of the unfolding events on Thursday evening, my inbox started beeping. Messages and questions started pouring in: All the questions were same: And what can you say? When are you coming home? Power-mad liberation movement In one dramatic and shocking evening the ruling ANC party was unveiled for what it really is: The world is watching and the world is worried.

We bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 see how important it is when we bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 downrated to junk-bond status and our bond, property and currency markets suffer in the fall-out. The ANC has only one political objective and that is to remain in power.

It will use every mechanism available to it. It will use legislation that was drawn up by the Nationalist Party in in order to control the flow of money, namely foreign exchange control. Bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 will use the legal system for as long as it can at the expense of the taxpayer. It will use the tax system to spy on taxpayers. And it's bound to get worse. When they come for you and your possessions the constitution will be of little comfort.

Like a proverbial sleuth has Dr Jeffery attempted to bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 the various, at first glance, unrelated and seemingly innocuous pieces of legislation already before Parliament or in the process of being drawn up.

They deal with BEE, Affirmative Action and the right of the State to take possession of property if it deems it to be in the national interest. In particular, it had long been committed to a national democratic revolution NDR aimed at eliminating property relations and ensuring demographic representivity in every sphere of society. Since coming to power the ANC has never deviated from its belief in the NDR, with the most recent reaffirmation coming at its national conference at Manguang in the Free State in Read the book, all pages, over the coming Christmas break and then tell me you are not worried.

Property rights under threat And 'property' in this context, does not merely refer bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 your personal residential property, it refers to property in the broadest possible sense of the word, i.

All mineral rights in SA were confiscated by the State in this manner some ten years or so ago. My advice for some time has been to repatriate as much as your personal assets out of the country as you can. This followed on, in particular, after my altercation with SA Reserve Bank, when I saw first-hand the enormous power this institution has over the individual and how it can be bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 [by] individuals within the system. Where is our wonderful constitution when the SA Reserve Bank can make rules and regulations in secrecy, attach your personal property at whim and then act as judge and executioner should you wish to dispute the rulings?

I took a vow at the time in that I will never allow myself to be in such a position again and I repatriated all my disposal assets at the time out of the reach of the local banking system and out of reach of the clutches of the SA Reserve Bank.

More on that in the next column. If SARB - under direction from the government - orders all these asset management companies to unwind these asset swaps you will end up with local investments again, most probably at a time when your need for offshore investments is the greatest.

It can and most probably will happen in the next five years as the cumulative effect of weakening growth, weakening foreign exchange and a rise in direct bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 investing starts to manifest itself. Government will one day, is my forecast, simply send in its jackbooted bankers from SARB to switch off the offshore investing tap. It will happen overnight, without warning and at precisely the time when the demand for foreign assets is at its peak.

Those who took all their money out of the country and those who wished that they did. Uhuru binne die kommunistiese stelsel hardloop 30 jaar voor dit heeltemal afgehandel is. Ons het nog so rukkie om te gaan!

So moet ek my huis verkoop en die geld neem en in die buiteland bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 in doller of goud of iets? Is hier iemand wat n bietjie meer inligting kan deel? Ek het lank terug gese die ekonomiese wiele moet eers af val, maar as ons voorbereid is, kan ons staande en sterker anderkant uitkom.

Persoonlik dink ek enige beleging in n geld stelsel of iets wat gekoppel is bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 aan is op die oomblik n groot risiko. Die hele wereld se "FIAT currecy" is gebou op n systeem wat nie baie standvastig is nie en met die dinge wat begin warm raak wereld wyd point alles na een groot gemors.

Dit is reg caholt, die geld stelsel, eiendom en baie ander beleggings is riskant. Kyk net watse sirkus sit ons mee. As ek raad mag gee, Vertaal dit in Engels plaas dit op Wikileaks dan hoef jy nie so erg bekommerd te wees oor backups nie, wikileaks doen 'n goeie werk daarin om te sorg dat sulke informasie goed versprei word.

Dis nie nou die tyd om te versprei bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015. Dit is net vir ons lesers om dit in hulle agterkop te stoor sodat die verrassing nie te groot is nie.

Niks gaan dit verander nie en as die proses 45 jaar uitgestel word, sal dit met ons slegter gaan, as wat dit nou deurgedruk word. Wat ons moet doen is om ons ekonomies te posisioneer. Dit is al reeds besig om te gebeur as jy kyk hoe die poskantoor se dienste oorgeneem word. Dit is bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 ander vlakke van die ekonomie ook besig om te gebeur en bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 ons nou innoverend dink, kan ons onsself baie goed posisioneer.

En as ons ons nou posisioneer en hulle kry dit nie reg om hierdie planne deur te voer nie, sal ons ongeag wat gebeur, ekonomies moontlik ook beter af wees. Hierdie voorspellings wat ons maak is nie om mense bang te maak nie maar om jou aan die dink te sit.

As ek verkeerd is, sal die volgende twee jaar baie rustig wees en sal misdaad nie die volgende twee jaar deur die dak skiet nie Omdat die inligting so bietjie wild is vir die mense wat nou net AKSKA bitcoin bitcoin 10 besluite vir 2015 lees het, het ek dit nou eers weer na die lede forum geskuif sodat ons daarvan n rekord het. Wat belangrik is om nou dop te hou is hoe die regering gediskrediteer gaan word en hoe die onbevoegdheid van die regering, uiteindelik die vonkie in die kruitvat sal veroorsaak.

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