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Just over a month ago, BTer — one of the largest exchanges for Bitcoin and altcoin trading — suffered a hack of cataclysmic proportions. How could this have happened — and how would they ever address the problem? The hacker was able to gain some personal details and access the system. The real issue, though, was that BTer kept its NXT in a christoph bergmann bitcoin prices wallet, connected to the web all the time. Although the administrators used 2-factor authentication everywhere else, the NXT wallet had not been secured that way.

If it had, the hacker would have stood no chance. As the most popular destination for trading NXT, BTer held over 5 percent of the entire money supply. Once a transaction has been made, it cannot be unmade.

Cryptocurrency works on the principle of decentralisation. There is no central authority, no bank or payment processor, that has the ability to reverse a transfer. This is not to say that a transaction cannot be reversed, only that it must be the decision of christoph bergmann bitcoin prices majority.

NXT uses the proof-of-stake, not proof-of-work approach, but the overall result is the same: BTer had no means of covering the loss, and would have gone out of business overnight. That amount hanging over the market, risking crashing the price at any time on the whim of a hacker, could have led to a catastrophic loss of confidence.

According to some in the community, the only viable solution was a rollback. A rollback simply means restoring the blockchain to an earlier state — one before the hack took place. The problem is that christoph bergmann bitcoin prices rollback does exactly what cryptocurrency is supposed to avoid: What about 5 million NXT?

Any business case for using cryptocurrency of any kind will be based on its advantages over fiat, especially as used by the banks and payment processors.

Irreversibility is a big deal to merchants, who constantly have to deal with chargebacks. Many of those who had kept NXT on BTer christoph bergmann bitcoin prices for a rollback, and began running the modified software that would enable a hard fork. In the event, though, they turned out to be a small fraction of the overall community — around 8 percent, at most.

The vast majority were against the rollback, albeit at the expense of having 50 million NXT hanging over their heads, ready to drop into an exchange at any point. The true effect of a rollback cannot be christoph bergmann bitcoin prices. Some time ago Vericoin hard forked in order to reclaim 8 million christoph bergmann bitcoin prices hacked from MintPal — 30 percent of the supply. Bitcoin itself was rolled back in Marchafter a glitch in a new version of the core bitcoin software inadvertently forked the blockchain; an emergency decision ensued, and miners were called upon to revert to the old software and chain — which every client would accept.

Still, forks and rollbacks are disruptive at best — on that occasion, the price of bitcoin plunged 23 percent due to the uncertainty surrounding the problem. This made perfect sense: Initial attempts went badly. Contact was established via arbitrary messages on the blockchain, and christoph bergmann bitcoin prices outside channels. But the process was slow, and TheSir became impatient. When he threatened to leave for good and went quiet, BTer panicked.

They sent the balance of the full amount, losing their bargaining position in the process. This was the point at which the demand for a rollback became loudest. It was clear who was calling the shots, and who had christoph bergmann bitcoin prices upper hand christoph bergmann bitcoin prices negotiations. To many, the only option left was the nuclear one: Fortunately, away from the eyes of forum members and large holders with a conflict of interests, efforts were continuing.

Contact was re-established via an anonymous website and then Skype, with a third-party negotiator from NXT — not one from BTer, and therefore someone who was able to maintain some detachment from a highly stressful situation.

Dom P started by allowing and encouraging the hacker to boast about his exploit and praising him for this historic hack, allowing them to establish common ground. Ultimately, after a full night christoph bergmann bitcoin prices Skype discussion, a deal was established: Again, the transfers were to be made incrementally.

This time, both sides stuck to the agreement. Small amounts were exchanged at first, then larger as the pattern was established. Perhaps not surprisingly, the final transactions were never made: BTer has since overhauled their security policy and are adamant that this could not happen again.

TheSir is still at large, though there are ongoing efforts to find him and bring him to justice. The real message is that, ingenious though hackers may be, poor security practices account for the vast majority of thefts. Bitcoin and NXT cryptography is rock-solid. It is impossible to brute force a properly christoph bergmann bitcoin prices bitcoin cold wallet with a truly random private key, and there are no known exploits.

But a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Reused passwords, weak passwords, an identity gained or assumed by a confidence trick, coins left in a hot wallet instead of kept in cold storage: The cost of a rollback? You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

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Compared to the Bitcoin Core client hard-coding the block size limit to one megabyte, from which it is forked , Bitcoin Unlimited allows users to signal which block size limit they prefer, find the limit having a majority consensus and automatically track the largest proof-of-work, regardless of block size. The release of Bitcoin Unlimited follows the release of Bitcoin XT and Bitcoin Classic , alternative proposals which aimed to increase bitcoin's transaction capacity of around 2.

Bitcoin Unlimited is an attempt to upgrade Bitcoin Core into a client that processes bitcoin transactions into blocks with a potential maximum size greater than the Core's hard-coded limit of one megabyte. This limited the maximum network capacity to about three transactions per second. With Bitcoin Unlimited, miners are independently able to configure the size of the blocks they will validate.

Excessive Block Size, or EB, parameter allows nodes to choose the size of the block they accept. By default this is set at 16 megabytes. This implements a consensus strategy by retroactively accepting larger blocks if a majority of other miners have done so.

Miners using Bitcoin Unlimited continue to process regular-sized blocks but as soon as a block larger than one megabyte is mined, they will follow the chain containing the most work. Per the Bitcoin Unlimited website, the scalability solution will be found at a focal point. Per proponents, Bitcoin Unlimited continues the transaction capacity increase method bitcoin used for much of its existence. Business analyst and cryptoanalyst Eli Afram claimed that 'The "" 1MB , number that Satoshi input into the code follows no real decision point, but rather, a simple round numbered limit, that was never supposed to be reached.

Except that we did reach that number, and as a result, many users are now paying well over 1USD per transaction. Bitcoin Unlimited follows the release of Bitcoin XT and Bitcoin Classic , alternative proposals on how to increase bitcoin's transaction capacity. Mining pools including Antpool, [14] bitcoin. Developers of Bitcoin Core have been reluctant to increase the block size limit. A bug in BU caused Bitcoin. The numbers of nodes hosting Unlimited fell to about from following the attacks, the lowest level since October, and returned to about within 24 hours according to website coin.

Bitcoin Unlimited seeks to democratize the software development process. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 17 January Retrieved 24 January Retrieved 18 January Retrieved 15 November Extensions to the Bitcoin Client". Retrieved 6 February Retrieved 8 November The Bitcoin Unlimited Debate". Retrieved 3 May Retrieved 4 May The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 13 March Retrieved 6 March Retrieved 15 March Retrieved 18 May Articles of Federation" PDF.

Towards Massive On-Chain Scaling: Retrieved 27 March History Economics Legal status. List of bitcoin companies List of bitcoin organizations List of people in blockchain technology.

Retrieved from " https: Bitcoin clients software. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 4 May , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.