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One of the many great things Steemit has is censorship resistance. Unfortunately, other sites like Reddit, don't have that feature. It's terribly disappointing as I've used that a source of information and it influenced my decision to purchase litecoin. Please be careful not to depend on that sub for information in the future! Come have open discussion here on Steemit instead! So they're using the same strategy and tactics as blockstream core to get control over litecoin.

Big blockers were right when they tell r litecoin Charlie Lee is a blockstream shill. I like using Litecoin for transferring money around because tell r litecoin the low fees, but this is troubling. One mod clearly states they are an LTC tell r litecoin, I don't know about the others.

Hmm that's troubling then. I was reading a lot about that on here recently, and also on crypt0 's news channel. Lots of shady tactics being tell r litecoin there by the sounds of it. Shame to see Litecoin going a similar route. I'm not currently holding any either though, but I like it a lot as a coin.

Thanks for telling about it. I will alert some indivuals to the best of my knowlegewe all need to be very careful in this matter. And the person to spread the news will always be given the most blessings for helping others. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Just stumbled on this somehow Is the reddit sub moderated by people behind LTC, or just by enthusiasts?

If it's the latter? Then I'm not so worried. They are digging their own grave tell r litecoin my friend

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