Op Ed: How Blockchain Technology Will Disrupt Digital Content Distribution

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Ready to start building Dapps? Dive deep into blockchain development. In the digital age, the biggest issue confronting the news industry is verifiability. Moreover, how do they know whether a particular media source is trustworthy? Through the use of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, Snip allows readers to tap into targeted news feeds on topics customized around their interests. Basically, there was a lot of long and good content and a lot of short and bad content, but almost no high-quality short content.

We started Snip as a small Facebook page for friends and family and it gradually grew to more than 30, users and 1, paying subscribers.

Snip online content producer bitcoin payments learns what you care about and provides you with stories on those topics, in addition to enlightening stories on other topics. Snips can be accessed in online content producer bitcoin payments number of different mediums, including audio and video, in addition to traditional, text-based posts. At its core, the site is censorship resistant — a characteristic generally viewed as a key element in the democratization of journalism.

In gathering and curating online content, site curators are incentivized and rewarded for their efforts. The Snip online community connects writers to readers directly, mitigating the risk of censorship and bias inherent in the legacy news industry. This entire process is seamless, with end users able to take in their own collection of snippets which are personalized through machine learning algorithms. The ultimate goal is to ensure that users can have online content producer bitcoin payments quality site experience without needing to understand the intricacies of the distributed technology and cryptocurrency systems undergirding the site.

Writers can generate income from their efforts. Readers will have the ability to utilize SnipCoin to purchase premium services such as ad-free news feeds, audio snips and customized written content. Additionally, advertisers will eventually be able to use SnipCoin to purchase ad space to increase their visibility on the platform.

Upon completion of the ICO, the project will launch in a closed, invite-only alpha format for the purpose of testing critical features germane to the site such online content producer bitcoin payments comments, voting, customized news feeds and spam protections. Reichman, for one, has strong opinions about ICOs, noting that project developers often launch ventures without any credible evidence of a functional product or service model.

Snip, he added, transcends this as a result of already having tens online content producer bitcoin payments thousands of active users, as well as over a thousand paying subscribers. Blockchain-based news delivery offers immense possibilities in terms of how news could be digested, whether on social media or mainstream media feeds.

This nascent technological movement has the potential to decentralize control, remove third-party intermediaries from public news access, prevent censorship and promote bias-free content. According to Reichman, Snip is uniquely positioned to capitalize on three major trends that are currently reshaping the media landscape:. Tokens allow companies to turn their users and contributors into real stakeholders of the ecosystem, making them ambassadors of the product.

This is especially important in news, where distribution is a huge challenge. Snip uses machine learning to find the best content online, then offers it to writers and subsequently personalizes the content to users with additional machine learning technology.

The Rise of the Millennial Generation: As opposed to previous generations, millennials never got used to reading print newspapers and expect an online-first news outlet — ideally, one which is smart, interactive and to the point.

When asked about his greatest hope and vision for Snip over the next 12 to 18 months, Reichman laid out his thinking. About Terms of use Advertise Store Contact. All What Is Bitcoin? What Is a Blockchain? What Makes Bitcoin Valuable? What Are Bitcoin Wallets? Is Bitcoin a Good Investment? What is Bitcoin Mining? What Is an ICO? Online content producer bitcoin payments the years, the world of online content has become increasingly convoluted and disjointed.

According to Reichman, Snip is uniquely positioned to capitalize on three major trends that are currently reshaping the media landscape:

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The first question is why should a blogger want to use bitcoins in the first place? Well, most bloggers want to have their efforts rewarded in some way, and most resort to providing context sensitive advertising. The income from this kind of offering can be very low, especially if the blog is in a niche that does not get well served by ads.

For example, my blog has one on the home page using the following HTML:. MultiBit is a free and open source Bitcoin client. If someone has installed a Bitcoin client onto their system then it will very likely be configured as a handler for that protocol.

MultiBit does this from version 0. Developers interested in getting this kind of functionality to work in their own systems may want to look at this Stack Exchange answer.

The QR component of the Bitcoin QR code allows people with smartphones to make donations using a Bitcoin wallet, or to use drag and drop payment. This is to allow people who do not have a suitable Bitcoin client to be able to copy paste the address into their respective client as a last resort. The Block Explorer site provides a wealth of useful information about Bitcoin addresses, and coupled with a Text-to-Image web service can give a nice result without any server-side processing.

For example, the following snippet inspired by the Bitcoin Trader blog and offered up by Jim Burton provides the amount sent to a given address.

By cycling your public addresses you can reset the amount as required and provide a label indicating the time span. Remember that bitcoins have value, and like anything valuable they should be managed within a secure environment. As part of standard website security you should be aware that if you are running your blog over HTTP then anyone in control of any of servers between you and your reader is able to read, and modify, the contents of the traffic.

This is known as a man-in-the-middle attack and there is more detail available on the Security Stack Exchange site. Since you are publishing your Bitcoin address then it is technically possible for someone to intercept this traffic and rewrite your Bitcoin address to their own.

This removes this possibility and promotes your site as a secure place to visit. Alternatively, you can approach your website provider and ask them how to go about it.

It does appear that if you are using WordPress. If you encounter this problem then contact the WordPress. If you host your own version of WordPress, or run your blog on Blogger. So, if your blog offers content that is of real value to others then they can now show their appreciation by donating a small amount less than a dollar very easily.

Just you and them. Consider a small donation: How to accept bitcoins on your blog with no code. January 9, Comments Tags: Bitcoin Tutorial HowTo Tweet.