Tackling the migrant crisis in Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story

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There is no education. My children have no toys. Their pain is shared by almost every refugee family that once called Syria home — families that take to the seas and deserts in search of opportunity in the form of an education for their children.

Today, about one million Syrian refugee children are bitcoin refugees news of school. Most of those who are in school will drop out before starting secondary education. In the space of a single primary-school generation, Syria has bitcoin refugees news what may be the greatest education reversal in history. A generation has been lost.

A continent away and 5, kilometers 3, miles to the south, the situation is equally desperate. Displaced by a campaign of terror, more thanpeople soon to exceed one million have fled across the South Sudan border into northern Uganda.

According to a new report by Save the Children, for almost a year, one South Sudanese child has crossed the border, on average, every minute.

They have witnessed unspeakable violence. And they need an education. The Ugandan government has responded with extraordinary generosity. In marked contrast to far wealthier nations, it has offered a haven and provided refugees with land, seeds, and tools so bitcoin refugees news can rebuild their livelihoods.

The country has opened its already bitcoin refugees news schools and health facilities and delivered on the promise bitcoin refugees news support bitcoin refugees news more effective response to refugees, pursuant to a declaration by the United Nations General Assembly. This is one of those rare moments where rhetoric may very well live up to reality. In a world confronting the largest refugee crisis since World War II, this is not a Ugandan problem but a global one — and global problems demand global solutions.

Currently, funding for education in humanitarian crises, while rising nearly a full percentage point since last year, is still woefully insufficient. The funds are there. But will we act? Securing this financing would significantly improve the ability of countries like Uganda and Chad which is sheltering more thanrefugees from the violence in northern Nigeria and Libya, of whichare of school-age bitcoin refugees news provide refugee children an education.

And that would help stem the tide of refugees on the move in search of opportunity, because stability and hope take hold where an education is provided. We now benefit from the Education Cannot Wait fund, which carries forward the innovative solutions introduced at the World Humanitarian Bitcoin refugees news. Under the leadership of Yasmine Sherif, the fund works with humanitarian response partners bitcoin refugees news the ground to bridge the humanitarian-development divide and develop solutions in real time.

Meanwhile, the Global Partnership for Education is encouraging countries to account for refugees in long-term development planning. The proposed International Finance Facility for Education could also provide a bitcoin refugees news lifeline to many countries.

At a time of profound global division, we have the opportunity to forge a different path. Investing in education yields far-reaching returns, and there is solid evidence that quality education gives children a place of safety.

Data show that the educational exclusion that refugees experience becomes more pronounced with age. Statistics like these bring us face-to-face with a sobering reality: On June 20, World Refugee Day, it is incumbent upon us to deliver a message of hope to the many refugee children caught in the crossfire and deprived of an education. Even when the fighting stops and a country moves toward reconstruction, there can never be true peace unless all children bitcoin refugees news in the classroom, where they belong.

That is a message that also needs to be carried to world leaders at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, in July. So long as one child is out of school, we fall short of fulfilling that most fundamental promise — and indeed right: This article is published in collaboration with Project Syndicate. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone bitcoin refugees news not the World Economic Forum. We are bitcoin refugees news cookies to give you the best experience on our site.

By continuing to use our site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The great challenge of the 21st century is learning bitcoin refugees news consume less.

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Cryptocurrency has made some serious waves since Bitcoin's meteoric rise. Many experts have warned that Bitcoin's ongoing value increases represent the effects of a classic speculative bubble, where investors pour money into a product that has become detached from any real-world value. But cryptocurrency isn't inherently speculative. There are multiple ways these blockchain-based currencies can be applied to the real world, and efforts are underway to do exactly that.

Business News Daily spoke with three entrepreneurs working to ground cryptocurrency in real value, rather than speculation. BizX is a network of small businesses that are experimenting with a digital currency called "BizX dollars. Businesses in the network earn BizX dollars by offering goods and services to other members in the network, or they can receive a line of credit in BizX dollars from BizX itself. Bob Bagga, CEO of BizX, notes that because this currency is attached to the dollar, it "avoids volatility, and it also makes it easy for people [in the network] to price their goods and services.

BizX dollars aren't the end of the line for BizX currency, Bagga said. Creating a stable alternative currency in the network has given BizX the opportunity to create a cryptocurrency that acts as an entrance into crypto markets.

We could be that last mile to be able to allow for businesses to be able to connect crypto to Main Street. ExsulCoin is about to launch its initial coin offering focused on social value. Aimed at providing educational opportunities and assistance to refugees entering new countries for the first time, ExsulCoin gamifies education by rewarding users with tokens that can eventually, after they complete advanced courses, be exchanged for crypto that is tradeable on the open market.

Where crypto comes in, Song said, is incentivizing education for refugee populations in a new country while simultaneously rewarding them for their progress. Then, at advanced levels … we give them tokens that relate to real-world value and transition those in app tokens to ERC tokens," which can then be exchanged on the Ethereum blockchain.

The idea is to not only encourage refugees to attain higher levels of education that familiarize them with life in their new country, but to encourage them to help others going through the refugee placement process. Doing so can earn a user more cryptocurrency, and each user's progress and wallet will follow them even if they relocate, thanks to the blockchain. While ExsulCoin is preparing for its ICO in February, Song said it is developing a large amount of educational material for the Rohingya population that have fled persecution in Myanmar.

By leaning on the knowledge of a large refugee population in the U. Then it's just about building a platform around that. IO is an exchange platform that capitalizes on the speculative investment in the crypto world right now, but it creates real value by offering a streamlined, accessible platform for investors to stay apprised of trading in real time. IO offers them a single, centralized location from which to facilitate all their trading activity.

This is a realization across the fledgling crypto industry, however, Kravets said. More tokens are on the way, many of which are aimed at creating real value grounded in actual goods, services or assets. What's left, Kravets said, will be those tokens and crypto products with true staying power.

These could be tokens that are stable enough to use in transactions or other use cases that haven't been conceived of yet. As in any new industry, the good ideas will have to sink or swim on their own. The tokens and products that generate real value and fill real need will likely remain, while those that fail to address real concerns will fall by the wayside.

One thing is for sure, however: Cryptocurrency is not synonymous with speculative investment. He worked for a local newspaper and freelanced for several publications after graduating college. He can be reached by email , or follow him on Twitter. Product and service reviews are conducted independently by our editorial team, but we sometimes make money when you click on links.

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