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You first download a Bitcoin wallet bitcoin world reserve currency app, such as Blockchain, and set a password. You press your phone against the glass and a QR code appears; then you follow the instructions, to feed in cash only.

Then the machine sends Bitcoins to the phone. However, do you have a picture of this? Have you ever walked the streets in New York City? They had better quadruple the police force in the city.

Cash grabbing muggings are about to be a growth industry. But get an idea of the growth here. The first 1, merchants were first noted in September By Septemberthere were 10, merchants. At 1, per week, the Bitcoin is going to double the 10, number every two and a half months, and this growth is even more dynamic in China, India, Russia, and South America.

Ironically, the financial press has been singing the demise of the U. The money printing has and still is amassing incredible debt denominated in dollars. Now a cyber-currency appears and has had a bitcoin world reserve currency, percent growth in value in less than two years. The dollar still floats against a basket of other paper IOUs around the world. Meanwhile the Bitcoin, if this continues, may devalue and debase them all. They have outlawed the ownership of gold bitcoin world reserve currency India.

However, they are allowing a cyber-signal called Bitcoins. China lives in constant defiance of the bitcoin world reserve currency of the U. Ditto for Russia so they allow the use of Bitcoins.

Inflation in South America is a spectator sport only exceeded by soccer, so they allow Bitcoins. The speculative fervor over Bitcoins in my view is the epitome of the mania atmosphere seen in stocks, bonds, and even the institutional zaniness in the bitcoin world reserve currency estate market. They are fiddling around on the next budget bitcoin world reserve currency in Washington, while Obamacare promises to kill the American small business and bankrupt a portion of the populace; meanwhile, a digital currency is sweeping the globe.

The world has gone mad except there is likely a cure for madness. There is not for what is occurring right here and right now. Someday the reserve currency and all its lookalikes may be considered wallpaper, yet they are promissory notes anyway. Default will fix all that. My advice is to get bitcoin world reserve currency kid. Give them five minutes or so to install the apps for Bitcoin. Something, someday will replace the U. Now on the subject of big business and back door deals, this week the NFL announced it will give up its tax exempt st.

Just as Obama and Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan, were holding a joint press conference to talk about econom. You likely saw the clip on 60 Minutes last weekend that showed the major construction of condominiums and other real. Charles Biderman, the editor of Trim Tabs, an economic and market research firm, was what you might call hot in his w. Information associated with this website is believed to be accurate, however, Worth Financial Group Inc.

Skip to main content. Stay informed about the markets and economy with Strategic Market Notes. Will Bonds Continue Their Rise? Wide Open Spaces You likely saw the clip on 60 Minutes last weekend that showed the major construction of condominiums and other real. You are leaving the Strategic Money Report web site.

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Though the term emerging markets is a catch-all masking enormous variations in economic development there is no doubt that large numbers of young adults are going to face increasingly uncertain times of political and economic unrest. In these cases, as the national currency became increasingly devalued, either due to government over-printing or large injections of counterfeit bills, citizens have privileged foreign currency in order to maintain the import of goods.

But dollars are hard to come by in legal ways. Aggravated by limited foreign reserves and fixed exchange rates pegging the national currency at artificially high rates to other currencies, black market currency trading has flourished.

Finally, in Nigeria, dealers trading at an exchange rate weaker than the government-sanctioned rate risk running afoul of Nigerian intelligence services. Not all are suffering from the discordance between the official versus black-market rates. In fact, up till , some benefitted greatly from the spread. Bypassing government control and regulation, accessible via a smartphone and not dependent on a bank account, bitcoin offers one the most viable alternatives to the prized US dollar in countries suffering from an inflationary monetary policy.

Though the government is capable of limiting the supply of foreign currency through its own channels, the only way it could restrict access to bitcoin would be via nationwide internet censorship. Instead, authorities claimed the energy-intensive operation was hijacking national resources. The Latin-American nation is rocked by frequent and often severe blackouts and as electricity is heavily subsidized by the state and provided virtually free to residents, the charges of electricity theft are not entirely without merit.

Some nations have felt the currency itself directly undermines their own economic policy, and have taken steps to outright ban it. With anonymous transactions publicly controlled and validated, it has gained a reputation for being the de facto currency for extralegal, if not illegal activities.

It can be argued that these nefarious beginnings are what allowed it to gain traction in its earliest days. However, the reality is that today, Bitcoin existing independently of a regulating body is what makes it so attractive as an alternative currency. Regulating bodies are known to make mistakes and populations suffering from those mistakes must seek alternative monies regulated by alternative bodies.

Why not, therefore, a currency regulated by the people? But in Bitcoin we hope Bypassing government control and regulation, accessible via a smartphone and not dependent on a bank account, bitcoin offers one the most viable alternatives to the prized US dollar in countries suffering from an inflationary monetary policy.

Bitcoin offers one the most viable alternatives to the prized US dollar in countries suffering from an inflationary monetary policy. Not now for all, but some people need it now. Contactless cards and payments have made life in countries like Australia and the United Kingdom easier — the benefits for customers are obvious.

But why has the United States been lagging behind for so long?