Us government and bitcoin calculator
33 commentsMulti chain vs ethereum bitcoins
A preliminary search gave this http: To be clear, I'm yet to do any programming on Haiku and lack the skill and knowledge to tackle a project like bitcoin - what I linked to above is someone else's blog. Just to underscore that, to date, I have no first hand experience with bitcoin at all. I'm still at the point of trying to understand how it works.
One particular unresolved question is: Why do bitcoin users trust that their private keys are safe? What is stopping malicious software from sending that information along with key-logged pass phrases to a thief? That malicious software could be anything from the wallet application to any other part of their OS or other installed software.
The only satisfactory solution I can think of would be an offline wallet application that can generate a valid key pair and accept incoming transactions being 'ferried' to it via a flash drive or some-such, shared with an online counterpart this is only aware of the user's bitcoin address and never has access to the private key.
It would also have to be able to generate outgoing transactions for the user to again 'ferry' over to an online counterpart to send to the bitcoin network. Ideally, this offline wallet application would run on a secondary computer that is never connected to the internet I'm very interested and have been passively researching it.
Sounds like you are doing the main two BitCoin wallets. There were two others I liked. They're not as well known but seemed more flexible. The only thing a user's OS choice effects is the security of their private key s.
Both thumbs up to all the people that jumped in to help ensure that OpenBSD's bills are paid. If there were enough Haiku users that also traded bitcoin to justify it, I just wanted to float the idea of a simple, non-mining, native wallet application for this OS. People would chose Haiku for their main mining OS because it would be way faster then Linux, and developers that are also miners would see the project and start helping out the community and Haiku would become extremely popular and may have thousands of forks like Linux GNU.
OS choice affects not just private key security, but also the availability of: I don't mind reading code, but haven't written any code recently. It supports ONE wallet at a time. The driven chip seems to be an FTDI serial port converter. For mining software, cgminer or bfgminer might work for basic, archaic text-mode; for robustness, something like CGWatcher would be better--with perhaps some simplification of GUI.
I wrote recently a bitcoin-bot, which runs on a server and connects to bitstamp, and which can be controlled by the user over a qt-qui It was in the testing phase, when the problem with mtgox appeared. And then I stopped working on it. If there is interest, and good ideas of the features it should have, I think, I would do it, but I'm not entirely sure. And a condition is also that haiku can update itself, since, I don't want to reinstall everything after i wanted to update to the latest nightly.
Haiku native bitcoin application? That would be EPIC for the community.