PS Coin Currency Exchange - A New Kind Of Market

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The unique PS Coin market algorithm encourages "healthy" behavior among traders in a market by awarding limit orders with royalties relative to their participation in helping produce a deep, dense, and stable market. Traders are automatically compensated for placing orders for as many units of currency as they can, as close to the bid-ask-spread as they dare, for having those orders sit there for a long time accumulating royalties, and then eventually having their orders trade.

As a result of our incentive algorithm, all of the bids and asks seen on the PS Coin markets are very likely andrew tepper bitcoin news remain there. It's not an illusion of stability, as traders have come to experience many times andrew tepper bitcoin news traditional markets. Those interested are encouraged to watch our video for a detailed explanation of how the PS Coin algorithm works, by andrew tepper bitcoin news conceiver of the algorithm himself and co-founder andrew tepper bitcoin news PS Coin, Andrew Tepper.

PS Coin's engineering team has andrew tepper bitcoin news over a year in development, with the goal of building the most secure and most powerful exchange possible. The majority of all funds which will be deposited to the PS Coin exchange are stored offline in bank vaults. For the rest, we have sought the expertise of cryptographers and decorated cybersecurity experts to design and engineer software security systems that far exceed industry standards for excellence.

Because we can't accurately condense all of the information into this press release, those interested are encouraged to read more about how we will protect funds on our security page: The PS Coin incentivized trading engine has to do a bit more work than standard exchanges, because it must process accumulation and capture of royalties for every order.

PS Coin engineers have extensive experience in the crypto-currency space. Co-founder Andrew Tepper is also the founder of eGenesis, the 14th company ever to accept Bitcoin as a currency, and creator of Dragon's Tale, which is likely the longest running Bitcoin based business in the world in continuous operation since October The PS Coin initial alpha launch will commence worldwide this morning at 9am EST and allow traders to participate in the following initial crypto currency markets:.

Andrew tepper bitcoin news initial alpha testers can only sign up after receiving an invite. Press and media personnel are andrew tepper bitcoin news to request an invite from us directly via e-mailing our co-founder, Daniel Pusateri: This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http: February 04, With a Reader Account, it's easy to send email directly to the contact for this release.

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