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Yes, except for a few unconventionally modified clades. Do Imperial law and common custom acknowledge the validity of implied contracts, whether implied-in-fact or implied-at-law? The Curial courts have no particular desire to have to invent the terms of contracts and try to parse out the meeting of the minds that may or may not have been. Instead, to save time, they have form contractswhich are basically library functions in contract law that can be invoked by various things: That ensures that the terms are defined, and contracts are always entered into intentionally.

You mentioned that sometimes someone can acquire a backup twin if their incarnation insurer mistakenly believes them to be dead. How is this resolved legally? Is property and assets split evenly? How about debts and obligations? Can one arrange in advance what will happen and are there established precedents and norms? When one person becomes two, the basic legal rule in the absence of any specific agreements between self and self otherwise is that various things attaching to them instead attach to the corporate body of both of them.

How are disputes resolved for those foolish enough not to be able to come to an agreement with themselves. If all else fails, they can always call on the Curial courts to make a division for them. So what would the eldrae make of the idea of pandeism — that the Universe as we know it came about when a Creator of necessarily immense power and knowledge though explicitly not an omnipotent and omniscient Deity in the classical Abrahamic veinfor whatever reason, ceased to be a unitary consciousness?

How compatible would such an idea be with the precepts of the Flamic faith if someone were to make an effort to reconcile the two? It may, however, somewhat troubled by the pretty clear notion among the Flamics that the creator is a schmuckfor making or in this case, becoming such a fundamentally broken universe in the first place. So it would need to be a school of pandeism that can cope with the idea of performing invasive surgery on a blind, idiot, possibly suicidal deity.

A contract with only one party is no contract. And the content is going to affect how seriously anyone might take it as advice, even. As mentioned before, the creator is a schmuck. When there are just two parties involved, debt and obligation seem to be pretty straightforward: Once you undertake an obligation, you assume liability for discharging it, and if you default, Bad Things Happen.

Is each party still responsible solely for its own obligations, or is there some mechanism by which part or all of their liability in this matter can be assigned to A for their role in knocking over the first domino?

Contract arrangements delegating risk notwithstanding, you are responsible for all of your obligations. That happened pretty much as described. Hesh is, after all, the Necessary Chaos. After reading that the Empire sends out automated stargate deployment ships, and so there are systems with stargates in them that are otherwise largely unexplored, a thought struck me.

How would the Empire respond if they sent a scout through one of these stargates and discovered that there was another non-Imperial, non-Voniensan stargate already in that system? Has that, in fact, ever happened? Carefully and respectfully, of course, certainly. Also, regarding stargates in the Worlds, the Empire and the Republic are the only folks with the capability to make them, no?

Served traditionally in small cups or diluted in large mugs with brown sugar, cacao chocolate, and cream. And contains both caffeine and theobromine, along with a number of other alkaloids of similar chemical structure. On the Cestian continent, cider of a variety of varieties is most popular, followed up by mead and beer, the latter especially in the Alatian port-towns. North of there, in Veranthyr, cider is the day-to-day drink, but they make a variety of liquors from fruits of all sorts which are classically deceptive.

Taste sweet, and harmless, and delicious, and moreish. And then you fall over. The closest thing we have for comparison is the slime mold. They can form temporary group minds by joining together, which they use for high-grade computation. And their speech is entirely chemical — either by direct merging close up, or by releasing spores at a distance hope you bought that option for your translator.

Dark-skinned, they have fur in winter or perpetually cold environments, but not the rest of the time. Natural brachiators, they found the microgravity environment quite congenial, which contributed to their painless interstellar expansion and large merchant marine. The uplift engineers at Family of Species, ICC, have no interest in turning every species they get their hands on into imitation monkeys. Not to be thwarted, then, the uplift engineers cyborged them using nanocyte technology i. The individual members look like thin rats with opposable thumbs on their paws, metallic threads running along their tails the antenna for their wireless gestalt linkand infrared lenses next to their eyes.

Which would be problematic. But, you see, they got that way by being master biotechnologists, and over the course of centuries have both stripped their physical form down to a minimum, and also then built it back up again by inventing whole suites of modular plug-in organs and symbiotic bodies they can put on and take off like other people change their pants.

The esseli are also notable in that the form of genetic storage and the form of memetic storage they use are identical: Thus, while esseli are entirely capable of conventional speech in any number of modes, depending on which organs they have installed right nowwhen they want to convey lots of information, they just pass appropriate plasmids around. It came as something as a surprise to exo- biologists that the first species they met was about as silicon-based as it could be, being a race of living crystals.

Over time, this mutually evolved to the point where the crystals, with their silicon-based intelligence, directed the viruses and the viruses reshaped the crystals. In their natural state, they were sessile, leading to their immensely patient, philosophical, contemplative culture. You could think of them as looking something like 4th ed.

Kaeth blood gleams like mercury, and their skin, or rather scale, tones are dietary-dependent variants on a dark gray-silver, both of which have to do with just how rich Paltraeth their homeworld is in various heavy metals, which their biology makes good use of — kaeth bones are strong as girders, and kaeth skin is basically naturally-grown double-lapped composite scale mail.

A typical kaeth masses something upwards of lbs. On top of all of that, kaeth evolution has provided them with natural weapons in the form of fang and claw, redundant, highly distributed organ systems, fast healing, and strong immunities, which should tell you something about just what a happy fun place Paltraeth was to evolve.

The lanect are a warm-blooded, fleshy i. The mezuar are purplish-blue trees, wood and leaf, and entirely sessile. Well, yes, so is just about everything living.

Not having any skeleton, their natural shape is a spheroidal blob with a slightly flattened base, but they can manipulate their internal plasm to take on any variant shape from a puddle to a tree, and generate limbs at will. A beak-like mouth is to be found between each arm-leg pair. The seforn are quadrupeds, with gleaming, jewel-like skin contains no actual jewels, much to the disappointment of people who have obtained seforn moltingswho possess a mouth and trinocular eyes in a partially-merged head at one body terminus, while.

Monosexual and parthenogenic, they depend on an in-built process of gene-shuffling to produce genetic variation. Proud Scholar Race Guy: The eldrae might well wear this hat among the Imperials — after all, they do love knowledge — had they not run into the galariwho, in the closest thing to a hat that I intend to appear, are entirely qualified as Proud Scholar Race… ah, Crystals. Once again, same disclaimer: Other examples might include the esseliwho play it straight with regard to their biological tinkering, if nothing else, and the mezuarwho being sessile get to spend a lot of time thinking….

Happens quite a lot; of course, since many people eldrae, galari, immortagen-takers, most postsophonts, AIs, etc. This may be a major enabler of space development, megastructure engineering, and other things requiring non-mayfly-like thinking.

The unconventional modifications tend to each come with their own disadvantages. And, per below, it has happened… Also, regarding stargates in the Worlds, the Empire and the Republic are the only folks with the capability to make them, no? Also popular in various regions: Codramaju The codramaju are weird as hell. Galari It came as something as a surprise to exo- biologists that the first species they met was about as silicon-based as it could be, being a race of living crystals.

At least before the asteroid strike. Kalatri See previous post. Lanect The lanect are a warm-blooded, fleshy i. Linobir Imagine a bear. Mezuar The mezuar are purplish-blue trees, wood and leaf, and entirely sessile. Myneni The myneni are a blob of nanomachines in a bag. Seforn The seforn are quadrupeds, with gleaming, jewel-like skin contains no actual jewels, much to the disappointment of people who have obtained seforn moltingswho possess a mouth and trinocular eyes in a partially-merged head at one body terminus, while.

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