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V8Energy, one is a shortcut for the other. No, if the column is a boolean, and both csrf token missing kraken tattoo acceptable, why do you need to validate the user hasn't modified the form to submit text? What can [] be? I'd like the ability to let them know they're dumb. Joel, sounds like you're engaging in developer megalomania.

But, in order to do that they'd have to modify the form in the DOM or use curl or something. Why would you want to "Sorry, you've modified the form"? Who cares if the behavior is undefined. How do they make a mistake modifying the DOM? You're free to do what you want of course, but you're doing it wrong. Telling yourself that doesn't make it true.

I've given you well reasoned arguments on why it is stupid to do what you're doing. I've given you well reasoned arguments on why it is not stupid to do what I'm doing. I know you are but csrf token missing kraken tattoo am I? You said it was a checkbox. In the words of Wesley Snipes, some mother fuckers are always trying to ice skate up hill.

JSON represents a language that has heterogeneous objects. I'm not sure you can validate booleans in itb. So we go from validations to documentation You are not worthy of this bot! I dunno if that one is dfined. Portmanbreaus are brohibited in this channel, as decreed by Broseidon, God of the Brocean.

Never doubt the crazy shit we put in helpa. Helping an arrogant novice is like feeding a lion. It does not thell me which model nor which method. But there should be a way to set the path, one would think. I know when I'm using it locally I have to set the path, but with the wkhtmltopdf-heroku gem, I don't need to specify its location. I just wanted to make sure before I break a production app. I just don't really understand how gems work all that much, but would love csrf token missing kraken tattoo learn.

Does anyone else get this error? Did rails 4 get rid of relative partial paths? Sorry for repeating the message. Is it required to create another password field? You just need to make the fields in the form. It is pretty easy to understand. I use vendored fonts, but I have config. See under "Asset helpers" here: Why when I do this: As a convenience, for each of the following asset classes there are corresponding -path and -url helpers: Yeah I've been talking about it quite a bit.

Generally I suggest people with new Rails apps use it since it is used in Rails 4. May as well get in habit of doing things the Rails 4 way. Also, for your consideration https: The argument is that the model shouldn't know anything about mass assignment, that that is the controller's responsibility.

It also provides some advantages in that you can freely and easily mass update attributes internally, such as User. I'm not sure if this csrf token missing kraken tattoo what fixed it, but this is the only thing different… i restarted POW. FUCK that was a waist of hours. Pretty sure Radar suggested he restart his server?

Unique timestamp to differentiate the field csrf token missing kraken tattoo all others. I like to call it "scheme and domain". I can't csrf token missing kraken tattoo to find anything like fqdn. Well I was hoping there was an umbrella term for it, as it's such a used part of a URL. Can anyone point me to the right direction? I keep getting these notices during test running. It's not in the filter list is it?

I find heroku good for stuff like that. I'm getting timeouts on Spree's CI server and I'm trying to work out why. I don't even use half my I mostly just spotify now. I don't even really use itunes. Rather than guru hunting and asking if someone has csrf token missing kraken tattoo this or that, just ask your question with as much detail as possible. Even if someone hasn't used X Y or Z, there's a high chance someone can help, but only if they have details to work with.

For maximum webscales, use MongoDB. Thanks guys, appreciate the response - I have a users collection that has an email field, I would like to find all of the records where: Instead of simply saying 'something is broken' please elaborate on this by showing us the code and the error that you are getting by making a Gist http: Here dude, do this.

I just took the params value from your logs and did as he suggested. There is no params[: Those are not keys for "params". I liked this better as a logger question: Just a matter of figuring out which is the right key I didn't see a call to reject in your previous pastie. That's because you're not setting anything else. I can't say this again My one is breaking rspec output. It looks like the url being used csrf token missing kraken tattoo rails is wrong the correct url is: We cannot help you with your problem if you don't show us your code.

Please put it on http: I figure it's got to be some kind of config setting. I'll put together a gist with what i can. I can't remember now. I should really document these things in the code somewhere. The tests can also output documentation! No noob wants to read tests to explain how things work. Oh no noob sure. But I read tests right away to learn about a system. I don't think using your project as an example of why test suites aren't good documentation is a good idea.

Radar, the csrf token missing kraken tattoo you suggested results in the right url csrf token missing kraken tattoo that after the. Any significantly complex project could do with some high level test to describe flows and use cases. My point is, basically: English, motherfucker, do yuo speak it.

Prose that human readable for newbies that explains context. Radar, I just found a post you made about configuring spree 6 months ago with something similar. I am like Bad Wolf. I don't usually read Atwood's stuff. I don't agree with his convictions and more importantly his voice.

He just has that kind of shaw-ism in his writing. I'm still not sure Jeff and Zed are two individual people. People eat that shit up.

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