Trading the Talents: Part 1-Biblical Principles on Investing

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The Christogenea New Testament in softcover at Christogenea. Available now at Christogenea. A Commentary on the Revelation of Yahshua Christ. Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin miss our ongoing series of podcasts The Protocols of Satanwhich presents many historical proofs that the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin, and that they have been fulfilled in history by the very same people who dispute their authenticity.

Our companion series, The Jews in Medieval Europehelps to explain how the Protocols have been fulfilled. Our recent Pragmatic Genesis series explains the Bible from a Christian Identity perspective which reconciles both Old and New Testaments with history and the political and social realities facing the Christian people of Yahweh God today. Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin Commentary on the Epistles of Paul has recently been completed at Christogenea.

This lengthy and in-depth series reveals the true Paul as an apostle of God, a jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin in his own right, and the first teacher of what we call Christian Identity. Don't miss our recently-completed series of commentaries on the Minor Prophets of the Bible, which has also been used as a vehicle to prove the historicity of the Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin as well jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin the Provenance of God.

Visit the Mein Kampf Project at Christogenea. Christian Truths in Black and White! Visit our store at Christogenea. The Protocols of Satan, Part The Menace of the Money Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin. In our last presentation of these Protocols of Satanwe sought to present the most authoritative and earliest proofs of the connections between Judaism and Bolshevism, so we employed many citations from the earliest official American and British government reports on Bolshevism and the revolution in Russia in order to do so.

Then, as part of this same endeavor, we presented a booklet titled Judaism and Bolshevisma collection of three articles from a publication called the Catholic Gazettewhich jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin compiled by a Mr. Homer and published inin order to further establish the asserted connections. There are many other sources, and several other early and authoritative publications, which we may have presented to further prove this assertion, however we felt that these were most sufficient for our purposes here.

Now we are going to present another booklet, this one published inwhich not only reasserts the connections of the Jews to Bolshevism, but also describes the Jewish bankers who were most active in its success, as well as their plans for putting all of the governments of the world under their economic yoke. All of this is a prelude necessary to understand the jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin and the fulfillment of that paragraph of Protocol No.

After boasting of the changing of education with the introduction of the so-called social sciences, and then after boasting of fomenting divisions and fostering hatred between the various economic classes, the very next portion of Protocol No. This hatred will be still more accentuated by the economic crisis, which will stop financial transactions and all industrial life.

Having organized a general economic crisis by all possible underhand means, and with the help jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin gold which is all in our hands, we will throw great crowds of workmen into the street, simultaneously, in all countries of Europe. These crowds will gladly shed the blood of those of whom they, in the simplicity of their ignorance, have been jealous since childhood and whose property they will then be able to loot. They will not harm our people because we will know of the time of the attack and we will take measures to protect them.

We have persuaded others that progress will lead the GOYS into a realm of reason. Our despotism will be of such a jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin that it will be in a position to pacify all revolts by wise restrictions and to eliminate liberalism from all institutions.

The Jews created Liberalism as a tool to overthrow Feudalism and the nobility, and now they would eliminate Liberalism in favor of their own tyranny, which is why the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the United States has been gradually eroded over the last years. The Protocols were first published publicly in the Russian magazine Snamja inand then more popularly by Sergei Nilus inand we can clearly and readily witness Jews in Russia implementing their agenda jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin the guise of Communism only 12 years later, in Therefore, with that alone, anyone who doubts that the Protocols are indeed the plan of World Jewry must be a shill for the Jews.

An Analysis of World Government by Finance. Before we begin, we must say that Arthur Kenneth Chesterton was an Englishman born in South Africa inand a member of the British Union of Fascists from to He was a jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin in both South Africa and in England who was at first opposed to Fascism, and then after spending some time debating Fascists during the Depression he jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin compelled to join them.

After he was associated with the Right Club, which sought to consolidate various right-wing organizations into a united front. Ramsay, author of The Nameless War. Later he was a founder of a group called The Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin of Empire Loyalistsand from until his death inChesterton was a member of the National Front. These things are important to note because there is an entire caste of people in Social Media and elsewhere on the Internet today, who think that the awakening and resistance to Jewish treachery in their quest for world supremacy just started with them, or withor with the Middle East question.

Nothing could be further from reality. In every generation there have been men who have tried to sound a trumpet and awaken White Christians to Jewish lies and treachery. Today, most of them are virtually unknown, but all of us who are awake to what is really going on in the world owe men such as these recognition and a debt of gratitude. The final deductions in this treatise, and in particular the relating of the Final Act of Bretton Woods to the financial policy which led to the foundation and perversion of the U.

Federal Reserve Board, are the author's own, for which he must not fasten any responsibility upon his authorities. Those readers, however, who wish to check the facts from which the deductions are made jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin be recommended to the following works: Douglas; and the volume is of Hansard jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin the debate on the Loan Agreement.

Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin Brooks, although it draws none of the conclusions here set down, and indeed draws some which are at variance with them, is nevertheless well worth reading because of the wonderful lucidity with which its author deals with perversions of the monetary system.

Many of the books listed in this Preface are still available in electronic format on the Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin, and a few are even still in print.

Some of these writers are academics, and others, such as the Australian Arthur Nelson Field, were also journalists who saw the Jewish conspiracy and sought monetary reform within the Empire. They were not all of the same creed, however.

Irving Fisher was born into an Protestant American family but was an avowed atheist and Yale professor of political economy. Dennis Fahey was an Irish Catholic priest who wrote in anticipation of the ultimate conversion of the Jews. He evidently was not aware that Christ had promised only that the Jews would ultimately be converted to ashes, and not to Christianity, but that is no surprise since Catholics very rarely ever study Scripture.

Now we shall commence with: Money can only be understood in terms of power. In the hands of the consumer it is power over goods. In the hands of the creative capitalist it is power over the means to produce goods. In the hands of the finance-capitalist, or money-lender, it is not only power over producers and consumers, but power as well over nations and their governments. This is certainly true. I have always opined that to the Christian, money was power to establish businesses or to develop communities, whereas to the Jew, money was power to control businesses and dominate communities, usually through stock share leveraging and usury.

So often I have come to the same conclusion in a different manner, expressed in a slightly different manner. The technique of money-lending on its simplest level is to make an advance against security, draw interest, and at an agreed date receive back the capital sum — other things being equal, a perfectly honest transaction.

If the more ambitious money-lenders kept to this even routine; however, they would be a very long time attaining power. What they desire, therefore, is that the money they lend shall either be repaid to them when its buying power has been greatly enhanced, or that it shall not be repaid at all, thus enabling them to foreclose on their mortgages and become possessed of their victim's capital assets.

These two motifs have long determined the course of economic history, explaining slump and boom, and enabling a small band of international lenders and manipulators to become the virtual masters of the world. The method was explained, with almost incredible candour, in an article which appeared in The U. When through a process of the law the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of government applied by a central power of wealth under the control of leading financiers.

This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing voters by the political party system we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned.

The contrary is true. Revolution throughout has been the friend and ally of finance-capitalism. Whether or not the French Revolution increased the sum of human liberty, equality and fraternity offers a subject for debate, but there can scarcely be any debate about its one concrete fact, which was the sweeping away of the Monarchial State and the founding in place thereof of the Bankers' State.

The Revolution of brought precious little happiness to ordinary human beings, but out of it arose the central banking system of Germany, which reached its apotheosis under the Weimar Republic, when financiers achieved more jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin power than they had ever before enjoyed. The Russian Revolution, which furnishes a complete picture of the inter-relation between international capitalism and socialism, will be considered later.

Some account must first be given of the way finance works. This is an excellent assessment, that as the old thrones of the nobility were being torn down in 19th century Europe, and replaced with parliamentary democracies, the erection of new thrones supported by gold, gold which was acquired through usury, never seems to have been challenged by any political segment. It cannot be that it was simply taken for granted by all of them that such democracies and usury-based economies were natural.

It can only be that the social societies of the times, which were to a great extent the secret societies, were under the control of the same class of individuals who sought to replace the nobility in the first place. That is the group which produced the Protocols. If a group of men in any country wishes to secure financial control over that country's destinies, the most obvious jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin step is to gain control of the issue of currency.

This involves two cardinal principles — a single, controllable currency basis, such as gold, and a monopoly of the right to circulate notes and otherwise issue credit on that foundation. The banking history of the United Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin shows how the manipulators went to work to attain these objectives.

Their weapon in every case was a deliberately engineered Stock Exchange panic, bringing ruin upon thousands of honest producers. In there was in America a monetary stringency, to counteract which the Government three years later introduced the Sherman Silver Purchase Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin, providing the means, by Government purchases of silver, of preventing currency contraction. The financiers moved swiftly into battle. This threat to gold, their chosen medium, could not be tolerated.

The American Banking Association circulated to members instructions to sabotage the Government's plan: This will require the authorisation of jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin to 1, millions of new bonds as the basis of circulation. You will at once retire one-third of your circulation and call in one half of your loans. Be careful to make a monetary stringency among your jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin, especially among influential business men.

Advocate an extra session of Congress to repeal the purchasing clause of the Sherman Law. Lindbergh brought it to the notice of the House of Representatives in In any case, it describes precisely what did happen. This Lindbergh was, of course, the father of the famous aviator and prominent member and spokesperson of the America First Committee. The senior Lindbergh was a Congressman from Minnesota for nearly a dozen years, from to There was also a famous law called the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

Both acts were passed into law inand both were named for Senator John Sherman from Ohio, who was a chairman of the Senate finance committee, and later served as the Secretary of the Treasury under President Rutherford B. Jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin at that time finance enjoyed a measure of international power, for India was brought in to help the campaign, which she did by stopping the minting of silver.

This, in conjunction with the panic deliberately jeffrey mark modern idolatry bitcoin by the New York bankers, caused the closing-down of silver mines, the shutting of factories, the crashing of banks, widespread ruin — and, of course, the repeal of the offending Act. Gold henceforward was to be the sole basis of currency, as the bankers had planned.

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