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He currently draws for the newspapers that belong to the Grupo Reforma. Unlike most Mexican cartoonists, Mr. Calderon sternly supports free market economics and policies. As an alpha global city, Mexico City is one of the most important financial centers in the Americas and it is located in the Valley of Mexico, a large valley in the high plateaus at the center of Mexico, at an altitude of 2, metres.

The city consists of sixteen municipalities, the estimated population for the city proper was approximately 8. The city was responsible for generating After independence from Spain was achieved, the district was created in Ever since, the left-wing Party of the Democratic Revolution has controlled both of them, in recent years, the local government has passed a wave of liberal policies, such as abortion on request, a limited form of euthanasia, no-fault divorce, and same-sex marriage.

On January 29, it ceased to be called the Federal District and is now in transition to become the countrys 32nd federal entity, giving it a level of autonomy comparable to that of a state. Because of a clause in the Mexican Constitution, however, as the seat of the powers of the federation, it can never become a state, the city of Mexico-Tenochtitlan was founded by the Mexica people in According to legend, the Mexicas principal god, Huitzilopochtli monero paco calderon en the site where they were to build their home by presenting an eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in its beak.

Between andTenochtitlan grew in size and strength, eventually dominating the other city-states around Lake Texcoco, when the Spaniards monero paco calderon en, the Aztec Empire had reached much of Mesoamerica, touching both the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. It is bordered to the north by the United States, to the south and monero paco calderon en by the Pacific Ocean, to the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea, and to the east by the Gulf of Mexico.

Covering almost two million square kilometers, Mexico is the sixth largest country in the Americas by total area, Mexico is a federation comprising 31 states and a federal district that is also its capital and most populous city.

Inthe Spanish Empire conquered and colonized the territory from its base in Mexico-Tenochtitlan, Three centuries later, this territory became Mexico following recognition in after the colonys Mexican War of Independence. The tumultuous post-independence period was characterized by instability and many political changes. The Mexican—American War led to the cession of the extensive northern borderlands, one-third of its territory.

The Pastry War, the Franco-Mexican War, a civil war, the dictatorship was overthrown in the Mexican Revolution ofwhich culminated with the promulgation of the Constitution and the emergence of the countrys current political system.

Mexico has the fifteenth largest nominal GDP and the eleventh largest by purchasing monero paco calderon en parity, the Mexican economy is strongly linked to those of its North American Free Trade Agreement partners, especially the United States.

Mexico was the first Latin American member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and it is classified as an upper-middle income country monero paco calderon en the World Bank and a newly industrialized country by several analysts.

ByMexico could become the fifth or seventh largest economy. The country is considered both a power and middle power, and is often identified as an emerging global power. Due to its culture and history, Mexico ranks first in the Americas. Mexico is a country, ranking fourth in the world by biodiversity. It is generally considered to be a toponym for the valley became the primary ethnonym monero paco calderon en the Aztec Triple Alliance as a monero paco calderon en.

After New Spain won independence from Spain, representatives decided to name the new country after its capital and this was founded in on top of the ancient Mexica capital of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. Political cartoonist — An editorial cartoonist, also known as a political cartoonist, is an artist who draws editorial cartoons that contain some level of political monero paco calderon en social commentary. Their cartoons are used to convey and question an aspect of daily news or current affairs in a national or international context, Political cartoonists generally adopt a caricaturist style of drawing, to capture the likeness of a politician or subject.

They may also employ humor or satire to ridicule an individual or group, Editorial cartoons are not usually found in the monero paco calderon en comic section, although certain cartoons or comic strips have achieved crossover status.

Historically, these are quick, hand-drawn ink drawings, scanned and reproduced in black and white, the introduction of color came later, and more recently the use of digital drawing tools are a popular and efficient way to produce work quickly for newspaper deadlines. Historically, these artists have roots in ancient art forms, such as the painting of Early Man, or the hieroglyphics of Egypt. The rise of comic journalism online, which combines the comic strip format as a means to monero paco calderon en a story in more depth, is very effective in a vertical web format.

As visual journalists, they can monero paco calderon en a story in a way, with words. Because an editorial cartoonist expresses an idea visually, with little or no text or words, in the United States, there are more than a hundred published editorial cartoonists, from both sides of the Republican-Democrat divide. In India, the most common and popular form of commentary is the pocket cartoon. Unny, Shekhar Gurera, Ajit Ninan are some of the editorial cartoonists. A political cartoonists aim is often to encourage debate, they can also fuel controversy and their work can expose corrupt or abusive regimes, governments or political groups, and therefore often put themselves and their publishers at risk.

InDanish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard received numerous threats and was attacked in his home by man with an axe. The Cartoonists Rights Network International awards the annual Courage in Editorial Cartooning Award to political cartoonists who show bravery and risk their own safety to publish their work. Inthis accolade was awarded to Atena Farghadani of Iran, there is a Pulitzer Prize awarded every year for Americas top editorial cartoonist — as decided by a panel of senior monero paco calderon en industry professionals and media academics.

Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, The largest organization of political cartoonists, have over members worldwide, national Cartoonists Society, welcomes editorial cartoonists in the United States. Cartoonists Rights Network International, It helps cartoonists who are exiled, jailed or monero paco calderon en danger of persecution, attack of the Political Cartoonists, written by J. Trostle, was published in and includes profiles of mainstream American and Canadian cartoonists.

And the 3-volume Attitude series includes some of the cartoonists who have appeared in alternative newspapers and online — see Attitude. It publishes ten daily newspapers in five cities, including the newspapers in Mexicos monero paco calderon en largest cities, Reforma in Mexico City, El Norte in Monterrey and Mural in Guadalajara.

It also publishes the daily Metro in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Puebla and Toluca, the average daily circulation of all these papers is 1. The group also owns the largest content-intensive web sites in Mexico, reforma. Cancha, a tabloid with Mexican sports and entertainment news, is published biweekly in Las Vegas in partnership with The Las Vegas Review-Journal, Grupo Reforma was the first newsgroup in Mexico to separate its commercial division from its journalism division.

This allows for an independence, and helps journalists resist the temptation of writing articles favorable to sponsors. When it was founded on November monero paco calderon en, the newspaper pressured unionized newsstands to sell the paper that day, Reforma changed the traditional distribution of newspapers with its independence from the unionized newsstands and printed media resellers.

It also was innovative because of the inclusion of people of all political opinions in its editorial pages, Grupo Reformas independent journalism drew the ire of the powerful Mexico City carrier union barely a year after it was born. This syndicate controls distribution of all newspapers in the city and was traditionally used by the political system to bring down any paper that was deemed unacceptable.

The carrier union boycotted the distribution of Reforma in Mexico City in OctoberGrupo Reforma decided to create an independent distribution channel to sell Reforma on the city streets.

The support of the readers was incredible, intellectuals, artists, dozens of people took to the streets to sell the paper, despite the verbal and even physical violence of the carrier union.

Currently, Reforma is distributed independently to the homes of 85, subscribers, to supermarkets and other retail outlets, the papers daily circulation averagesGrupo Reformas dailies have monero paco calderon en open journalism model that is different from any newspaper in the world. One of the cornerstones of this model is the editorial board, each section of every paper has an editorial board composed of readers and leaders in the sections area of interest who get together weekly or bi-monthly to set the monero paco calderon en editorial agenda.

For example, the board of Reformas national section may include a diputado. The boards have complete liberty of action in setting what is covered, the board is led by each sections editor, the person who is directly responsible for the daily operation of the section.

Each board session is divided in two parts, first, the board members critique the content published in the section since the last time they met.

These and other topics are covered. The city is anchor to the third-largest metropolitan area in Mexico and is ranked as the ninth-largest city in monero paco calderon en nation, Monterrey serves monero paco calderon en a commercial center in the north of the country and is the base of monero paco calderon en significant international corporations.

It is considered a Beta World City, cosmopolitan and competitive, rich in history and culture, Monterrey is considered one of the most developed cities in the entire country and often regarded as the most americanized in Mexico. The uninterrupted settlement of Monterrey starts inwith its founding by Diego de Montemayor, in the years after the Mexican War of Independence, Monterrey became an important business monero paco calderon en.

With the monero paco calderon en of Fundidora Monterrey, the city experienced a great industrial growth, prior to the European foundation of the city, there was no established nation state, and the population instead consisted of some indigenous semi-nomad groups.

Carved stone and cave painting in surrounding mountains and caves have allowed historians to identify four major groups in present-day Monterrey, Azalapas, Huachichiles, Coahuiltecos monero paco calderon en Borrados. Monero paco calderon en the 16th century, the valley in which Monterrey is located was known as the Extremadura Valley, in he arrived in the newly granted lands but it was not until that he established a settlement called San Luis Rey de Francia within present-day Monterrey.

Most of the Monterrey people descent from a creole Spanish heritage, during the years of Spanish rule, Monterrey remained a small city, and its population varied from a few hundred to only dozens. The city was a place that facilitated trade between San Antonio, Tampico and from Saltillo to the center of the country, tampicos port brought many products from Europe, while Saltillo concentrated the Northern Territories trade with the capital, Mexico City.

San Antonio was the key trade point with the foreign monero paco calderon en. Mexican forces were forced to surrender but only after successfully repelling U. Many of the generals in the Mexican War against France were natives of the city, including Mariano Escobedo, Juan Zuazua, during the last decade of the 19th century, the city of Monterrey was linked by railroad, which benefitted industry.

InHurricane Gilbert caused great damage to the city, the conference resulted in the adoption of the Monterrey Consensus, which has become one relevant reference point for international development and cooperation. Guadalajara — Guadalajara is the capital monero paco calderon en largest city of the Mexican state of Jalisco, and the seat of the municipality of Guadalajara. The city is in the region of Jalisco in the Western-Pacific area of Mexico. It is a business and economic center in the Bajio region.

Other, more industries, such as shoes, textiles. Guadalajara, one of the most popular clubs in Mexico. Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza had to control of the campaign to suppress the revolt after the Spanish were defeated in several engagements. The conflict ended after Mendoza made some concessions to the Indians such as freeing the Indian slaves, the village of Guadalajara barely survived the war, and the villagers attributed their survival to the Archangel Michael, who remains the patron of the city.

It was decided to move the city again, this time to Atemajac. The city has remained there to this day, inrecords indicate that people were living in Guadalajara and, in the same year, the status of city was granted by the king of Spain. Saltillo — Saltillo is the capital and largest city of the northeastern Mexican state of Coahuila and the municipal seat of the monero paco calderon en of the same name.

The city is located about kilometres west of the Texas border, as of the census, Saltillo had a population ofpeople. The metro area comprises the municipalities of Saltillo, Ramos Arizpe, founded in by Conquistador Alberto del Canto and Spanish colonists, Saltillo is the oldest post-conquest settlement in northern Mexico. Saltillo supplied the mines of Zacatecas with wheat. It monero paco calderon en rose to prominence, but it did develop a commercial core.

Saltillo became administratively more important at the end of the eighteenth century, monero paco calderon en, most of whom were Iberian-born peninsular Spaniards, constituted the most important economic group, handling a wide variety of goods and sold in shops. They were the branch of the transatlantic merchant sector, with ties to Mexico City merchants. Peninsular merchants in Saltillo married into local society, acquired rural properties.

In the late century, an annual trade fair was established, with goods from as far away as China and Europe. Saltillo could produce wheat commercially so long as enterprises had access to water, in the eighteenth century, there was a demand for draft animals, which Saltillo could supply.

The city of Saltillo is the seat of the municipality of Saltillo. Monero paco calderon en citys elevation, monero paco calderon en 1, metres, makes it cooler and windier than the city of Monterrey. By looking at the relief of the mountains, one can see, according to local legend, Saltillo is located in the Chihuahuan Desert but temperatures are cooler than other desert cities in Mexico because it is located in an altitude of 1, meters.

Summers are monero paco calderon en hot with cool nights, and winters are sunny, rainfall is scarce but more prominent in summer. Library of Congress — The Library of Congress is the research library that officially serves the United States Congress and is the de facto national library of the United States. It is the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States, the Library is housed in three buildings on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.

The Library of Congress claims to be the largest library in the world and its collections are universal, not limited by subject, format, or national boundary, and include research materials monero paco calderon en all parts of the world and in more than languages.

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