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One of the early activities when getting started with Bitcoin programming is configuring the development environment with a test blockchain.
Docker is a software container technology. Find out more at the official site: The configuration described in this article is a simplified example based on the excellent bitcoin-testnet-box by Sean Lavine.
My environment for these steps is Ubuntu 16 running on VirtualBox in Windows 10 x There are a couple of different versions of Docker. The basic commands are shown here, but I encourage you to read and follow the documentation. There are additional steps to help verify that Docker is installed correctly.
Next, define the bitcoin. First create a new directory and cd into it. To learn more about the bitcoin. The Bitcoin Wiki also has a reference for the various commands available on its Running Bitcoin page.
The first step is to define the Dockerfile which instructs how the Docker image should be built. Refer to the official Dockerfile reference for help with this part. In the terminal window cd.. Next the ADD instruction will copy the bitcoin. Next, expose the bitcoind rpc port so it can be connected to from outside the Docker container. Make sure to specify the same port as you used above in the bitcoin. This section outlines how to build the image and run the container.
Check out the Docker doc Get Started. Make sure you are working in the directory containing the Dockerfile. The first time you build the image may be slow, especially if the Ubuntu image needs to be downloaded.
See this StackOverflow question: Docker updating image along when dockerfile changes. Refer to the Docker Docs run reference for all the details. Note that docker run creates a new container each time. To have Docker clean up the container when it exits, use the --rm flag.
Read more about the Clean up command in the Docker Docs: Start Bitcoin in headless mode, specifying the datadir as the node directory which contains the bitcoin. Both the node directory and the bitcoin. You should see the output Bitcoin server starting before being returned to the prompt. From outside the Docker container we can use curl to confirm connectivity to the Bitcoin node.
When the container was started using docker run Leave open the terminal window with the Docker container and the bitcoind daemon running.
This should return the same result as the getinfo command issued earlier within the Docker container. Also refer to this StackExchange question: Can I use curl to call getInfo from a the Bitcoin server?
I hope this article has served as an initial introduction to running Bitcoin in regtest mode within a Docker container. For a more advanced example please have a look at the excellent bitcoin-testnet-box available on GitHub. A good place to start for beginners is the Dockerfile , the bitcoin. Using a Docker container to run Bitcoin in regtest mode. Deploying smart contracts with the Ethereum wallet.