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Cosmic acceleration is the most surprising hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value discovery in many decades. Testing and distinguishing among possible explanations requires cosmological measurements of extremely high precision probing the full history of cosmic expansion and structure growth and, ideally, compare and contrast matter and relativistic tracers of the gravity potential. The WFIRST hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value has the ability to improve these measurements by orders of magnitude compared to the current state of the art, while simultaneously extending their redshift grasp, greatly improving control of systematic effects, and taking a unified approach to multiple probes that provide complementary physical information and cross-checks of cosmological results.

This SIT has elected to jointly address Galaxy Redshift Survey, Weak Lensing and Cluster Growth and thus fully embrace the fact that the imaging and spectroscopic elements of the HLS will be hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value as hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value integrated observing program, and they jointly impose requirements on performance and operations. It is not optimized for Figure of Merit sensitivity but for control of systematic uncertainties and for having multiple techniques each with multiple cross-checks.

Submitted 10 April, ; originally announced April This document is an annual report. A higher version of this document can be found here http: Future remote sensing of exoplanets will be enhanced by hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value thorough investigation of our solar system Ice Giants Neptune-size planets.

What can the configuration of the magnetic field tell us remotely about the interior, and what implications does that field have for the structure of the magnetosphere; energy input into the atmosphere, and surface geophysics for example surface weathering of satellites that might harbour sub-surface oceans. How can monitoring of auroral emission help inform future remote observations of emission from exoplanets? Our Solar System provides the only laboratory in which we can perform in-situ experiments to understand exoplanet formation, dynamos, systems and magnetospheres.

DeJongAlexandre J. Microbial-Induced Carbonate Precipitation MICP is an innovative ground improvement technique which can enhance the strength and stiffness of soils, and can also control their hydraulic conductivity. These engineering properties of MICP-treated soils are affected by particle-scale behaviour of the precipitated carbonate, i.

In this study, we designed and fabricated a microfluidic chip to improve our understanding of MICP at particle-scale by observing the behaviour of bacteria and CaCO3 crystals during this process. We found that bacteria became evenly distributed throughout the microfluidic chip after the injection of bacterial suspension, grew during bacterial settling, and detached during the injection of cementation solution. Bacteria aggregated during the cementation solution injection, and CaCO3 crystals formed at narrow pore throats or open pore bodies either during or after cementation solution injections.

Submitted 9 April, ; originally announced April On the noncommutative Bondal-Orlov conjecture for some toric varieties. We show that all toric noncommutative crepant resolutions NCCRs of affine GIT quotients of "weakly symmetric" unimodular torus representations are derived equivalent.

This yields evidence for a non-commutative extension of a well known conjecture by Bondal and Orlov stating that all crepant resolutions of hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value Gorenstein singularity are derived equivalent. This extends a result by Halpern-Leistner and Sam which showed that such GIT quotient stacks are a geometric incarnation of a family of specific toric NCCRs constructed earlier by the authors.

As a high mobility two-dimensional semiconductor with strong structural and electronic anisotropy, atomically thin black phosphorus BP provides a new playground for investigating the quantum Hall QH effect, including outstanding questions such as the functional dependence of Landau level LL gaps on magnetic field B, and possible anisotropic fractional QH states.

Submitted 6 April, ; originally announced April This paper presents the design and implementation of an hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value control technology for a small multirotor platform for aerial inspection of fixed energy infrastructure.

Sensor placement hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value supported by a theoretical analysis of expected sensor performance and constrained platform behaviour to speed up implementation.

The optical sensors provide relative position information between the platform and the asset, which enables human operator inputs to be autonomously adjusted to ensure safe separation. The assisted control approach is designed to reduced operator workload during close proximity inspection tasks, with collision avoidance and safe separation managed autonomously. The energy infrastructure includes single hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value wooden poles and crossarm with attached overhead wires.

Simulated and real experimental results are provided. The paper is submitted to IROS Yiding FengJason D. This paper considers prior-independent mechanism design, namely identifying a single mechanism that has near optimal performance on every prior distribution.

We show that mechanisms with truthtelling equilibria, a. This study suggests that it is important to develop a theory for the design of non-revelation mechanisms. Our analysis focuses on single-item auctions for agents with budgets and the objectives of welfare and with a natural regularity assumption on the distribution. Our main results show that the all-pay auction a non-revelation mechanism is hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value optimal prior-independent approximation mechanism.

The all-pay auction, however, is not a revelation mechanism. We prove that prior-independent approximation of best revelation mechanism is strictly worse than that of the all-pay auction. Thus, the revelation gap is at least a constant. Thus the revelation gap is a constant. Many of our analyses extend to the revenue objective, position environments, and irregular distributions. Submitted 5 April, ; originally announced April Generating nonclassical states of motion using spontaneous emission.

BaragiolaJason Twamley. Nonclassical motional states of matter are of interest both from a fundamental perspective but also for their potential technological applications as resources in various quantum processing tasks such as quantum teleportation, sensing, communication, and computation.

In this work we explore the motional effects of a harmonically trapped, excited two-level emitter coupled to a one-dimensional 1D photonic system. As the emitter decays it experiences a momentum recoil that entangles its motion with the emitted photon pulse. In hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value long-time limit the emitter relaxes to its electronic ground state, while its reduced motional state remains entangled with hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value outgoing photon.

We find photonic systems where the long-time reduced motional state of the emitter, though mixed, is highly nonclassical and in some cases approaches a pure motional Fock state.

Motional recoil engineering can be simpler to experimentally implement than complex measurement and feedback based methods to engineer novel quantum mechanical states of motion. Our algorithms are simpler than previous works and give the first uniform approximation algorithms under the natural parameterization. We present their applications in bounded-degree graphs, and also give an APX-hardness result for the edge deletion problems.

Submitted 4 April, ; originally announced April Numerical exploration of trial wavefunctions for the particle-hole-symmetric Pfaffian. MishmashDavid F. MrossJason AliceaOlexei I. We find that the most natural Moore-Read-inspired trial state for the PH-Pfaffian, when projected into the lowest Landau level, exhibits a remarkable numerical similarity on accessible system sizes with the corresponding compressible composite Fermi liquid.

Our results suggest that the Hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value model wavefunction either encodes anomalously weak p-wave pairing of composite fermions or fails hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value represent a gapped, incompressible phase altogether. Submitted 15 April, ; v1 submitted 3 April, ; originally announced April CorsoRichard SocherCaiming Xiong.

Dense video captioning aims to generate text descriptions for all events in an untrimmed video. This involves both detecting and describing events.

Therefore, all previous methods on dense video captioning tackle this problem by building two models, i. The models are either trained separately or in alternation. This prevents direct influence of the language description to the event proposal, which hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value important for generating accurate descriptions. To address hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value problem, we propose an end-to-end transformer model for dense video captioning.

The encoder hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value the video into appropriate representations. The proposal decoder decodes from the encoding with different anchors to form video event proposals.

The captioning decoder employs a masking network to restrict its attention to the proposal event over the encoding feature. This masking network converts the event proposal to a differentiable mask, which ensures the consistency between the proposal and captioning during training. In addition, our model employs a self-attention mechanism, which enables the use of efficient non-recurrent structure during encoding and leads to performance improvements.

Submitted 3 April, ; originally announced April To appear at CVPR Non-resonant production of Higgs-pair via heavy intermediate hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value may be a distinctive hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value for extended discrete symmetries when accompaied by large missing transvers energy.

This paper makes a case for the search for this channel at the LHC by studying its discovery potential. Submitted 2 April, ; originally announced April KimZhixin LuSteven H. StrogatzDanielle S. Understanding conformational change is crucial for programming and controlling the function of many mechanical systems such as allosteric enzymes and tunable metamaterials. Of particular interest is the relationship between the network topology or geometry and the specific motions observed under controlling perturbations.

We study this relationship in mechanical networks of 2-D and 3-D Maxwell frames composed of point masses connected by rigid rods rotating freely about the masses. We first develop simple principles that yield all bipartite network topologies and hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value that give rise to an arbitrarily specified instantaneous and finitely deformable motion in the masses as the sole non-rigid body zero mode.

We then extend these principles to characterize networks that simultaneously yield multiple specified zero modes, and create large networks by coupling individual modules. These principles are then used to characterize and design networks with useful material negative Poisson ratio and mechanical targeted allosteric response functions.

Submitted 3 May, ; v1 submitted 31 March, hitoshi to bitcoin calculator value originally announced April Adaptive quantum optics with spatially entangled photon pairs. Light shaping facilitates the preparation and detection of optical states and underlies many applications in communication, computing and imaging.

In this work, we generalize light shaping to the quantum domain. We show that patterns of phase modulation for classical laser light can also shape higher orders of spatial coherence, allowing deterministic tailoring of high-dimensional entanglement.

By modulating spatially entangled photon pairs, we create periodic, topological, and random patterns of quantum illumination, without effect on intensity. We then structure the quantum illumination to simultaneously compensate for entanglement that has been randomized by a scattering medium and to characterize the medium's properties via a quantum measurement of the optical memory effect.

The results demonstrate fundamental aspects of spatial coherence and open the field of adaptive quantum optics. Submitted 31 March, ; originally announced April Radiation pressure dominated accretion discs may have turbulent velocities that exceed the electron thermal velocities. Bulk Comptonization by the turbulence may therefore dominate over thermal Comptonization in determining the emergent spectrum. We discuss how to self-consistently resolve and interpret this effect in calculations of spectra of radiation MHD simulations.

In particular, we show that this effect is dominated by radiation viscous dissipation and can be treated as thermal Comptonization with an equivalent temperature.

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