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We strongly recommend using APIv2 for new users and switching to this newer version for our current traders to get the best trading experience. Please find API version 1. All finance data, i. Here is a set of best practices of using the API as efficiently as possible.

Subsequent requests will result in reduced latency as the TCP handshaking process is no longer required. Hitbtc api treestands you are using an HTTP 1. Keep-Alive with your request. However, you will have to ensure your implementation does not set the connection header to other values.

All error responses have error code and human readable message fields. Some errors contain additional description field. Return the actual list of currency symbols currency pairs traded on HitBTC exchange. The first listed currency of a symbol is called the base currency, and the second currency is called the quote currency.

The currency pair indicates hitbtc api treestands much of the quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the base currency. An order book is an electronic list of buy and sell orders for a specific symbol, organized by price level. An candles used for OHLC a specific symbol. Public market data available without authentication, for other requests authentication is required.

You can create multiple API keys with different permissions for your applications. Symbol config contain tickSize parameter hitbtc api treestands means hitbtc api treestands price should be divide by tickSize without residue.

Quantity should be divide by quantityIncrement without hitbtc api treestands. By default, if strictValidate not enabled, server round half down price and quantity for tickSize and quantityIncrement.

Fee charged in symbol feeCurrency. Maker-taker fees offer a transaction rebate provideLiquidityRate to those who provide liquidity the market makerwhile charging customers who take that liquidity takeLiquidityRate. For buy orders you must have enough available balance including fees.

The Request object has the following members: If it is not included it is assumed to be a notification. A Notification is a Request object without an "id" member.

A Request object that is a Notification signifies the Client's lack of interest in the corresponding Response object, and as such no Response object needs to be returned to the client. The Notification object has the following members: The value of this member is determined by the method invoked on the Server.

The parameters of requests, responses, and errors correspond to REST, but usage flow differ. First you should subscribe for interested data. Then server send full snapshot of data, after that server send update notification.

Trade via socket have powerful changes to compared with REST: Your requests execute in requested order. Do not use this message to cancel the remaining quantity of an outstanding order, use the Cancel Request message for this hitbtc api treestands.

Stipulates that a newly entered order is to cancel a prior order entered, but yet to be executed. Parameter Description limit Number of results per call. Default offset Number of results offset. Default 0 sort Sort direction. Otherwise object id till If filter by timestamp, then datetime. Significant excess of the Rate Limits can lead to a suspend.

Retrieving and updating account state Use Streaming API for real time updates of your orders and trades and any transactions changes. Authorisation required or failed Forbidden.

Your connection is being rate limited Internal Server. Internal Hitbtc api treestands Error Service Unavailable. Service is down for maintenance Gateway Timeout. Request timeout expired Error response Hitbtc api treestands error responses have error code and human readable message fields.

Name Type Description id String Currency identifier. In the future, the description will simply use the currency fullName String Currency full name crypto Boolean Is currency belongs to blockchain false for ICO and fiat, like EUR payinEnabled Boolean Is allowed for deposit false for ICO payinPaymentId Boolean Is required to provide additional information other than the address for deposit payinConfirmations Number Blocks confirmations count for deposit payoutEnabled Boolean Is allowed for withdraw false for ICO payoutIsPaymentId Boolean Is allowed hitbtc api treestands provide additional information for withdraw transferEnabled Boolean Is allowed to transfer between trading and account may be disabled on maintain delisted Boolean True if currency delisted stopped deposit and trading payoutFee Number Default withdraw fee Symbols curl "https: Name Type Description id String Symbol identifier.

Name Type Description ask Number Best ask price bid Number Best bid price last Number Last trade price open Number Last trade price 24 hours ago low Number Lowest trade price within 24 hours high Number Highest trade price within 24 hours volume Number Total trading amount within hitbtc api treestands hours in base currency volumeQuote Number Total trading amount within 24 hours in quote currency timestamp Datetime Last update or refresh ticker timestamp symbol String Trades curl "https: Name Type Description limit Number Limit of orderbook levels, default Set 0 to view full orderbook levels Responses: Name Type Description limit Number Limit of candles, default Default is M30 30 minutes.

Name Type Description currency String available Number Amount available for trading or transfer to main account reserved Number Amount reserved for active orders or incomplete transfers to main account Order model Order model: Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day, including all active orders. GTC order won't close until it is filled.

IOC - An immediate or cancel order is an order to buy or sell that must be executed immediately, and any portion of the order that cannot be immediately filled is cancelled. FOK - Fill or kill is a type of time-in-force designation used in securities trading that instructs a brokerage to execute hitbtc api treestands transaction immediately and completely or not at all.

Day - keeps the order active until the end of the trading day hitbtc api treestands UTC. GTD - Good till date specified in expireTime. Name Type Description wait Number Optional hitbtc api treestands. Use long polling request, if order is filled, canceled or expired hitbtc api treestands order info instantly, or after specified wait time returns actual order info Response: Required for limit types.

See symbol tickSize and quantityIncrement Response: Name Type Description symbol String Optional parameter to filter active orders by symbol clientOrderId String If set, other parameters will be ignored. Could be negative — reward. Too low and too high commission value will be rounded to valid values.

If set true then total will be hitbtc api treestands the specified amount, fee and networkFee will be deducted from the amount autoCommit Boolean Default true. If set false then you should commit or rollback transaction hitbtc api treestands an hour. Used in two phase commit schema. Default value timestamp from Datetime or Number If sort by timestamp then Datetime, otherwise Number of index value till Datetime or Number If sort by timestamp hitbtc api treestands Datetime, otherwise Number of index value limit Number Default offset Number Responses: Name Type Description id String Unique identifier for Transaction as assigned by exchange index Number Is the internal index value that represents when the entry was hitbtc api treestands currency String Currency amount Number fee Number address String paymentId String hash String Transaction hash status String pendingfailedsuccess type String One of: Hitbtc api treestands response for hitbtc api treestands request.

On success subscription response is true. Get Currencies wscat -c wss: Subscribe to reports wscat -c wss: Fee hitbtc api treestands for trade. Place New Order Request: See symbol tickSize and quantityIncrement Example: Error code HTTP Status Code Message Note Action is forbidden for account Too many requests Action is being rate limited for account Internal Server Error Service Unavailable Try it again later Gateway Timeout Check the result of your request later Authorisation required Authorisation failed Action is forbidden for this API key Check permissions for Hitbtc api treestands key Unsupported authorisation method Use Basic authentication Symbol not found Currency not found Insufficient funds Insufficient funds for creating order or any account operation Order not found Attempt to get active order that not existing, filled, canceled hitbtc api treestands expired.

Attempt to cancel not existing order. Attempt to cancel already filled or expired order. In the future, the description will simply use the currency. Is required to provide additional information other than the address for deposit. Is allowed to transfer between trading and account may be disabled on maintain. In the future, the description will simply use the symbol.

Limit of orderbook levels, default Set 0 to view full orderbook levels. Amount reserved for active orders or incomplete transfers to main account. Unique identifier for Order as assigned by trader. Time in force is a special instruction used when placing a trade to indicate how long an order will remain active before it is executed or expires GTC - Good till cancel.

Use long polling request, if order is filled, canceled or expired return order info instantly, or after hitbtc api treestands wait time returns actual order info. Hitbtc api treestands parameter, if skipped - will be generated by server. Price and quantity will hitbtc api treestands checked that they increment within tick size and quantity step.

See symbol tickSize and quantityIncrement. Fee currency see in symbol config. If set true then total will be spent the specified amount, fee and networkFee will be deducted from the amount.

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