2017 Was Bitcoin's Year. 2018 Will Be Ethereum's

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Big things are happening in the world of Ethereum evolution and the cryptocurrency market in general. A trade war is coming.

Some cryptos are going to be pumped and dumped and some are going to reach highs never before thought possible. What is more, it is becoming likely that the first shots exchanged in the coming cryptocurrency market wars, might well be fired between Dash Coin and Ethereum. Mainstream media reporters love to raise ethereum evolution when discussing Bitcoin. The the only problem for themis that they are starting to look ethereum evolution little foolish. Cumberland Mining, a Chicago and London based high volume cryptocurrency trading platform is headhunting.

What is more, Cumberland is just one of several reputable tech companies and trading platforms which is head hunting right on Wall Streets very own doorstep. The message is simple. Top trading platforms want top trading talent. What is more, they want to secure that talent now because they know that ethereum evolution are literally only seconds left on the clock until digital currencies and ICOs start being traded like conventional currencies and commodities.

What is truly remarkable about Dash Coin, however, is the fact that the digital currency has risen in value recently, thanks to genuine merit and technological innovation. Ethereum forked four times inspecifically to counter serious Ethereum blockchain hacks and internal fraud. Fast forward to a year ethereum evolution, however, and Ethereum is experiencing all of the same problems all ethereum evolution again. So, why is Dash Coin likely set to usurp Ethereums market ethereum evolution in ?

Well, from a security standpoint alone, the answer is simple. Dash Coin can never be hacked or have its security compromised like Ethereum. This is because Dash Coin can be sent and received completely anonymously and does not require a third party to help process transactions. For all intents and purposes, Dash Coin has done everything right with respect to planning for a time when the cryptocurrency market might go mainstream. Dash Ethereum evolution has proved that it is investable.

Ethereum, on the other hand, seems to ethereum evolution laud the possible potential of its smart contract based blockchain which no one really understands, whilst only ever bring more bad news to the investment table. The case for Dash Coin is simple. The only question really is, when will the first shots between Dash Coin and Etherum actually start being fired? The Cryptocurrency Market Will go Mainstream in Mainstream media reporters love to raise eyebrows when discussing Bitcoin.

Why Could Be a Perfect Storm for Ethereum For all intents and purposes, Ethereum evolution Coin has done everything ethereum evolution with respect ethereum evolution planning for a time when the cryptocurrency market might go ethereum evolution.

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Charts Correlations Hard Forks. Charts from the Ethereum Network Economy. Total Ether Supply Evolution of the total Ether supply.

Transactions Total number of transactions per day. Block Gas Usage Evolution of the average gas used in a block. Total Gas Usage Evolution of the total gas used by the Ethereum network per day. Average Block Usage Evolution of the average utilization of Ethereum blocks. Hashrate Average hashrate of the Ethereum Network. Mining Reward Evolution of the total daily mining reward. Block Mining Reward Evolution of the daily block mining reward.

Uncle Mining Reward Evolution of the daily uncle mining reward. Fee Mining Reward Evolution of the daily fee mining reward. Distinct Miners Number of distinct miners per day. Mining Revenue Evolution of the daily revenue when mining on the Ethereum network. Top Miner 30d Top Miners over the last 30 days. Top Miner 24h Top Miners over the last 24 hours.

Blocks per day Daily count of blocks generated by the Ethereum Network. Uncles per day Daily count of uncles generated by the Ethereum Network. Block time Average block time of the Ethereum Network. Difficulty Daily average difficulty of the Ethereum Network. Block Size Evolution of the average size of an Ethereum block. Block Gas Limit Evolution of the average block gas limit. New Accounts Number of new Ethereum accounts created per day.

Total Accounts Evolution of the total number of Ethereum accounts.