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Bitmessage does not needs to be "installed". You can find instructions to download and run bitmessage from the Main Page. A great write up for setting up and using Bitmessage on Windows can be found Here. The start-on-boot and minimize-to-tray features are only implemented for Windows thus far. If your connection indicator is green then you are already accepting incoming connections and helping the Bitmessage network.
If your connection indicator is yellow, check your firewall settings and port forwarding to make sure incoming connections are allowed to your machine on the correct TCP port Default: Bitmessage will work normally with a yellow indicator.
If your indicator is yellow, you can have up to 8 connections. To make your indicator green, please forward the required TCP port usually You can find the Port in the Bitmessage settings. If you already have a client, follow the instructions below. If you are using the Tor Browser Bundle skip to the next section. In order for Bitmessage to use Tor as a proxy follow these steps. Bitmessage can accept incoming connections as a Tor hidden service.
This feature is supported since https: In order to use it you have to manually add a new hidden service in your tor configuration. The following table explains the settings combination for Bitmessage's keys. IP addresses and port number are just examples, adjust them if you have a different setup:. As long as you have at least one connection, you can communicate with the network. If your connection indicator is yellow, you can have a maximum of 8 connections.
However, if you go offline then they must come back online within 2 days of the message being sent. Nodes delete data, and do not accept data, older than 2 days. Here is the list of supported HTML tags. A subscription allows you to receive messages, that were broadcasted by the address you subscribe too.
Since broadcast messages are encrypted with a key, that can be created by everyone who knows the address, you must be subscribed to an address to actually read the messages. Subscriptions are also required to use a Mailing List. Chan is another word for DML. Please refer to this article for a complete documentation of this rather complex feature.
When you first start Bitmessage, your client connects itself to the network and starts downloading a list of known nodes. Each new node that you connect to shares its list of known nodes. In addition to the known nodes, you will also start receiving person-to-person messages, broadcasts, and public keys. If any of these messages are bound for you, they will be shown in your inbox. All of this data is exchanged between all of your connections to make sure that everyone has a copy.
This POW helps mitigate spam on the network. Nodes and other clients will not process your message if it does not show sufficient POW.
After the POW is complete, your message is shared to all of your connections which in turn share it with all of their connections. Check your connection settings. Check if you can access the internet. In case you have a firewall with outgoing restrictions not Windoes firewall allow unrestricted access for Bitmessage through your firewall. Sometimes Bitmessage takes time to connect to the network, especially if knownnodes. Please allow at least 30 minutes for it to connect before posting to the forum.
You can also try deleting knownnodes. If none of that works, please visit the forum here. If you still do not receive a response, visit the forum to see if there is a current technical issue or to submit a new request for assistance. Here is a list of average times for different parts of Bitmessage. Please visit the forum for all other issues.
Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools Log in. Views Read View source View history. This page was last modified on 11 June , at Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 3. Privacy policy About Bitmessage Wiki Disclaimers. Up to 28 days. No OTR, not trustless. Up to days. Up to 30 days.