Fish and Chips Shop Exmouth

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Five weeks comes and goes in the blink of an eye. I have truly enjoyed my time here in Australia and the lifelong friends that I have made during my study abroad experience. I learned so much about the culture of Australia and tried a variety of Australian cuisine. I also learned and retained heaps of knowledge about marine ecology and Western Australian in general.

Ningaloo was an amazing experience that I will never forget and will treasure for the rest of my life. Swimming with majestic marine creatures like the whale shark and manta rays are something I will tell my kids about one day.

Sadly, my time down under has come to blue lips fish and chips exmouth market end and I must fly back home. Australia had a piece of my heart before this trip, but now Australia has even more. I cannot wait to come back and see more of the beautiful outback. A marine sanctuary zone is an area in the ocean that is specifically set aside for conservation. All marine life, corals and fish, and the habitat if completely protected from human impacts and pollution. There is a total of twenty-one sanctuary zones along the Ningaloo Reef.

The sanctuary zones allow for humans to look, but not take. These zones are one of the most effective ways of protecting the species that live in the reef and conserving the true nature and beauty of the reef. A fringing reef is a coral reef that lies close to the shore. Since the sanctuary zones are protected, they make great spots for snorkeling for tourists and help the ecotourism industry that relies on the Ningaloo Reef. Not only is the snorkeling great, but the sanctuary zones offer heaps of information and visuals about the biodiversity of Ningaloo.

The sanctuary zones also allow scientists to run research just like we did with the Tridacna maxima. Scientists have the ability to understand species in their natural blue lips fish and chips exmouth market with limit to no human disruptions. Sanctuary zones help preserve nature as it was meant to be, while providing researchers and tourists the opportunity to see the beauty nature has to offer.

Other World Heritage Sites include: Being a WHS blue lips fish and chips exmouth market Ningaloo to be a protected coral reef. Ningaloo being protected is important because coral reefs all over the world are dying and fading away due to climate change.

Ningaloo is well maintained by the locals and the government of Western Australia. The biggest threat to coral reefs are humans and climate change which causes the water temperature to increase. The Ningaloo Reef also has a good balance of cool and warm water rushing through thanks to the Leeuwin and Ningaloo currents. With Ningaloo being protected, coral species can flourish and spawn which ultimately brings the megafauna that Ningaloo sees during the winter months.

The megafauna of Ningaloo blue lips fish and chips exmouth market in a huge ecotourism industry that sustains small towns like Coral Bay and Exmouth. Ningaloo is also home to many species blue lips fish and chips exmouth market are only found in Ningaloo. If not protected, those species would become extinct and blue lips fish and chips exmouth market diversity of earth would decrease. A picture of myself, 30 feet under the surface, relaxing right about the corals.

Killer whales orcas are apex predators that work as a blue lips fish and chips exmouth market to attack their prey. The same is true for the killer whales that predate on humpback calves in the Ningaloo Reef.

Humpback cows mother and calves child migrate from Blue lips fish and chips exmouth market up the western coast of Australia, past Ningaloo Reef to blue lips fish and chips exmouth market final destination-the Timor Sea in northern Australia.

During their migration, killer whales will follow and hunt the humpback calves to feed the entire pack. John Totterdell the guest lecturer on orcas did a study on the killer whale predation of humpback calves. His study found that killer whales attack and succeed at capturing the humpback calf with great success.

The humpback whales have very little protection to provide the calves from being eaten by the killer whales. The two main options are as follows: During his study, Totterdell could not conclude why the escorts would help the calves and the mother. Totterdell thinks that humpback whales might be more social than previously perceived but he is not sure how the behavior of being an escort is adaptive.

Orcas attacking humpback calves is part of nature, and blue lips fish and chips exmouth market are not overly concerned because both populations, killer whales and humpback whales, are stable. More study is being done on whether or not the killer whales attack silently or not. While in Ningaloo Reef, we conducted research on clams, specifically the Tridacna maxima and the Tridacna Ningaloo. These two species are both part of the giant clam family and are very similar with the only difference being a genetic difference.

These giant clams live all along the coast of Western Australia, not just Ningaloo Reef. The giant clams obtain food through two separate processes: Each clam pattern is unique due to the zooxanthellae that inhabit the clam. The biggest threat to clams are humans and habitat damage. Inparts of the Ningaloo Reef were flooded.

The increase in sediment made the clams ability to undergo photosynthesis impossible because there was not enough light piercing through the water. Without photosynthesis, the clams lost half of their food supply and eventually died. Humans are a threat to the clams because the clams are used for their meat and shells. Much research is done on the clams because of their importance to coral reefs. The clams provide food, shelter, and act as reef builders and shapers once they have settled down permanently.

The calcium carbonate that the clams release help frame the reefs that form around the clams. Clams are indicator species. Being indicator species allow scientists to observe the clams to determine the health of an ecosystem or habitat.

Without the clams, many species would not be able to call the reef home because the clams provide sustainability to the reef. Fremantle Freo for short is a blue lips fish and chips exmouth market of Perth just to the west.

Freo is located at blue lips fish and chips exmouth market mouth of the Swan River and is a port city off the Indian Ocean. This small suburb of Perth is a hustle and bustle town containing around 27, people. Freo is also home to two local breweries: Little Creatures and The Monk.

I have eaten at both and I would have to say that Little Creatures has better food, but The Monk has better beer. The cider is sweet, but has a great flavor that is not too fruity. However, there is more to Freo than just the two breweries such as the monuments and originals buildings. The Fremantle Round House was built in and was the first permanent building in Freo and still stands to this day. In fact, the Round House is the oldest building still standing in Western Australia.

Blue lips fish and chips exmouth market Round House was used as a prison for the city. The other historic building in Freo is the actual Fremantle Prison that was built in and is now a World Heritage Site.

The prison used convict labor to help fix any issues with the buildings construction as well as the construction of Freo. The prison is almost original from when it was initially built. These two buildings are a must see, because they give the present day a look back to the early colonists days of Australia.

After you look at the history of Freo, you have to walk Market St. And at the end of the road you will find the Fremantle Market, built in The market only operates on the weekend and helps local farmers sell their products.

Not only blue lips fish and chips exmouth market the market have produce, but multiple stands that sell a variety of items from clothes to pottery to boomerangs. The market is always crowded, but is an experience all on its own. I could spend a whole day in the market if I was given the chance, but I have to study and get my assignments done. Freo is a lovely town, but will keep you on your toes with a variety of architecture and vast array of people that inhabit the small but fast-moving city.

Come back to hear more adventures of Kluk Down Under. Ningaloo Reef has been a World Heritage site since and is gorgeous, but not nearly as popular a reef when compared to the Great Barrier Reef. Ningaloo is on the northwestern side of the country near Exmouth.

Ningaloo reef is a fringing reef. A fringing reef is a reef that lies close to the shore, no more than 3 kilometers from land whereas the Great Barrier Reef is anywhere from 15 km to km. While in Ningaloo, I had the opportunity to snorkel and swim with manta rays and a whale shark.

First, I swam with the manta rays in Coral Bay. The rays were no more than twenty feet from me while I snorkeled at the surface of the water. Colors of the rays varied from pitch black to light grey. I got to snorkel with them during their feeding time. Now, the rays as well as the whale shark were in the wild.

The only human interaction with the animals is humans swimming with them. I got to observe the rays in their natural habitat swimming on the fringe of the reef. Seeing the manta rays do flips to catch food was unbelievable.

The rays were about four feet long with a wingspan of about nine feet. Now, swimming with the biggest fish in the sea might give you a heart attack, but swimming with the whale shark near Exmouth was incredible. The shark we swam with was about five meters in length or seventeen feet. The whale sharks can reach up to eighteen meters or sixty feet when fully mature.

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