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Flibbr is a passive aggressive crybaby who got his wife in England and mistress adam guerbuez bitcoin values New York pregnant at the same time. A man who couldn't keep it in his pants when he was abroad on adam guerbuez bitcoin values Bitcoin-conferance, but stuck it into the first gold-digging whore-hole he could find while ranting around with a small bag of bitcoins his mother gave him before he travelled.

Flibbr is by far the biggest adam guerbuez bitcoin values, me, it is all about me" kind of internet main-net shit that I have spent too many years listening to. Nothing he ever says is of any importance, he is what I would call "important in his own eyes". Happily I have always outsmarted Flibbr, he is the guy who screams "FOMO" or "CHINA" in the middle of the night when Bitcoin moves half an inch, a noise-machine designed to make everyone around adam guerbuez bitcoin values lose money, focus, money, concentration, money, sleep, money Under normal circumstances Flibbr should have been bankrupt years ago the way he is losing money left and right with his inaccurate calls and dumb trading, telling all the new people he get in his loser-club when to buy, buy, BUUUY - creates a "Fear of missing out" among the listeners and causing great losses for the many.

Adam guerbuez bitcoin values is why most people who get into Flibbr, end up losing their shirt and leave Flibbr. And I simply cannot stick around losers like that who rather make drama then money - and if you count all the times Flibbr is making drama, you can only guess how much money he lost previous to the Drama. Adam guerbuez bitcoin values, Guerbuez-drama, Pizpie-drama, Kazonomics-Drama just to mention a few.

Flibbr is a trust-fund baby, meaning - he do not need to work, nor has he ever done a days work in his life. Money come easy to him as his Mother pays him a few thousand British pounds every month that he can go and lose on the market. I just woke up one day and discovered that Stakepool was full of people, including the biggest adam guerbuez bitcoin values in the underground scam-scene I ever came across, Adam Guerbuez, the canadian facebook-spammer who got sued by Mark Zuckerberg for a lot of money which made Adam Guerbuez go personal bankrupt.

This Adam Guerbuez character which I interviewed a couple of years back would sit in Stakepool Teamspeak every day and phish new people into his scams which was slot-machines, MLM-cloud mining and really scammy bets. I wanted to ban Adam Guerbuez a long time ago, but Flibbr wanted Stakepool to be a free and open hippie-place for everybody, adam guerbuez bitcoin values rules saying that nobody could be banned from Stakepool - which for a time made Stakepool the center of Bitcoin-scams, something I had a problem just sitting and watching happening.

On April fools adam guerbuez bitcoin values Swapman decided to pull a phrank on me and all the users of Stakepool Teamspeak adam guerbuez bitcoin values changing the Stakepool Banner to a big message saying "Stakepool has been sold to another company" making me think that his admin-keys had been compromised in any way, shape or form.

In order to restore the server back to normality I autonomously removed all the other admins from the server and made them moderators. Then Swapman goes ahead and use a special priv-key I had generated for him to now take full control over Stakepool Teamspeak, and as the owner of the place I now had no other choice but to use my Kill-switch and restored everything back to factory-settings. This lead to a big drama outbreak from both Flibbr and Swapman who could not believe I would ever excess my powers, maybe they taught that fyrstikken is just a guy they could walk over and do whatever they wanted to do with - but for those who really know me, understand that adam guerbuez bitcoin values all this - is a hardcore businessman who does not let anybody - friends or enemies - get away with their actions.

Stakepool has later recovered big time, and we have more successful million-dollar-traders in our community then we ever had before. Stakepool has become the logical, money-making place to hang with other logical money-making people who do not need the "FOMO" nor the "HYPE" in order to make money, which is great.

Lately however, Flibbr has been going around twitter telling people "Stakepool is dead" - which is not true. Stakepool is absolutely alive, and better then ever. The difference between me and Flibbr is that I did adam guerbuez bitcoin values come from Money - I made my millions one after the other myself from nothing, I am a self-made-man and no British trust-fund baby shall ever be able to tell me what I can and cannot do.

Stakepool is a place for people with money, people who trade, investors, technocrats and philosophers. It is a place anyone should feel safe in as we are a friendly community that is only unfriendly to those that seek to hurt other people.

In adam guerbuez bitcoin values words, Stakepool is not a place to be a bully. I personally wish Flibbr all the best with his two new babies being born and all the stress that will come upon him. First off very funny videos and i do miss your hilarious commentary on Teamspeak. Your version of what happened is not how i recall what actually went down. In regards to Flibbr no idea and no interest about his personal life as its none of my business, sad to see you are commenting on it.

Flibbr is overwhelmingly liked by the Bitcoin trading community and the reason many of the traders jumped off your teamspeak was you were caught out by Adam trying to extort money. Thats the reason i left at any rate. Vix-drama, Guerbuez-drama, Pizpie-drama, Kazonomics-Drama just to mention a few Flibbr is a trust-fund baby, meaning - he do not need to work, nor has he ever done a days work in his life.

I hope to hear your voice on the radio soon. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. You got to do what is best for you.

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