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Some people spend their entire childhood fussing and fighting with their siblings and wishing they were an only child. Some spend their childhood in perfectly harmony. Well, not perfect, but harmony none the less. There are also those who have no other little person in their daily life to fuss with or to hang out with—poor people.

What ever your relationship with your brother or sister is in childhood, for many it changes when they become adults. For some the relationship drastically changes and for others, the good relationship deepens to form a solid bond of friendship. Fortunately, many wake up as adults and wonder why they fussed and fought so much as a child. All of the sudden they begin looking at their brother or sister as a real human being. They become someone you can talk to, rely on, and trust.

After all, who better to trust than a family member? Who knows you better than someone who grew up in the same house as you? This page was written in honor of brothers and sisters everywhere. Hope you enjoy the quotes. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I am sharing on my facebook about brothers and sisters.

Jerry Bailey, it's true - there's nothing like family. The memories are worth their weight in gold. Loved this, I grew up with three brothers and a sister we had wonderful times. You'll rarely frind the same kind of closness with anyone other than a sitr or a brother.

Sanjana, every now and then a person comes into our life that just feels as though they are family. I love my Dhanush brother the great kolaveri star. I know he isn't in my family. But I treat him as my own brother! These quotes helped me a brother and sister love quotes in tamil. You will never have a closer friend in the brother and sister love quotes in tamil.

It seems as though people don't take the time anymore for that special family closeness that we grew up with. Thanks for reading and for commenting. I think siblings are important. Hi KoffeeKGs sorry brother and sister love quotes in tamil took a little while to swing over to your site but i had you penciled in for a visit.

We were a tight knit unit. My two brothers and my sister attended my buck's brother and sister love quotes in tamil. We still get along fine even though they are all twelve thousand miles away. Nice of you to think of this feel good hub. You're absolutely right a sister. It is important to let them know you care every now and then. Thanks for stopping in. I agree, family is a wonderful thing.

I too, brother and sister love quotes in tamil close to my brother. There is no one that will ever be able to replace him. I just picked my brother up from the airport late last night and when my roommate asked brother and sister love quotes in tamil this afternoon, 'did you fly from the East Coast just to see your sister? That dude cracks me up--stories about being a landlord, his congregation, his violent games of frisbee, and his sports injuries No one is funnier.

Good family is a very good thing, and no one knows you like your sibling. Lisa, I have three grown daughters who are very close. You are right, it is wonderful to watch them interact.

My brother and I were always close growing up. Family is so important. Thanks for dropping in and thanks for your comment. I have one of each, and as far as our childhood family goes, we're pretty much who we have now. I absolutely love watching my own three, grown, children still seem so close now that they're grown. It's nice to know that they have what my siblings and I have. I guess, maybe, parents never know if it will work out that way when kids are still young.

Thanks Minnetonka Twin, I appreciate your comments. Some of these quotes are great to crossstitch or use on a personalized card. I voted it up and awesome and beautiful. I am excited to start reading more of you. Found you through a follower. The sister quotes really touched me. I wouldn't trade my friendship with my brother for anything. Thanks for your comment. A great reminder of how important siblings are. You grow up fighting with them and then as you grow older the friendship rather than rivalry kicks in and then that becomes support.

That is my experience with my brothers - great quotes. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. Brothers and Sisters Some people spend their entire childhood fussing and fighting with their siblings and wishing brother and sister love quotes in tamil were an only child.

Brother Quotes and Sayings Sometimes being a brother is better than being a superhero. There is no love like the love from a brother. Garretty The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there. Schulz You can kid the world. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at. They have perfected a language of snarls and smiles and frwons and winks - expressions of shocked surprise and incredulity and disbelief.

Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs - that can undermine any tale you're telling. Being siblings is easy,but being as true sister and a true brother is difficult. I thought of my brother and this hub was born. No one knows you as well as a brother or sister. Thank you so much Moment in Time. I am glad you will find them useful.

I will use some of those quotes this year in cards.

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