Antminer S9 Alternatives (December 2017)
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This guide compares some Antminer S9 alternatives against the S9 to see if they have a good return on investment. We'll use bitcoin miner usb amazon as a benchmark bitcoin miner usb amazon see the initial cost and power consumption of alternative miners. It may sound stupid to even consider other miners as the S9 is widely considered the most efficient, bitcoin miner usb amazon for miners like the S7 you can actually get more hashpower for the same price as the S9, but the power usage would be much higher.
If you lived somewhere with very cheap power this might be an option. Alternatively if power is more expensive, you might want to buy an Antminer R4, this uses less power than the Antminer S9, but would be more bitcoin miner usb amazon upfront.
Any Amazon links below are affiliate links, so we'll get some money if you buy anything via them. Quantity to achieve Worst-case scenario these may never ship. See the unverified Twitter feed of its creator for updates. See this guide for more upcoming miners in This site cannot substitute for professional investment or financial advice, or bitcoin miner usb amazon factual verification. This guide is provided for general informational purposes only.
The group of individuals writing these guides are cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors, not financial advisors. Trading or mining any form of cryptocurrency is very high risk, so never invest money you can't afford to lose - you should be prepared to sustain a total loss of all invested money.
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All information on this website is for general informational purposes only, it is not intended to provide legal or financial advice. Antminer S9 Alternatives December Comparison Any Amazon links below are affiliate links, so we'll get some money if you buy anything via them. May 5th, What is the Antminer Z9 Mini? Written by the Anything Crypto team We first discovered Bitcoin in lateand wanted to get everyone around us involved.
Never invest money you can't afford to lose.